Excuse me if it's a bit of a mess. The pronouns in particular are all over the place (trying to figure out what feels right). I intend to figure out a good name+add in a visual reference. This should be good to look over though in the meantime. [hider=character] Name: TBD Gender: (she/him/they pronouns) Age: 21 Appearance: Blank is blonde with hazel green eyes. Once you stop trying to figure out which species of carnivorous lizard her resting facial expression looks like he's quite attractive (tho some may find that attractive to begin with). Their long legs make them seem longer than they really are. they're muscular but soft. The kind of build you get from hauling bags of pokefood all day and having to wrestle angry injured pokemon. Their hair has a slight wave and is chin length. Personality: Blank is… odd to say the least. This of course isn’t surprising as he has a passion for psychic Pokémon and “normal psychic type trainer” might as well be an oxymoron. Especially those of the gym leader aspiration. He can switch from chatty and animated to dead silent in a heartbeat. She’ll gladly engage anything in conversation. Friends, strangers, Pokémon, plants, inanimate objects. The next moment she’ll be dead silent and blank faced. If you look into her eyes it may look like there is either nobody home OR all together too much going on inside her head. Despite her odd mannerisms she’s nothing to be scared of and really isn’t all that weird when you get to know her beyond first impressions. She grew up adventuring with her parents so she knows her stuff. History: Blank has moved around a lot during her life due to his parents jobs as investigative journalists/researchers obsessed with legendary and mythical Pokemon and those who tried to use them for their own gain. It's probably not a good idea to bring your toddler along when you're chasing ancient gods and power hungry criminals but blank survived his childhood without any major injuries or trauma so it turned out all right. Blank ended up in a private school during his families stay in Kalos. He ended up catching Andres attention by accident. Andre was just another student to Blank and Andre (having never been treated as a normal child before being the son of celebrities) found this lack of interest or obsession intriguing. They ended up making good friends for each other as they both had spent their childhoods not interacting much with other children. Blank has currently settled in Unova and works at a wild Pokemon rehab center with plans to add a gym to the operation as a means of funding it. She was surprised to see the letter and the idea of Andre going on a Pokemon trainer adventure amused her. She wondered if the pampered glitter bomb fully understood what that entailed. It sounded like fun. Even better than fun were the finances to go and stay in the Kalos region where her beloved metang was being treated for injury at a specialized poke center. She had been unable to go with them due to the rehab center being understaffed and lack of finances to stay there in the city. The rehab however had recently gained plenty of dependable volunteers and this provided the perfect opportunity to gain the experience needed to become a gym leader. Other: As many psychic specialists do Blank has some psychic quirks of their own. While he usually wears practical clothing due to their work she loves a chance to dress up. On the plane ride there blank feels they are missing something though can’t put their finger on what exactly. Oh well. Feels that way whenever you travel doesn’t it? We’ll see how long it takes them to realize they don’t have a Pokémon with them. [/hider]