With a sudden weight on his leg, Bear tripped, fell and rolled on his back. [i]"Ah, you got me!"[/i] he exclaimed with his fists dramatically in the air. [i]"I cannot win, I have been defeated!"[/i] "We make educated guesses when it comes to the types of most legendary Pokémon," Andy admitted. "Only some have been proven through close encounters. Some are pretty easy to guess." He grinned. "Moltres is obviously a rock type, right?" "Almost correct," Netherlu said with a chuckle, before turning to Gavin. "It's awful you were locked up like that. While Arceus created us, I'm willing to admit some of his views are not in line with my own. Every Pokémon should be free to go where they please, including accepting a Pokéball. No-one should be kept somewhere against their will." "That's fine, I'll manage," Michael assured her and he started going around to collect everything that needed to be cleaned. Merlin and Anthony joined him. [i]"There is a stream in that direction,"[/i] the Noctowl informed him, pointing with his wing. [i]"I'll join you,"[/i] Anthony said, [i]"I saw it too."[/i] With the pot, bowls and spoons Michael left the others and Anthony showed him where he had to go.