[hider=Mia Mathers][indent][indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G6jcu00.jpg?5[/img][/center] [color=ec008c]ɴᴀᴍᴇ[/color] Mia Mathers [color=ec008c]ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ[/color] Pink Punk Hero - Senbonzakura [color=ec008c]ʟɪꜰᴇᴛɪᴍᴇ[/color] 15-6-2109 · 18 [color=ec008c]ꜱᴛᴀɢᴇᴘʟᴀʏ[/color] [hider=Three paragraph minimum, eh...] Born in the southern United States, Mia was raised into a fairly active and outdoorsy lifestyle, leading her to be a highly physically inclined sort and even a dab hand with her father's firearms. She lived rugged, joined the scouts, took martial arts and even went traveling, living a fairly enriched childhood. This lifestyle would be curtailed somewhat, however, when a work promotion led to her family moving into the city. Being a rougher sort, Mia found herself out of place and ended up entering a rebellious stage of her life to compensate. She got into the punk scene and even narrowly avoided falling in with a "bad crowd", her physical prowess and quirk making her an attractive potential recruit for young gangs. Mia saw the underbelly of the world and started to grow disillusioned with the shiny heroics the public largely remained enamored with. This disillusionment would grow only more pronounced, when another series of promotions led to her family moving overseas to Japan, and Mia became acquainted with the far more unforgiving and (in her opinion) asinine Japanese stance on "defense of self and others", especially when a quirk was involved. Mia had more than one run-in with her share of patronizing officers, before she eventually grew fed up with things and decided to pursue a career in "heroics", not out of any genuine desire to do good or help others... but simply so she could get the license to use her quirk in the way she felt she was already her natural right. Still, that didn't mean she was going to pretend this was anything but an inconvenient steppingstone. In her heroic high-school years, she rapidly proved to have something of a chip on her shoulder, a cynic with a barbed tongue and a callous, dismissive attitude towards the heroic propaganda the public mindlessly lapped up so often. To her, true heroism was largely dead, and the profession has become little more than a corporate machine. In her mind, being a hero was little different to being a more eccentric police officer. It's a dangerous job and puts food on the table, but little more. So, with that in mind, she'll pursue a cushy paycheck and save up a nest egg that will let her retire in luxurious comfort. This unchanging stance earned her few friends amongst her more starry-eyed peers even after she was given a Student Recommendation for enrollment at Eirei Academy. Yet, despite her words, she has managed to counterbalance this with demonstrative competence at what she does. In her three years in heroic high school, she has been academically excellent, and despite disliking attention, her own pride often gets in the way of her attempts to sandbag and downplay her talents to ride under the radar. That she even had the presence of mind to be covert about the extent of her abilities and restrained enough to not go out of her way to show off had -ironically- earned her the interest of those that appreciate such a mindset, like the Hawks Agency, whom Mia has begrudgingly interned with twice in the past 3 years -seeking their specialized Black OPS tinted hero license to kill- and with the Best Jeanest Agency the year before the present in appreciation of their public relations and infiltration proficiency. Mia's outward lack of enthusiasm for heroics has followed her throughout her early Hero Academia. Despite this, to her own chagrin, she's found herself pretty well-suited for the profession and has consistently scored well in most respects, earning her attention she cares little for, given her desire to coast by on the minimum. More recently, the Eirei Sports Festival saw her making it to the final tournament rounds, despite not actually making much of an effort. Irritated by her own success and with no interest in having the eyes of the top Hero Agencies, she eventually threw her match against Jun Mawatari, despite her own power largely hard countering the Rapid Hero's otherwise easy victory strategy. Unfortunately, she's fairly certain that it was too late to dumb herself down by then... again, and that's probably why she's found herself moved from Class 1A to... whatever this 1B thing is supposed to be. Overall, Mia can come across as callously rational and unrepentantly opinionated. She seems to often speak with words that sound heroic yet lack true conviction. Despite her often-rebellious manner of dress and behavior, she is strangely often the one to advocate for more lawful courses of action... at least in the public eye. Her actions often align with the latter -though not the spirit- of what being a hero is, and though she is the sort of meticulous coworker to cross