[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmRlMTk4YS5WR0Y1YkdFZ1EyaHZhUSwsLjA,/zolanti.regular.webp[/img][/h1][/CENTER] Mention: Tsukino[@Estylwen] Tayla felt weighed down by the rain soaking her heavy clothes. All this had to go down in the fall when she wears thick hoodies for warmth. Even putting her hood up didn't help her not feel like a drowned rat. The ground got mushy, her boots squishing with each foot fall. If this situation got worse and she had to run, it'll be hell trying to do it in these conditions. It took her few minutes to get close enough to get a good look at the wall without being near it. The zombies she'd seen in Jack's memories where a little too close for comfort, but they weren't walking towards her or the wall. They were jerking and doing a weird movements. Someone must have done something to them. When she tracked Tsukino down with the headphones, she had heard others' thoughts too. She wasn't sure how she should approach this. There was a battle going on and she's not about to walk right into the thing she ran away from when 8th Street showed up. She could stand out here and wait. That would be the best option. She eyed the zombies. As long as they kept doing whatever the hell they were doing, then she wouldn't need to worry while she waited. She walked in a circle to keep her circulation going. She'd stood out in the rain without moving before. Quickest way to freeze. A pink mist crept towards her. Fuck. She could guess what that is. She's not seen pink magic that wasn't related to Pink Lux. She didn't know what that did, and she wasn't willing to find out. She back away from it. She doubted it could travel far. As long as she outpaced it, then she would be go- She got smashed into and knocked over by the person she'd been waiting on. [color=DE198A]"Ow! What the fuck?"[/color] she said, her breathe taken from her. Tsukino had her wings out, she didn't remember her being able to do that, and latched onto her hand. It seemed like she was going to lift her out of there, but the pink mist overwhelmed them. She couldn't help but breathe it in. [color=FF8B00]"Hey, babe, you okay?"[/color] Tayla nearly jumped out of her skin. Her sudden movement to look at James shook the little boat they were in. It's the one tied to the end of his family's dock. It sat four people comfortably and had a motor on the back. She loved this boat. They'd always go out on the water for little dates on the weekends. Once, they went so far out on the ocean, they couldn't see their island anymore. It's like old times. [color=FF8B00]"You almost knocked Siwannie out."[/color] He held her little boy in his lap, having pulled him away from the side when she was spooked. [color=DE198A]"괜찮아?"[/color] she asked her baby, leaning forward and taking his littles hands. He giggle, moving her hands up and down with his. [color=FF8B00]"He's so cute. How do you have a son that's this cute?"[/color] She laughed and looked up at him. [color=DE198A]"Have you seen me?"[/color] [color=FF8B00]"I have and your gorgeous."[/color] She blushed. A goofy grin spread across her face. [color=DE198A]"I know," she whispered. She used to deny her looks, but James never let her get away with it. He wouldn't except anything less than her acknowledging her beauty when he was around. [color=FF8B00]"I hope our kids look like you."[/color] [color=DE198A]"Our kids? We're only twen-ty..."[/color] Her grin slowly fell. 'Twenty-five' was what she was going to say. For the first time out to sea she got a good look at James. His shoulders that were narrow a few months ago had broadened out. The sun shown bright on his dark curly fro. He'd gotten a side fade a week ago at the barber shop. Said he wanted to try something different other than his twists. His fair brown skin didn't look effected by the sun at all, despite him having a tendency to turn red in his cheek when the heat got overbearing. [color=FF8B00]"Babe?"[/color] He looked concerned. She'd seen that look dozens of times before. It's the face he always gave her after every fight with the Stygian Snake. He'd worry that she got hurt, when it's her that was worried for him. He had Orange Lux. He's more likely to get hurt going head to head with the Snake or when assisting someone else's power. The thing that hit her hardest was that he still looked the same he did the day he died. Forever frozen at sixteen. Never growing up with her. Never growing older. He'll always have his baby face. He'll never develop a sharper jaw like his father. He'll never get the tattoo of a dove and a tiger on his back. They'll never have kids. Or buy a home. Or go to college together. They're lives stopped at sixte-No his life stopped. Hers went on pause for a little while. She looked down at her baby boy, then picked him up. He was her present, her future, and her forever. He's waiting for her right now, at home. She stood up in the middle of the boat, in the middle of the ocean, under an unforgiving sun she couldn't feel the heat from. She had to wake up and keeping pushing forward. If she stayed here, she'll die. She wasn't ready for her afterlife with James yet. It could wait. [color=DE198A]"I love you, Jamie."[/color] She never got to tell him that. One of her biggest regrets was that she didn't say it back when he told her earlier that day. [color=FF8B00]"I know."[/color] He gave her that sideways grin of his, then he vanished. Rain poured down on her. Her vision blurred from her tears. It hurt to breathe. She wanted to go home. See her son. Get away from everything that reminds her of him. She's afraid she'll back slide. Slip into oxy to forget what she just saw. She can't forget. Wanting to forget puts her back with Dean and anyone that'll fuck her for a pill. She wiped her eyes and was somehow already on her feet. She wiped what she could and pushed the rest down. She found Tsukino, probably still in her vision. Now wasn't the time. They had to go. She grabbed and shook her from whatever she was seeing. She didn't know what the situation was like on the battlefield now or how long she was out for, but that's time wasted on making an escape when there were people trying to kill them. [color=DE198A]"Get up. We gotta go. Now!"[/color]