The sky burned. That was the only way she could explain it. She'd been moments away from doing her best to follow the orders given to her, to strike out like a hero would and cut down the opposition to give her allies the best possible chance of escape. But then, the sky burned. The young girl, Eve, had become a hybrid of Sollan and Dragon, and let loose the single most destructive spell Robin had ever seen to bring down the enemy airship. She was speechless. Practically frozen where she stood. This was all far more intense then anything she'd taken part in before. Taking out the local bandits before they could hurt anyone else was nothing compared to this. She was shaking. Her heartbeat was pounding. Her shoulders were quaking. Even though that had been the work of an ally, she... she... she----! No. She wasn't a coward. She wasn't the type of person to panic, not one bit. She was a hero. She helped the weak and judged the wicked. And that meant she couldn't freeze up now! Robin sucked in a deep breath and swiftly located the others, breaking into a sprint. With the airship downed, rather then pursuing her original objective it seemed for the best to cover them from any potential form of attack. And there was another new threat approaching from the wreckage itself. That was--- It was like a vision of the underworld. A monster emerging from some fiery pit, in human form And yet--- Her blade glinted, light flowing up the edge and dancing as Robin sucked in a deep breath. A monster from the underworld wouldn't frighten a hero, after all.