[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230205/f69dd2f75b7475275d406e055ff4e99c.png[/img] [color=537DAE][b]Mentions:[@vietmyke][@Raineh Daze][/b][/color] [/center][hr] A shot of enthusiasm shown in Arton's smile as Miina's spell seemed to do great work, eliminating or incaptiating a large number of foes [color=537DAE]"Way to go Miin-"[/color] The thunderous fury of the airship's barrage cut off the last syllable and turned what might have been a inspiring moment into a cascade of despair. His shoulders dropped and his smile turned hollow. Fire began to illuminate the night sky, framing the airship in an ominous light. The deafening roar of the artillery was quickly replaced by the distant cries and screams of its victims. [color=537DAE][i]Keep focused, don't think[/i][/color]. No matter how many time he repeated it inside his mind, his feet seemed to be frozen in place. Luckily Galahad's voice took over whatever thoughts were distracting him and pressed him back into the fight [color=537DAE]"Got your back!"[/color] Arton fiercely replied and quickly followed the dragoon, moving his shield to block out incoming fire and side-stepping when able. His sword came down on the next soldier in line the moment after Galahad had impaled the man. Arton ducked as an enemy spear swung overhead, catching the haft close to the spear tip before it went out of reach. A quick twist of his wrist and a directed point of pressure snapped the spear tip off to which Arton then used to impale the neck of its owner. After that, he balanced his attacks with Galahad's sweeping motions, picking off the stragglers not caught in the whirlwind of death. A flash of relief washed over him as they finally managed to regroup with the infiltration team, with Hien in tow. He knew little of the situation here in Osprey but he hoped he was worth all this effort. The reunion hadn't even begun when Eve took off, quickly becoming enveloped in a swath of bright colors. Arton quickly averted his eyes as her clothes began to disappear amidst the chromatic energy, lifting hand to act as a shield. The sounds of his comrades'reactions made it impossible not to look back. The raw power and force of Eve's new form erased any embarrassment he might have felt. She had a unique appearance before but this was...almost mythical. His mouth went agape as the mega flare devastated the airship, suddenly feeling small in comparison to Eve's power. It was made clear quickly that such power did come at a cost as she began to fall from the sky, no signs that she would recover on her own. He locked eyes quickly with Galahad [color=537DAE]"Go! I got this covered!"[/color] Arton yelled as took up position in the clearing Galahad made, putting himself in the way of as many opponents as he could. [color=537DAE]"Please, don't drop her..."[/color]. He muttered to himself as he took a deep breath, the group of soldiers regrouping [color=537DAE]"...barrier."[/color] With that breath, he flung towards the closest soldier, smashing his shield into their helmet and caving it completely in.