[center][h2]Tachibana Masaru[/h2][h3] Branch-092 — Records Department[/h3][/center] With the matter regarding the samurai settled, Masaru felt it perfectly reasonable to consider the mission resolved. The young man felt as if he hadn't actually done much in the grand scheme of things—if only because he was used to being the big playmaker when it came to hunting most days—but whether or not that was true would be left to the people reviewing footage of the incident to decide. What he [i]felt[/i] and what he [i]knew[[/i] were two different matters altogether, though; at the end of the day, cleaning up trash and keeping them off of the people who could actually land meaningful blows on their enemy was what he was here to do. In [i]that[/i] sense, he had done his job exactly as he should have... But that didn't mean that he couldn't do more next time. Rather than going back to the simulators and exerting any effort there, the Agent had instead elected to go and review the VODs of the last incident. Thankfully, nobody seemed inclined to stop him when he walked in with a bowl of ramen and took a seat in front of a computer. Watching videos and eating food at the same time was nothing particularly groundbreaking, but that didn't mean it wasn't worth doing anyhow. Hopefully nothing would spill, though, else he would've been left on the hook for cleanup...