her t's and dot her i's, there's just something that says she doesn't have her heart in it. Yet, regardless, she showcases a certain prideful tendency towards meeting expectations, and the fact that she is a Recommendation Student says quite a lot about her suitability as a hero, despite appearances. [/hider] [color=ec008c]ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ[/color] Martial Arts/Street Fighting High willpower and Pain Tolerance. Firearm Handling Wilderness Survival Driving Polylingual (Japanese, English, Spanish, Sign Language) Perception/Spatial Awareness Stealth Deception Lock-Picking First Aid/Field Medic/Biology. Tech Literate: Perfunctory Eirei student capacity to construct her own Support Tech. [color=ec008c]ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴍ[/color] [hider=Costume Underlayer/The Reflex Weave] A thin, near-skintight bodysuit of insulating material that is subtly integrated amongst and covered by Mia's regular punk costume. It contains a layer of electric signal amplifiers that enhance the responsiveness of her nerves, providing her cat-like reflexes and a minor enough strength boost to take advantage of them. The suit defends against environmental temperatures, and it is waterproof and unbothered by a soaking. Conversely, it is highly resistant to EMPs and strongly insulative against external electrical-based phenomenon, enough to mostly shrug off electrocution. The suit is secured against unauthorized access by a biometric system. The costume includes an optional lower-face mask that roughly resembles the fashion statements made by Japanese delinquents, fitted with an air filter for breathing in hazardous environments. Paired with this is a set of hazard goggles for when eye protection is similarly necessary. There is also a compact first-aid kit that contains a variety of medical utilities, such as adhesive tape, bandages, dressings of various sizes and types, antiseptic solution, wipes and ointment to clean and disinfect wounds, anesthetic spray, pain relievers, thermometer, scissors, tweezers, gloves, emergency blanket, eye shield, triangular bandage, elastic wrap bandages for sprains and swelling, and EpiPens. [/hider] [hider=VR Lenses] A pseudo-holographic interface, using Hawkpad tech as a basis, that Mia wears as a pair of vivid pink contact lenses (though the lenses are designed to blend into her naturally pink eyes and so go unnoticed). These "contacts" act as vision enhancers, giving her clarity comparable to an eagle, along with recording everything she sees. They can project a "holographic" interface onto her vision as well, with commands being conveyed either verbally or through a mental interface that interprets brain signals. This allows her to call up criminal profiles and other information on the fly, using the contacts to submit targets to facial recognition. The contacts themselves are mostly just the interface system, however, and they remotely display the effects of programming that is localized to a compact module for the Reflex Weave bodysuit. The module acts as the actual hardware that does the bulk of the function heavy lifting, while the contact lenses are largely the display. Both the main module and lenses are recharged via the bodysuit, and Mia carries a number of spares lenses that she can resort to if her worn pair are compromised or damaged. [/hider] [hider=Taser Knuckledusters] A pair of brutish implements, these black and gold-rimmed weapons are just barely small enough to be considered "her" for the purposes of Mia's self-transmutation. They have been packed with powerful, toggleable tasers that allow Mia to deliver stunning and highly incapacitating blows in melee. The knuckle-dusters can operate independently to an extent and store a charge, but in the field, they are primarily recharged and powered by the Reflex Weave bodysuit. [/hider] [color=ec008c]Qᴜɪʀᴋ[/color] [b]Pathos of Sakura[/b] – Emulation/Psychokinesis [Awakened] Mia's quirk allows her to temporarily transmute anything she can physically touch (with herself or most things she is wearing) into pink Sakura petals under her telekinetic control and fine awareness; more specifically, she can only change the immediate area of the target she touches, "shaving away" a bit of mass/volume at a time, rather than completely transmuting the whole target with a single touch to one spot. This transformation is not inherently deadly in any manner, even should she completely dismember a living creature, and once reverted, any separated pieces can be put back together like a living puzzle, automatically "sealing" back into place. Transformed targets enter a form of "stasis" that can be used for limited medical utility to delay the effects of deadly wounds, and the reversion process can even be used to repair some injuries if done in a specific way. Petals will revert to the unchanged/unharmed thing they once were if Mia chooses to, if she sleeps or if she is rendered unconscious. Instead