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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Carth moved his head closer toward Shinlo to try and see his arm better. "Im a little confused. You have dragon blood but not a dragon?" he asks confused.

Orion motions for one of the Assassin's whom Maltoran goes to assist with Ash while Orion goes toward Shinlo. "May i?" He asks, wanting check his arm.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo nodded and said “yes…the goddess that saved me…who gave me isis blessed me with dragon blood…a white dragon”

He looked at Orion with a little fear then held his arm out. “I triggered it when Carth needed help killing it…I don’t do it very much…it hurts”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"Im sorry. Lets hold off on flying for now." Carth puts his foot down on this. He wanted Shinlo to care for himself than worry about him. Yes he needed to learn all of this but his health came first. Head moves toward the direction of camp.

Orion gingerly examines this arm. "Does it hurt all over or a specific spot?" He asks, getting an idea of what he could do to help.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo signed, looking pale s the doctor looked him over. “All…over…and it drains to keep it…like this…but it’s hard to pull back…” Ash looked at Carth and said “I can help later to…” she tried to take a step but suddenly got light headed and stumbled, her vision blurring.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"Have you learned to change you arm back to its original form?" Orion asks. Figuring if it was taxing enough then it was better to reverse the transformation. Maltoran steadies Ash before taking her back to camp, figuring she better rest. Carth follows them, lowering his head a little to make it easier to see and walk with them. Kanurus decided to wait till Scarlet was ready to go back as well while Altoronleft with Maltoran, Ash and Carth.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash leaned on the assassins, her ears ringing as she said “thanks…hard to keep…my balance…”

Shinlo flinched and said “I can just takes time…and it hurts but…I’ll see if I can…” he closed his eyes to focus and his arm slowly started to shift back, sweat pouring down his face. After a long few minutes Shinlos arm was normal but Shinlo was panting and pale. “Let’s…return…” Scarlet moved to his side and said “are you sure you’re alright?” Shinlo looked at them both and his vision doubled.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Maltoron shakes his head. "You are still recovering. Hopefully some food will help out." Once back to camp, Maltoran helps Ash sit down by the fire. The camp set up and ready, even with a table and food next to the wagon and table which is by the wagon. Altoron begins to make dinner.

Orion gets an arm over his shoulder and with the help of Scarlet while Kanarus takes leaf and helping guide them back to came.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Ash holds her head as she sits down, her ears ringing more as her head spun. She said softly “can I…help at all? Feel silly…just sitting…” she stopped and held her eyes.

Scarlet took his other side as Shinlo muttered “I’m really…just fine…it’s nothing…” he walked with them but he was shaking worse as the went. Scarlet said “must be as bad as my light element…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Maltoron shook his head as he comes back with two bowls. One with potatoes in it. "Until Orion comes back. It is wise to rest there. He still needs to tend to your headache, and even a headache can slow one's reaction should something happen for something even as simple as peeling potatoes." He explains. "However if you wish to help, I believe tending to the flame will suffice." He says with a soft smile. He didn't want to leave her out of helping but with how bad her headache seemed, he did want her to hurt herself further that she may even accidentally cut her finger off.

Orion wondered that too but they seemed to still be different in some aspects. "I will determine how alright you are when we return to camp. I have to tend to you and Ash and double check on Scarlet even though she is helping me." He explains as they tread back.

When they make it back, Orion has both of them go over to the wagon where he has Shinlo sit on the low step of the wagon. He pulls one of his bags over and opens it. He grabs a container and a roll of cloth. "This ointment is to help moisturize the skin to soothe it. It's the best I can come up with for now." He says as he uses some of the ointment on his arm before wrapping it up. While he does that he glances to Scarlet. "Scarlet, if you are able could you grab a green vial from this bag and go give it to Ash. It will help with her headache."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Shinlo nodded softly and leaned on the pair as Scarlet said “I’m feeling fine now. But I went down fast. I worry Ash was exposed for a lot longer and might have gotten worse damage from that thing…”

Shinlo said weakly “she might have had damage to her ears with how close she was…vertigo or worse…we will need to keep an eye on that…”

Scarlet moved to get the vial as Ash was tending the fire but seemed to be having a hard time focusing on it. Shinlo took the cloth and said “thanks…I’ll be alright as long as I don’t over do it for a little bit…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Orion nods in agreement. "I agree. Go ahead and relieve her. She's next." He goes to pulling out a few things as he waited for Ash. "Scarlet, can you help Ash come over? I need her next." He requests. Knowing right now she was free at the moment while the assassins were working on dinner.

Carth had placed himself at the edge of the Camp with how large he was, being careful and watching himself and his tail like he was walking on egg shells.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Scarlet nodded and moved to help Ash over as Shinlo went to help with the fire. Ash came and sat down in front of Orion looking like she was in pain. “How’s Shinlo?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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"Thank you Scarlet." He thanks before giving his attention to Ash. "He will be alright. Gave something to help with the pain. Now it's you I'm helping. Now. Be honest with me through this. How well can you hear me?" He asks while speaking in a normal spoken tone.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ash blinked and sighed and shook her head. “Barely. I’m lip reading the others if they are too far from me…I’ve had ringing in my ears and I’m dizzy…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Orion nods. "I understand. At least you have not lost you're hearing completely. This will take time. I will have to check for infection." He has a magnifying glass with a cone to make it easier to see specific things. Let me your ears so I can get an idea what's going on." He says.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ash nodded and moved towards him and aimed her left side to him and said “Orion…I don’t think I’m sick. I think that spell had a bad after effect. I’m dizzy and I can’t walk straight…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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He raised his voice a little so she could understand what he was saying. "This is just a precaution. You are most likely experiencing Vertigo." He says as he checks her ears to make sure they were okay. Not knowing what else that creature could have done.

Carth was laying down watching everything going on when he hears a howl. He perks in the direction. After a few minutes or so, Krona comes back with four rabbits in her mouth, having ahold of them by their tails. Maltoran whistles to her of which she comes and lays them beside him.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Her ears were damaged and looked inflamed. Ash flinched when he checked them and the spinner got worse and she grabbed his arm to stay upright.

Scarlet smiled at the wolf then looked at Shinlo who looked worn out and rubbing his arm. She muttered “have any of you seen something like that? Shifting almost parts?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Orion compensated as he looked, moving the tool from her ear quickly and helped her out. "I'm sorry. But good news, they are not infected. They will heal in time. I should have something for vertigo and nausea." He uses one arm to put the tool away. "For now, lay down and rest. After we eat, I'll give you the potion for it. It's effects react better prior to eating."

The assassins shakes their head to her question. "We have not. This is quite new to us." Kanarus says.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Ash nodded softly but his voice started to be drowned out by the ringing and what sounded screams and battle sounds. Her eyes glazed over a bit when she couldn’t hear him at all.

Scarlet watched Shinlo and muttered “I wonder…if he is a half breed…”
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