[indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xTNKsa5.png[/img] [hider=Mood Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZjoCyMaVa0[/youtube][/hider][/center][right][h1][color=f49ac2]Edict[/color][/h1][/right][right][sub][hr][color=f49ac2]Mentions: [color=ffffff]Auri Auclair, George Nelson,[/color] [color=6644ff]Jack Hawthorne[/color]|[/color] [color=f49ac2]Direct Dialogue: [color=f4eb93]Britney Williams/[@Shin Ghost Note],[/color] [color=CD5C5C]Linqian Han/[@FernStone][/color] |[/color] [color=f49ac2]Location:[/color] Kari’s House [/sub][/right][hr] [/indent]It was time to plow the fields. Greyson’s legs slipped from underneath warm linens and met an unwarmed rug at his feet. Groggy, not entirely awake, he stood to meet the new day and made for his wristwatch. Six in the morning; he was glad they didn’t need to worry about the bigger fields, and that some of the guys had probably been working overnight. It meant they were on track, possibly ahead of schedule for everything. They’d already taken care of a lot of the draining and furrowing, making sure the ditches were clear for this year’s harvest. It’d been a few years since he turned his life around. He wasn’t legit by any means, but violent crime? The kind of things he used to do? It paid to have handed over an organization like Dollhouse to the PRA. It went deeper than witness protection, it meant that he didn’t have to live looking over his shoulder at his brothers and uncle. He was in the clear. His body turned, making way for a drawer for some pants. His gaze passed to the other side of the bed, and sure enough she was already out and about. Probably getting breakfast ready for Carlo and Aaliyah, or… Out? Checking on the progress? Plantation life wasn’t so bad. The house was big, the land was theirs, the business that came with it was good. High quality cigar tobacco and other native agricultural endeavors. Peppers, sugar cane closer to the water, peanuts… There was a pecan grove as well, and some of the production space and costs were spent on processing the edibles into actual goods. The profit was too high compared to selling off raw product, why not double dip? But it was the fact that she took interest in it… That she got up earlier than him, and that they were both able to handle their business despite the different hours. She didn’t bitch, she didn’t complain, she… Britney Williams had been everything he ever wanted. Support and love in a stern, matronly package. His own Mother loved her, sometimes he thought more than she loved him. And since he was just a magical middleman, like he always had been, he wasn’t so worried about what the more uptight side of his family had to say… Not like dear old Dad had anything to say. How could he? Greyson stretched his shoulders and looked at himself in the mirror. Vanity had faded years prior, and he wore a bearded face with curly long hair. There was no pretense left to give, no posture left to take. His stance was a Father’s. A Husband’s. A Business Owner’s, as it had always been maybe, but… The money felt nicer. Cleaner, like his soul. He slipped a shirt on and tucked it into his belt, still maintaining a clean look regardless of whether or not he knew he was going to be sweating in the Louisiana sunshine. Moisture wicking socks, well worn boots, gloves in the back pocket. He looked at the little lockbox on the dresser and ran his fingers over it. Another time, another world. It was over, thankfully. They could live normally. He was clean. He didn’t need what was in the box. Steps took him down the hall, his son’s bedroom door already wide open. Carlo… A real go-getter. Ambitious just like every Devola, but thoughtful. Sweet. Like his Mom. Chances were, he was doing his chores before school as he’d grown accustomed to. Greyson smiled in acknowledgement, running a hand down the wall and feeling how real it was in between his fingers. How surreal the feeling was. He must’ve had a dream, about fighting and shooting and being scared. Waking up nostalgic wasn’t normal. He came down the stairs into the main foyer of the big plantation house they lived in together. It was full of pictures and nicknacks from St. Portwell and beyond. Family trips abroad, occasional reunions… He’d made up with a lot of the people he hurt. Purposefully, he kept a picture of himself and a few of the most troubled relationships in pretty visible places. A way to remember that he’d come out on top, and that every moment after was precious. Strides took him toward the sound of music, past the kitchen and out into the attached greenhouse. [hider=Mood Music][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YABLsFK8gjY[/youtube][/hider] He couldn’t help but dance, coming into view of his beloved as he did so. The whole place smelled like the thick buds of homegrown in various stages of growing and drying and curing. [color=F5388C]”Ooooh girl, you’re killing me.” [/color] he grinned, moving closer and leaning in to kiss Britney on the top of her head. [color=F5388C]”What happened to our plans when we got married? No chance we’re getting up before ten in the morning… How long have you been up?”