[center][color=#b3ccff][h2]Esben Mathiassen[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Eve lifted into the sky and Rudolf rushed forwards at Izayoi's words, leaving Esben standing by the former general and her current charge. If it hadn't been for the smoke obscuring things, he may have thought the sun had risen when Eve began her attack; in a moment, though, there was little left but the falling, burning wreck of the airship keeping the battle below lit. A battle beyond his particular capabilities—his skillset wasn't one suited to open war. [color=#b3ccff]"Perhaps that's a position better suited to you, [i]ja?"[/i][/color] he said, turning over to Izayoi for a moment. [color=#b3ccff]"Surprise is lost at this point, and that's my main tool. I can either stay close to you and we push forward together, or you can pass him to me and cut the path quicker."[/color] As he expected, Izayoi's narrowed eyes fell on him almost instantly, wary—[i]overly[/i] wary, he would argue—of any betrayal. [color=#736aff][b]"Would you hand off the last worthy leader of your homeland to a barely-trusted foreigner?"[/b][/color] Esben let the words hang for a moment, turning to watch the flash of silvery blue as Galahad leaped to catch Eve, Ciradyl coming to her own landing a short ways away. [color=#b3ccff]"I would if they were one of my allies, and were the one to draft the plan that led to his successful rescue,"[/color] he replied as he turned back, conversational and urbane in the face of Izayoi's suspicion. [color=#b3ccff]"We already do xenophobia and isolationism better than you northerners. Don't make us be the pragmatic ones as well."[/color] The stood a heartbeat longer before Izayoi wordlessly passed Hien over, nearly throwing the man into Esben's waiting grasp before rushing ahead, blade flashing in the firelight to cut a path for the young lord's escape. Esben quickly shifted Hien's arm around his shoulders, half-dragging him as they followed the others. [color=#b3ccff]"Well, that's for the best, I suppose,"[/color] he mused to Hien. [color=#b3ccff]"Elly might have exploded herself if she had to be the practical one of the group."[/color]