of instantly, the transformation acts more slowly against living creatures other than Mia, taking critical seconds that could allow a target to break away before they start to change. This seemingly has something to do with Mia's own "imposed will" being unconsciously opposed by the other creature's will; though, ultimately, her quirk will win out with prolonged contact in a matter of seconds at best, regardless of the target's willpower, and it is possible to also break through the resistance with consecutive rapid attacks to the same location. Though Mia's power includes a certain level of high multitasking to it, the more petals she creates, the more naturally mentally straining it is due to the sheer amount of information flowing from each petal, earning Mia bouts of disorientation and migraines. [hider=Detailed Longform] The central ability of Mia's quirk is to transform anything she touches into pink Sakura petals under her telekinetic control. Viable targets for the transformation can be nearly anything with a tangible physical presence, but it is unable to target ethereal, conceptual subjects like "gravity". This transformation is only applicable on direct, immediate physical contact with Mia's body or something she is wearing which she can comfortably subconsciously perceive as "herself". The transformation does not apply to whole targets, but rather "shaves away" the zone of direct contact. Mass is not a factor, merely the amount of space a target occupies. The transformation is very fine in application, able to separate a target into select components or otherwise draw an offending target away from a subject (allowing the extraction of poisons, for example). As far as what Mia's power considers "herself" for the purposes of "direct contact" in activating a transmutation, her power doesn't play well with too many layers. There seems to be a subconscious perception element to it, but in practice, she can generally use her power on things that touch her clothes. However, it can't extend in cases of "armor" or through an implement she's carrying, like a weapon. Similarly, anything her power considers "her" for this purpose is something she can fully shift at any time as if it were her main body. Beyond that, however, her quirk does not play nice with the vast majority of bulky support gear, limiting her synergy options. Transformation speed is roughly "instant" in most situations regarding Mia or nonliving targets around her; however, other living creatures are slightly resistant to her power, requiring prolonged contact of roughly 1-2 seconds to transform or consecutive rapid-fire strikes to a single location. The transformation is further inherently temporary and must inevitably revert, either manually at Mia's behest or automatically if she sleeps or is otherwise rendered unconscious. Mia can choose to have petals automatically organize themselves to reconstruct a transformed target. However, if she doesn’t, transformed petals drop exactly where they are on reversion and do not move to reconstruct whatever they once were prior; however, those pieces can still be manually put back together like a puzzle and will then automatically seal back into place. Once reverted, Mia loses any direct awareness of an individual target's exact location beyond what she's bothered to memorize. The petal transformation is inherently nonlethal in direct function. Transformed or otherwise power-severed body parts do not have any innately deadly effects on a target. A body with a transformed heart can still pump blood, and a transformed lung can still be breathed with, for example. Similarly, a body part reverted at range still functions just fine, still working to the benefit of the owner. However, equally, wounded body parts can still affect the whole at range as well, and a crushed heart (for example) could still pretty certainly kill the owner at range. There is the further caveat that a transformed sensory organ (eye, nose etc) does deny that sense to the owner. A fully transformed body is not affected by the lack of ability to breathe or otherwise sustain itself, entering a form of "stasis" where they remain in complete sensory isolation, alone with their thoughts. Mia, for her own part, remains aware of any petals she controls even in this state, making it less mentally taxing on her compared to those without a similar way to occupy their minds. This "stasis" can apply small scale as well, able to temporarily delay the effects of a transformed wounded site to allow the subject to keep fighting or otherwise survive long enough to seek medical attention. The reversion of the transformation can also be used in a limited healing capacity, able to transform severed targets, press them together while they are petals and then revert them in a re-fused state. This method cannot truly manifest any lost mass or revert the physical state of mass that was damaged prior to transformation. Therefore, wounds like incineration or burns -for example- are beyond its purview to resolve beyond delaying their effects on the rest of the body. It can, however, be used to fuse mass together even if it didn't used to be connected. As normal, this doesn't inherently seem to have any strictly negative effects. In fact, it even makes it possible for Mia to easily reattach severed body parts or transplant doner organs to a recipient in need if she has access to them. More dangerously, however, this can be used to fuse together things that have no holy right to coexist, the results of which can be unnerving to behold. Petals created by her quirk are under Mia's perpetual spatial awareness and telekinetic control. This awareness comes with a certain level of multitasking, which helps catalyze more fine control of the thousands of petals the ability is prone to casually generating. However, this multitasking capacity has limits and mentally wears upon Mia to maintain, with the strain naturally accumulating faster the more petals she controls. This is because her power creates a conscious mental link to each individual petal, all of which Mia must manipulate the positioning of independently. Even with multitasking to manage this and even if she has the petals do nothing at all, the mere involuntary subconscious awareness of their positions at all times wears on her. The petals are largely harmless on their own, no more durable than any normal petal and fairly easily destroyed, by all accounts merely perfect emulations of natural floral sheddings. However, under Mia’s telekinetic hold, the petals are very fast, able to move like a strong wind, about 60 mph. Being levers through which telekinetic force can be exerted, they possess deceptive levels of physical strength, especially in mass, able to carry people and objects, strike with a fair amount of massed force through simple kinetics and restrain targets via coordinated "smothering". If angled right, their edges can even be leveraged enough to make them act like blades that are at least sharp enough to pierce mundane flesh (though rather less reliable against actual supernatural durability). Though Mia lacks a specific awareness of her petals' surroundings at range, in enough numbers, she is still able to use petals to map her surroundings quite accurately by proxy, as she holds a proprioception-esce awareness of each individual petal's position in space and any touch-based sensations that act upon them. As a result, being that the petals are still inherently fragile constructs at their core outside telekinetic pseudo-hardening, they are sensitive enough to vibrations to act as a form of echolocation. Beyond this, in mass, a cloud of petals can allow the otherwise blind detection of movements through an area or identify oddities within a space. Mia can even roughly identify the distinction between air currents and sound, and she theorizes that she could eventually develop this into a method of remotely spying on spoken conversations. Mia's ability to manipulate her petals in this manner has caused her to earn comparisons to Hawks's own quirk and may even be part of why she attracted the attention of his agency so early on to begin with. [/hider] [color=ec008c]Super Moves[/color] [b]Solitary Confinement:[/b] A chilling "move" that occurs when Mia is given the opportunity to fully transform a living target into petals. In doing so, she plunges them into a state of near guaranteed total helplessness and sensory isolation, devoid of the ability to do anything but remain trapped with their thoughts. Unable to touch, taste, hear, smell or see, it is an isolation fit to drive someone to madness. A deafening silence, a darkness deeper than any other, and the sense of lonesomeness incomparable. Mia rarely resorts to this, not only for being impractical in the majority of situations, but also because it is generally an inherently cruel use of her ability and doesn't tend to leave subjects in a good mental state. The following panic many have demonstrated upon release has led her to typically avoid going so far, just for the sake of ensuring criminals enter custody in a calmer, more manageable state. [b]Spirit of the Sakura Tree:[/b] By fully transforming her own body into petals, Mia deliberately subjects herself to her power's Solitary Confinement as a defensive move. Though she is sensorially cut off from the world in this state, she can still navigate to a degree using any existing petals she has created, setting "markers" and using her spatial and fine awareness of her petals to maneuver herself before reverting in whole or part. A side effect of shifting herself is that she generally separates herself from any foreign elements presently acting on her prior to the shift, and perhaps more importantly, by doing this she puts her "brain-meats" in biological stasis, allowing her to control a vastly larger amount of petals without strain than she normally could. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider]