[hider=Yui] [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/550x/bb/a7/6b/bba76b501cb3ed4c5740e50d58baf9e2.jpg[/img][/centre] [color=deepskyblue]ɴᴀᴍᴇ[/color] Yui Kazuma [color=deepskyblue]ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ[/color] Streamlined Hero - Gauss [color=deepskyblue]ʟɪꜰᴇᴛɪᴍᴇ[/color] 31-7-2110 · 17 [color=deepskyblue]ꜱᴛᴀɢᴇᴘʟᴀʏ[/color] Yui is an intelligent, but blithe and sarcastic individual who stands out only as much as he feels at any given moment. He doesn’t concern himself very much with the opinions of others and prefers to live his life the only way he knows how. His approach to things is generally practical if not always straightforward. While he usually finds lying to be something of a hassle, he's entirely willing to do so if it makes things more entertaining. Yui is good at reading people, for good or for ill, and often uses his morbid sense of humour to unnerve others for his amusement. Orphaned at a very young age, Yui learnt from early on that life wasn’t easy, nor was it ever fair, especially to those like him with nothing of their own but a name—if even that, [I]taking[/I] just to survive. Reality was harsh and often disappointing, and that was a fact of life many were forced to accept from the moment they were born til the day they died. It was also a fact that Yui rejected. No setback, no matter how severe, was ever a reason to lay down and accept it; that was only the way a loser would think. It was merely a challenge to overcome, an obstacle to dismantle, and that made life all the more exhilarating. Fairness was a concept that caused nothing except despair to those who felt they were not on the receiving end. Heroes and villains were fascinating to him in that regard; the villains who threatened society were derided as dangerous and unstable, while the heroes who protected the status quo were lauded as champions and saviours by the masses. In the end, they were but two sides of the same coin in a twisted world that fed off the weak. Thus, he began to wonder.... Yui’s motivation for becoming a hero was a paradoxical one. Prior to his enrollment into Eirei, Yui secured an internship at the Hawks Agency, where he could gain practical experience in the field without the restrictions that came with many others. Attending classes at Eirei would be a change of pace. Time would tell if that was a good thing. [color=deepskyblue]ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ[/color] Mixed Martial Arts Weapons Handling Athletics Cooking Analysis Strategic Aptitude Eidetic Memory Biofeedback Anatomic Knowledge Engineering [color=deepskyblue]ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴍ[/color] [b]Kinetic Armour:[/b] This supportem is made from highly durable, temperature-resistant and conductive material in order to accommodate the energy generated by his Quirk and lessen air resistance when he moves. It allows him to freely supercharge his body without destroying his clothing every time he uses his powers by converting the excess energy to enhance his body without needing conscious thought. [b]Siphon Spheres:[/b] A set of energy-absorbing metallic orbs that Yui can enhance and control with kinetic energy, providing him with a ranged option against his targets. Far more advanced than they appear at first glance. [color=deepskyblue]Qᴜɪʀᴋ[/color] Kinetics - Accumulation/Emulation [Awakened] Yui can absorb and manipulate kinetic/potential energy. His Quirk functions as a sort of organic battery that stores a set amount of energy and can be further charged by either generating more through his own movements or siphoning it from things he touches (or that touches him). Using this stored energy, he can enhance himself in several ways, such as supercharging his speed and mental processes or significantly accelerating his healing capabilities. When he actively uses his Quirk, his body generates erratic bolts of "electricity". Yui can also transfer energy between bodies, supercharging them to various degrees or, inversely, siphoning energy from objects/people around him to slow them down. [color=deepskyblue]ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴍᴏᴠᴇꜱ[/color] [b]Overcharge:[/b] A powerful and dangerous move wherein Yui transfers more energy into a single object than it can safely store all at once, which causes an explosive reaction. The size of the explosion depends on not only the amount of energy transferred but also the energy capacity of the object in question. It works just as well on organic matter, though Yui has never used it on a living human being. [b]Redline:[/b] Yui expends all(most) of his stored energy at once. This pushes his Quirk beyond the redline, supercharging all of his capabilities into overdrive. When past the redline, bolts of arcing electricity dance periodically from his body regardless of whether he is wearing his armour, exploding with force en masse when he deactivates it. [/hider]