[color=lightgray][right][sub][b]TIMESKIP:[/b] Approaching 7 PM (that’s when the game starts) [b]Friday Night Lights[/b] Introducing: [color=#e06666]Stanley T. Rogers[/color] [@LovelyComplex] Special guest writer: [@Viciousmarrow] as [color=#6d9eeb]Cadence “Kay” Webster[/color][/sub][/right] [center][sub][color=ee2e36][b]Disclaimer[/b]:[/color] Each school we've taken creative liberties and adjusted information/mascots/colors to fit our fictional 'real world' universe.[/sub][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240519/e4c95b46f2004357b8970128f21bc3f1.png[/img] ___________________________________________________________________ [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240519/c14275d1cd24bad0461410aac2cea095.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0cjm5KA.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240519/70faf46e8b02302a4a7495a87a82e000.png[/img] ___________________________________________________________________ [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240519/7fdc8b91dfc50e18936521c8d0e1e30b.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]With one airpod in his left ear, Machine Gun Kelly ft. Corpse [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLJeoQS1GfM]‘Daywalker’[/url] playing on low volume, Stanley T. Rogers, sophomore Sports & Culture news editor (who dual roles occasionally as an editorial cartoonist when he impresses his upperclassmen enough - they were hard to please), held a voice recorder in hand and observed the growing crowd. He needed to sneak into the locker room before [url=https://media3.giphy.com/media/Jn9Td3EAh6cJfiyg60/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vxyhkni10g8u2v1mvod9o53g3d7vleza70fq5khy&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g]Coach Boone[/url] gave his speech to the football team. Boone had a way of being pure fun, comedic and optimistic. During his iconic speeches, he used wordplay, focused on the word BELIEVE, and loved to make unusual metaphors. One thing that was undeniable of Coach Boone was he was memorable, hard-working and awe-inspiring. None of his players could deny that and he’s earned that respect by showing results, time and time again. There’s speculation that he may replace the hockey team’s coach this year because of a scandal that Stan wasn’t sure he could or should disclose yet without proper evidence. No matter, this game was huge for Beverly Hills High. Not only was this game in the Pirate Bay, that’s what they call their homefront, but they’d be playing in front of parents, students, and alumni, going up against their rivals, the Santa Monica High School Warriors. The Warriors have been rivals with the Pirates for years, going back to their parents’ highschool days, and even further. Playoffs were in mid-November until the last week of December, colliding with the start of the hockey season. This was the ninth week in the season, out of eleven weeks, before any of the California high school teams were offered the chance to fight for the crown and honor of being state champions. If the Pirates lost today, they would have to win their last two games in order to make it to the playoffs. Same goes for the Warriors. If they lost today, stakes were high, but if they won, they’d just need one more win. Imagine the pride either school would have if they won today. Now add the pressure that this game was a homecoming game. Winning a homecoming game not only leaves current seniors with a positive lasting memory of their last school spirit week, but it’s a good show to set the tone for the rest of the year. There was no way the Warriors weren’t coming in hot. If they wanted to take their biggest competitor in all of California down, they needed to conquer by force and blood. Stan had faith though. He always did. They had an epic team with Theodore Van Cise and Benjamin Mayhew being some of the best players BHHS has seen in years, with the highest ranking stats in the SoCal area. He did worry though. Ever since Benjamin’s scandal, from his father’s arrest to his own personal, very public breakdown, Stan could tell from this season that he wasn’t himself. Theo and Benji were a dynamic duo on the field, synergized and fierce, yet lately they were out of sync. It was unlike the Pirates to fumble as much as they did this season. If the Warriors have done their research, which Stan had no doubt they did, they will be quick to go on the offensive and attack the team’s weak point. That was, right now, the tethering bond of middle linebacker and running back. Stan BELIEVED though. He had to believe. The odds would be in their favor. They had all the support they could have sitting in the bleachers, they had cute cheerleaders that were ten times better than the girls in white and blue, and most importantly? Pirates were way cooler than Warriors. This year’s seniors were going to finish their story and he was stoked that Trixie and Jamie gave him the opportunity to report on it. Strolling down the field, he talked into his recorder, observing the competition while he made his way to his destination, [color=e06666]“It’s your boy, Stanley, and we have one heck of a game tonight. There’s no doubt it’s going to be a tough dog fight out here. No matter what the score is, the Pirates always finish hard and they finish fast. All it takes is guts and attitude to be successful and that’s what Coach Boone always says. It’s going to be tough, it’s going to be hard, and our opponents might try us. You’re going to go out there and FIGHT. Fight like you mean it. But you’re not here to do it for just me. No, you’re going to get out there and do it for one another, do it for yourself, do it for us, and you’re going to go out with this win. You want to know why? Because I BELIEVE. “[/color] He paused his recording briefly and mumbled to himself, [color=e06666]“Man, I really should get promoted… I’m so good at this reporting thing.”