[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] Well... okay, then. Now she felt kind of stupid, although that seemed really overboard for the thing they were destroying. Surely it could have been brought down with something smaller...? Not that she'd ever seen an airship before now. Right, they were running! That was the rest of the infiltration team and... Uh. Lord Hien? Maybe? Had they ever described him, or had she just forgotten because Ciradyl had been sat right there and was much easier to look at than memorising the appearance of someone she didn't need to identify? Well, whoever he was, the man obviously needed assistance and she had healing, so... Should she say anything? Probably not, not while fleeing with as much speed as could be allowed and she still felt eugh enough the words would get stuck even more. Right, just reach out and hope nobody took the golden glow as an attack.