[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center] Mentions: [@Ithradine], [@Izurich], [@Click This] [color=lightblue]"Arton with me!"[/color] Galahad bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. Miina's spell had taken out the leadership, and the soldiers surrounding him were beginning to crumble, their focus dividing as they faced attack from multiple angles. Bounding forward, Galahad leaped and swerved, juking his way through oncoming fire before straighting out the last dozen yards and bursting forward with his halberd held before him. The Dragoon crashed into the fractured enemy formation, impaling the foremost soldier with the point of his weapon like a cavalryman's lance. An upward swing of his heavy blade sending the skewered man flying unceremoniously through the air, landing a few feet away with a sickening thud. Twisting his torso, Galahad took a step back and twisted his weapon, catching the blade of another soldier on the haft of his halberd as he shoved him back, flipping his halberd and jabbing with the pointed butt of his weapon. Mithril cleaved through the steel armor and sent the soldier reeling, though Galahad didn't check his kill as he began to flourish his weapon, wide swings and arcs keeping the soldiers at bay and further breaking up their formation. The fighting from inside grew louder now, as Izayoi's team finally spilled out of the prison, they'd retrieved Hein. All that was left now was for them to retreat, though that was easier said than done with the airship pouring fire down onto them. Or at least it would have been, if not for their black mage pulling a literal dragon out of her hat. The resulting display of power was awe inspiring, and was perhaps a reminder of the sheer amount of threat Valheim truly posed- had Eve stayed loyal to them, perhaps the Kirins would be the ones on the receiving end of this magic. Galahad's awe quickly turned into horror as he saw the girl transform back into her original form and began falling- did she not have a backup plan? Or perhaps was he the backup plan and no one told him. With a curse, Galahad quickly extricated himself from his current engagement, throwing back Valheim footmen with a wide swing before he jumped high into the air, the crest of his arc meeting Eve's trajectory as he caught her. Roof tiles scattered and shattered as Galahad's form landed on the roof next to Eliane. [color=lightblue]"This wasn't part of any plan [i]I[/i] discussed."[/color] Galahad grumbled as he set the no-longer-dragon girl down next to Eliane, quickly unclasping his cloak to wrap it around the unconscious eidolon. [color=lightblue]"I think she'll be safest up here. Let's wrap things up and get out of here, quickly."[/color]