[/color] He shook the fleeting thought of whether or not he was getting abused by his superiors out of sight and out of mind to stay attentive to the field. [color=e06666]“FOCUS Stan.”[/color] He turned the recorder back on and brought the device to his lips once more. [color=e06666]“Looks like there is a lot of energy in the bleachers, the cheerleaders and the marching band are ready to bring in the hype, nothing like Friday Night Lights, and I’m about to interview—” [/color] [color=#6d9eeb]“Me.”[/color] An assertive and commanding voice struck Stan’s ears. The tone didn’t fit the mousey, bespectacled woman emblazoned in white and blue that approached him and forcefully snatched the recorder from his hands. With feigned enthusiasm she began her own mock interview with herself. [color=#6d9eeb]“Why thank you Stan! Pirate pissants, this is Cadence Webb from the Warrior Weekly with an exciting message for you: You’re trash and you always have been.” [/color] With a flourish, she jabbed the rival reporter in the chest with the utmost gusto. [color=#6d9eeb]“Yes that’s right, Stan! Your loser team is destined to lose tonight. After all, I heard your runningback was having some problems at home, right? You know that kind of thing just really gets into a player’s head, Stan. He’s certainly going to torpedo your chances tonight and leave your team sinking. And if that’s not enough, what was that you were just saying about Coach Boone? He likes to ‘finish hard’ and be up in his player’s guts? Disgusting! Guess a Pirate needs their booty though, huh?”[/color] There was a cocky grin spread across Kay’s face as she slammed the recorder back into Stan’s hands. She had apparently overheard bits and pieces of his recording and seemed well connected to Beverly Hill’s rumor mill. Worse, she seemed cruelly motivated to use any and all of her sources to strike out at Santa Monica’s eternal rival. [color=#6d9eeb]“Don’t count on getting promoted or having any sort of career in this field, Stan. You’re the ‘BELIEVE’ guy, right? How embarrassing. You must not have much of a social life then.”[/color] For some reason, Kay really had it out for this guy tonight, a tiny huntress assailing her prey. Stanley’s right eye twitched. Fucking Kay. He hated this bitch. She was literally the worst person that ever graced this Earth and that was saying a lot since he went to school with the likes of Naomi Davis and Amy Kwon. Who did she think she was interrupting his recording with her own useless words?! He needed to keep his cool and show her she did NOT get under his skin. She did but that's besides the point. [color=#e06666]“That’s cute coming from a girl who is the human equivalent of a participation trophy. I will not have a battle of wits with someone who has nothing to her name. Who are you again?”[/color] Stan scoffed, defending his turf, before mocking her high pitched giggle and ugly grin. [color=#e06666]“Oh!”[/color] He took a step forward, breaching the distance since she so happily chose to do it first. He snapped his finger, gleefully, asserting his own confidence and Pirate pride, [color=#e06666]“Is it hereditary that salad dresses better than you?”[/color] Okay, maybe he was stooping low but it was the BHHS way and his mama didn’t raise a little bitch. She was a bitch. Kay, he means. Not his mom. [color=#6d9eeb]“Really? That’s all you got? Salad? You really do suck at this.”[/color] Kay snickered while rolling her eyes. [color=#6d9eeb]“Let me give you some advice: If you want to be in this field, you’re supposed to make words sting, not resort to your pedantic elementary roasts. I guess I’m just like your parents though because I also don’t BELIEVE in you, champ.”[/color] She was clearly enjoying this game, goading him into a verbal duel. [color=#e06666]“Well you’re a girl and I have my limits. What’s got your panties in a bunch? You’re so forward about my life when I bet your mom looks at you and calls you fat everyday. Go do something useful, like actually interview people from your team or change your tampon. I have more important things to do like not talk to dumb bitches like you.”[/color] Stan hissed. It was getting increasingly harder to hide his growing rage from this cocky, nobody Warrior. Through gritted teeth, he growled, [color=#e06666]“Just you watch, Kay, we’re going to WRECK you.”[/color] He didn’t care if he wasn’t as good at verbal duels as Trixie and Jamie were but he knew he was better than her. He went to Beverly Hills High. She didn’t. Kay looked back at Stan with true disappointment, expecting venom and true hate but only getting a limp yelp from a downed dog. She wanted an inferno, a bestial attack, not this pathetic mewling. [color=#6d9eeb]“I’m really embarrassed for you right now. This is… sadder than I expected. I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but get some help, man. You can do better than this.”[/color] Her snide attitude was legitimately replaced with a sympathetic, pitying tone. Suddenly, she backstepped with a look of disgust on her face. [color=#6d9eeb]“EW, THIS GUY JUST SHIT HIMSELF! GET AWAY FROM ME, FREAK.”[/color] She yelled out with her fingers pinched over her nose, making her final barb to a chorus of laughter from the Warrior’s sidelines. She quickly hurried away from him, as if desperate to leave his presence. What the fuck? Stan quickly looked around him and could already feel the eyes on him. He booked it screaming, [color=#e06666]“I DID NOT SHIT MYSELF! SHE’S A LIAR!”[/color] She was right though. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this field. Shit. Stinky Stan was not a good look. He could hear Jamie already. Fuck. He let her get inside his head. This [b]sucked[/b].[/indent][/indent][/color]