[Hider="Siloh"] Name: Selen Night “Siloh” Gender: Male Age: 21 Height: 5’6” Weight: 120 Appearance: Siloh is a short and lean young man of deeper honey complexion. He isn’t quite toned physically, with the exception of his calves being bulky from long endurance walks. His frame is a small hourglass, along with the lean shape gives a sharp look to his elbows and his knees. His shoulders and hips are out a few inches more than his middle. He doesn't look to eat much. His hair is a messy mix of spiked bangs that partially cover his eyes. The hair had stripes of gray in it sense high school from unusual levels of stress, and has sense been dyed into a deep cosmic purple all around. His eyes often look wide and bulging open, with their deep brown irises that nearly look like black voids. Heavy grey bags are just below them from nights of staying up late either ghost hunting, editing, researching, or all three. It leaves him with a rather intense stare. Onto register for his adventure in Kalos, he was sent off with frilly shirts! Most of which were white or lavender, a purple bowtie, and jean shorts. Most of this is covered up by a large black baggy zip up hoodie, with the exclusion of a pair of heavy duty boots. He nearly always has a strapped camcorder on his left hand. Recently he put tattoos of the ‘evil eye’ on both his left and right palm. Personality: Siloh is typically quiet and non-confrontational unless he’s cornered. He hesitates to directly engage with others he’s not familiar with in some form of another, which may sometimes confuse others as him being aloof or anti-social. While he rarely will go out of his way to initiation social situations, he does enjoying being involved in them to some capacity. He’ll be the quiet one in the room, but does genuinely enjoy being in the room and watching others. He can be very easy to open up when discussing his favorite topics, or with others he’s been around for a long time. While socially quiet, he tends to notice and look at the small details of situations. How many times a person moved their pen, and perhaps why, a button that’s missing from a shirt, small changes in tone that sound off for one reason or another. He struggles with an underlying envy of wanting to achieve greatness or prowess from watching others. This envy has bled into an increased motivation in his own obsessions & interest to push himself, frequently too far. If someone around him has achieved something of note, he’ll want to push to find something out there soon after! Sometimes endangering himself, or his health by obsessing over the matter. Despite his surface meek nature, he can be rather ferocious once set in his way. Part of the vigor may easily leak out when expressing excitement about ghosts, monsters, abandoned or historical sites, or film editing among a few. Backed into a corner, the underlying ferocity turns to rash decision making or going to dangerous places. Despite his meekness & envy, he loves to share achievements and adventurers with those around him. Being loyal to a fault for those who are willing to be share adventurers with him, and be near him. Especially of interest of a darker nature. While he’d not actively choose to be malicious unless backed into a corner, he may easily excuse or ignore non-moral actions of others around him, unless they directly hurt him or others within his immediate circle. History: In early childhood Selen lived in Kalos with his dad, inside of an old rental duplex near Lumiose city,Kalos. His mom left when Selen’s older brother passed away from an incident as a trainer. Selen has trouble remembering his mom at all, but has vague clouded memories of his older brother. His dad, Tazen, was a rookie cinematographer with an upcoming reputation for romance films & niche sci-fi. His talent mixed with a charismatic personality, though womanizing helped pay the bills. In the meantime Selen would be in the editing studios to be left nearby, or left at home with Tazen’s grumpig to babysit. Rummel, was a partner from Tazen’s former trainer days. Selen couldn’t be around during certain filming shoots, and that’s where Rummel covered. It wasn’t a strong social life, but Selen wasn’t a social child yet. He did, envy those who were, and Rummel was a strong but quiet listener. Being a psychic pokemon helped as well. Selen had been enrolled into a private school nearby at age ten. Rummel and Tazen had pulled some strings and budgeting and it was either private school or a larger apartment. Private schooling won, with some assistance. A possible upcoming big film back in Hoeenn was rumored to be in script production in the background as well, making the choice easier if Tazen needed to move back to Hoeen instead. He officially met André and the others there! Selen had met Michelle LeBeau quite a few times, often in passing. His dad had talked fondly of her on a frequent basis. He had even seen André around or in passing photos a couple times, but never formally met them face to face. Sadly, and oddly it seemed like early schooling went by in a blurr. At times, it feels like there’s a shroud covering portions of his memory with it. He vaguely recollects wanting to go an adventure, and a small one he tried to invite friends too. He rough remembers a halloween trip with some friends to an abandoned farm. He struggles to remember who went with him, and how exactly he got there. But he does vaguely remember ending up in a siloh and having to claw his way out using a cloth blanket. He remembers, something had terrified him out of his wits, and thinks he was picked up at some point. After that incident, he got a nickname for laughing the whole thing off, and also used it as part of his video channel name: “Siloh Investigates.” He didn’t really use it for more than school projects versus ghostly investigations until highschool. But things got, awkward before then. André moved away, and Siloh struggled to not be a complete shut-in, constantly feeling drained. The events of the abandoned farm & André leaving to Unova, not long after affected him. He felt, (and was) haunted after the fact. He continuously felt drained around the house, to the point Rumel grew worried. Sometimes at night Rumel would even wake up Siloh, and force them out of the house! It did give him an excuse to sneak into film editing studio’s and hang out with his dad more often. When he wasn’t spotting technical errors or weird things found on editing tapes, he’d officially start making “Siloh Investigates”. Turning the channel into a semi-montlhy series on spooky happenings and investigations to get him out of the house. It also gave him something, that only he could make, or see first before anyone else. The channel became a minor obsession. Especially partway in highschool where Siloh & Tazen moved back to Hoeen for the filming of the new horror romance, “Curse of the Spiral Dance.” The two moved into the