[color=8493ca][center][h2]Javal[/h2][/center][/color] [center][h3]??? - Forest[/h3][/center] For a while, it appeared that their exploration was looking up. They had come across an open area with a river and lake. The river wasn't just another water source (and potential food source, if any of his companions happened to be adept at fishing), Javal speculate that it might potentially lead them to civilization. Any thought that things were measurably improving quickly dissipated, however, when the shadow appeared overhead. Looking up, Javal beheld what it was- a giant bird the size of a small airplane, and seemingly made of metal. It passed over them and landed near the lake, having either failed to notice the group or paid it no attention. The two elves discussed this, and he had to agree with their assessments- this metallic flyer was far too dangerous for them to take on, especially only after they had just gained their new forms. They absolutely did not want to give this thing any excuse to tangle with them. Javal complied with the suggestion to sit down, not wanting to be seen by that monstrous creature. [color=8493ca]"It definitely looks like it's plated in metal,"[/color] he whispered to the elf mage. This was, overall quite a troublesome development. If such massive avians lived out there, then every moment might need to be spent watching the skies. It certainly made the river and lake seem like a much less desirable place to be. [color=8493ca]"I think we should be able to inch our way back to the cliff,"[/color] he suggested. [color=8493ca]"I'm hoping it'll get a drink of water and be on its way, but I'd rather not leave it to chance."[/color] [@Thunder999999][@Expendable][@Crusader Lord]