[/color] [color=f4eb93]”What happened to us living a simple life?”[/color] She had gloves and a pair of scissors, trimming away at the latest dry. A fresh, clean gallon glass jar sat at her feet, and she was carefully putting the plant material into it. There was a grin on her face. [color=F5388C]”This ain’t simple?”[/color] [color=f4eb93]”Well, you want to ask silly questions… I’ve been up all night.”[/color] [color=F5388C]”You ain’t come to bed?”[/color] Britney shook her head. Greyson’s face became a small frown. He leaned forward, arms wrapping around her shoulders in a loving embrace. He gently shook Britney back and forth. [color=F5388C]”You can't stay awake forever. It's just going to happen one day…”[/color] [color=f4eb93]”He nearly killed them and we're going to have to deal with it.”[/color] Greyson frowned. His boy… He finally came into his own and Kindled. And it was an interesting combination to be sure. He couldn't lie and say he didn't take a little pride in it. The whole morning had been a bit emotional between Father and Son, and ultimately ended at a dinner that night. The little moralist saw his Mother dealing with a particularly nasty local over a foolish disagreement. Between his love and desire to protect, and the raging temper that lay bubbling beneath the surface, he Kindled there to protect her. But unlike Edict's soft Lotus, Carlo's inner powers were hot. While they didn't get a lot of info from the hospital, they were aware that the local was suffering third degree burns over parts of his body that shouldn't have been accessible. A fire in the brain cavity left it all but dead, and the man would live out the remainder of his days in a tortuous vegetative state. Greyson shouldn't have been proud that his son could literally light people's brains on fire. Clearly Britney wasn't thrilled. It was keeping her up. [color=F5388C]”Where is he?”[/color] [color=f4eb93]”Field B. Probably closer to the Delta, you know the spot he likes.”[/color] Greyson held Britney for a few more minutes. [color=F5388C]”Can you sleep now that I'm on shift?”[/color] [color=f4eb93]”Why you want me asleep so damn bad?”[/color] He chuckled, shaking his head and letting her go. [color=F5388C]”Baby on board. You sleep, she sleeps.”[/color] [color=f4eb93]”Tell that to the last one… Lil’ bitch kept me up for weeks with those feet."[/color] Greyson smiled, rubbing Britney's shoulders a little while longer before finally pulling himself away. There was shouting outside, people were frantic. With a furrowed brow, Greyson moved toward the front to check things out.[hr] Edict was one of the last people still fully captured by the pink mist. His brain, deeply craving the pleasure of a life he was growing more sure that he'd never see, did its best to hold him tight. And he was going to let it. If he could've stayed there and lived through all of it, he would've chosen to. Such a well made, warm fanta- He was on his knees. He must've dropped to avoid the hunk of Earth George was about to throw, and when his eyes were his again, the Giant was gone. And he hadn't even gotten to see his children. [Color=ffffff][i]”Shout your name if you can hear me!”[/i][/color] [color=f4eb93][i][b]”Britney!”[/b][/i][/color] He immediately stood, turning and looking in the direction he heard Britney in. There were still zombies left about, dancing their undead hearts out. [color=F5388C]”Greyson!... I'm fuckin'-…"[/color] he started, grabbing his head in pain. [color=f5388c]"Jack!? Where the hell is Jack, he was just with me! Brit!?”[/color] Greyson was already making his way to Britney when he also found a naked Linqian. [color=F5388C]”Jesus… here.”[/color] With a swift dexterity, he unclipped his vest and slipped it onto the ground before tugging his jacket off and passing it down to the woman. The vest went back on over his shirt now. [color=F5388C]”You guys are okay? Jesus Christ on a tall bike I was so fucking worried…”[/color]