family house in Mauville city, his aunt had been taking care of it until recently. She wanted to pursue her degree in Unova, and seems she stayed. Sense moving, Tazen started dating, faitfully, to an electrical engineer & prop artist Morine. Despite Tazen & Morine claiming it’s “nothing serious” both Siloh & Tazen know better. They’re still dating to this day! While dad was gone more, & rummel giving Siloh increasing freedom from their age, “Siloh Investigates” became a priority. He actually wanted, craved, need to make something of himself like other upcoming graduates. “Siloh Investigates” could edit, sure. But he wasn’t charismatic from the camera. He couldn’t or rather, struggled to find amazing camera shots like his father could, and he wouldn’t dare to make stuff just because! He grew with envy seeing the natural talents of those around him, and all he could do was make others look better. He needed too, no he would live for, finding something on his own! The thrill and chills of ghost hunting had captured his heart since middle school! Now he needed to prove himself, he wanted to capture something no one else could. He needed to catch a ghost on camera and the spooky happenings without editing. Not just ghost types either, but actual, human ghosts or occult mysticism! Something he couldn’t just edit in, but capture with his own eyes, his own mind, and hopefully his camera. He had searched plenty of places before, and oddly sometimes had memory lapses in them, but no, he needed something, spookier! An abandoned and warded off course, hidden through the woods of Route 123, and just bit inward from the coastal cliffs. He’d visit day after day, week, after week, for years! Always feeling a “presence” nearby! It would started off small, but showed the signs that this place was the jackpot. Small items would move, and go missing, unexplainable noises, increased memory lapses that left him back outside. Jackpot! He’d use the place as a constant “return-to-sight”, and after some digging (both research and literal) found a trapdoor under one of the bedrooms. Entering, he could feel a familiar sensation of a shroud covering him, covering his eyes, before he came upon an occult shrine & ghosts on the other side of the room! The specters commanded him to leave, and he did so gladly. Thinking he finally caught it all on his big breakthrough! A joyous occasion. Returning home, he didn’t quite catch the vision he had hoped for.. but with months of editing and determination-! He came away with a blurry single frame and sleep deprivation. He didn’t know when, but the briefest moment he had passed out, again. The sensation of a cloth blanket jolted him back awake once more. Only for that very blanket to fly off him in alarm, a shuppet! A shuppet had followed him home. The mixture of shock, awe, and perhaps his brain being fried from being awake in the first place shot out of him! And into the nearby computer behind him. A new video file added: The video was of a ghostly family pointing directly at Siloh, commanding him to “LEAVE!” Along with the imprint of a fuzzy memory. A memory of friends long ago. An agreement among all of them one day-:”To go on an adventure!” It wasn’t long after that, that Siloh received a letter to return to Kalos with André and the others. Other: There had been a small incident in middle school where he was challenged to a pokemon battle after being cornered. Being bullied for turning into a recluse. He didn’t have a pokemon that he was aware of, and fought directly instead. He still has an uncanny instinct to fight hand-to-hand when being challenged to a battle, but knows better. The idea of being a trainer didn’t appeal to him when he was little, since it sounded like being a homeless vagabond. It wasn’t until later that the freedom that came with it, along with personal growth became increasingly appealing, even something to be envious of. He’s an urban explorer of abandoned buildings, especially ones claimed to be haunted. Interested in mysticism and the occult along with it. He constantly carries around an old video camera, and record just about everything in his day-to-day life. Having a bit of a minor obsession over it in case he catches anything ‘spooky’ or ‘mystical’ on tape. He accidentally packed feminine clothing along with him, some of which include skirts. A desperate need for ghost hunting equipment, paying viewership lead to a ghost hunting live stream in a cosplay. It paid more than enough to cover the equipment. (Weakness) He is allergic to most perfumes, excluding those made solely from natural elements. Leading to sneezing, tearing up, loss of concentration, and long lasting rashes if exposed for more than a few minutes. Psychic: Video thoughtography- The ability to take images from their mind, typically memories and to convert or “burn” it into a video or film medium by touch. Spiritual Perception- The ability to see ghosts and similar supernatural entities. (Weakness)-Open Channel- Connected to spirits and left vulnerable to them. Open to possession by said creatures at a higher rate, and to some of their influences. [Hider=Pokemon] Pokemon Nickname: Mober Species: Shuppet Gender: male Personality: A protective and comforting friend. Mober prefers to comfort in small ways, and often in secret if they can. They have a bit of an adventurous streak in enjoying the sight of new places. History: Originally had started haunting Selen back in Kalos when they were little. It had saved him from a malicious drifloon that scared kid Selen with a frightening mirage, and dropped them toward a silo. Ever since then Mober kept an eye out for Selen & kept him from the truly “dangerous stuff”. It did cover, Siloh’s eyes and possessed him often to do so. Each possession it blurred Siloh’s memory, and incidentally made him more vulnerable to the supernatural. While Rumel, was suspicious for a long time. The shuppet always brought Siloh home, and generally acted harmless. It officially met Siloh, after a long editing session of one of their many ghost videos! Getting caught covering the soon-to-be trainer up. It’s far too afraid to return to the haunted Shrine, and the further away Siloh is from it, the better. Other: Mober’s body, is made out of a small dusty plush blanket On the outside it simply appears as a faded grey blanket covered in dust, but on the inside it has a starry sky pattern with crescent moons as well. The stronger Mober gets, the more of the blanket pattern is revealed. The blanket is originally from Siloh’s deceased brother, having thought to be lost during the original move to Kalos decades ago. Its horn has a flat circular plateau like bump. It has never, and will never appear around Tazen. It seems actively afraid too. (See Frisk) If someone or a pokemon has an item of interest, it may follow after them. [/Hider] [/Hider] Will be adding more formatting much later but basically this-