[url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240520/cd7d7cef8f47587f722bbfa4fa930e3c.png[/img][/url] [center][@Pilatus][/center] [hr] The events of Friday still haven't left her mind. Busy as she was driving her bike through the busy streets of the Megacity. The Spire Geonet AI malfunctioning? Just what happened during that fateful night? Was there some sort of covert infiltration by some terrorist group that got covered up? Wouldn't be the first time she heard of it, but unless they are fanatical Luddites or something of that nature, it wouldn't make sense for them to attack the Spire so brazenly. Was it some technical inspection gone wrong? Something else? Perhaps the actual story held some water? Questions and questions raced through her mind as her red bike weaved through traffic. The woman wearing a red jacket and black miniskirt, along with a very long backpack carrying some unknown object. It wasn't the first time for the co-CEO of Stalwart Defense and Security, Mingfan Purnama, to drive outside the Spire, and it wouldn't be the last. The black-haired woman, comparatively unknown in the business world especially compared to her public-facing older sister, relishes in her relative anonymity. It allows her a certain degree of flexibility that her sister doesn't have, while Xiang Min does make a lot of money doing interviews and making public comments that garner interest in the Megacorp. She was responsible for the day-to-day administration, ensuring operations were smooth, requests were fulfilled, and fees were paid on time. Although occasionally she does delegate some responsibility to her sister. Both women are equally capable in administration within Megacorp. They have formed quite a power couple, the sisters leveraging each other's strengths to make sure Stalwart is profitable and continuing their family's legacy. But enough of her own specialties. It was that degree of flexibility that allowed her to drive out of the Spire and into Metro Street. And into a certain garage that she frequented often. How she discovered this garage is honestly quite hilarious. She was driving home one night when her bike blew a tire during the journey, and she entered the garage asking for someone to do some repairs to the tire. Not only did they manage to repair the tire, but the equipment she saw within the garage really impressed her, the bike fanatic that she was. And honestly, the more she frequented the shop, the more impressed she was with the quality of work they did for her bike. It's like the owner of the shop is some sort of mechanical magician, able to see the problems or any potential problems she had with her bike and service it promptly. And all of that for a good price as well, very reasonable prices that would make her ancestors proud. And soon enough, the highly modified red bike she was driving arrived at The Iron Technica. The garage where all her dreams would be realized, at least on the automotive aspect that is. The woman removed her helmet and made sure to pull a hoodie up her face, she made sure that the owner of The Iron Technica didn't truly know who she was, and she used an alias on top of that to make her as anonymous as possible. [color=840A0A]"Alright, let's get this show going. I have a small project planned for her, let's see if she can take care of what I have for this bike."[/color] She said, knocking on the garage door. [color=840A0A]"Hey Alese! It's me, Minny! Can you service my bike right now? I need to get my usual quarterly check and I also have some modifications in mind!"[/color]