[h1][color=deepskyblue]Jun Mawatari[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=deepskyblue]Location:[/color] 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [color=deepskyblue]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] A lot happened. Jun, for her part, had turned back away from Yusuke after she had initiated her quirk, after she had ensured he’d shut up. Sure, some of the other members of the class hadn’t caught on to it, and some of them were far more angry at the idiot than others, but some of those still had some measure of what a hero was [i]supposed[/i] to do. Some complained at him, one even threw a book…though that was caught before Jun had really entirely focused in against it, and others talked against one-another. Kaiga and Rin butted heads briefly about respect in the classroom. It was all very, very tiresome to Jun, who was slowly gaining a headache from all the talk and complaint and anger in the room. Of course, then things got very, very angry. She felt her distance…break, suddenly, as weird as that feeling could be said. It was like another had taken a taut wire and cut it, the tension releasing at both ends, something Jun had never quite experienced save once, long enough ago that she struggled to recall the feeling. Whipping around, the sight Jun was greeted with wasn't an entirely good one. Yusuke had changed, shifted, [i]altered[/i] to something else. His hair was flaming and hissing, his eyes full of intent, and Jun’s immediate reaction was to increase that distance, to increase that distance between her and the chimera before her as a snap decision. Yusuke said something, though Jun didn’t quite catch it as she stood out from her chair. Then he was shot. The room filled with the noise of gunshots, Yusuke went down like a sack, Kaiga screamed while staring at his pad, and one student exploded into petals. [i]Mia[/i]. Jun stared with wide enough eyes at the whole of the scenario, even as Rin fired the gun into the ceiling for good measure. [i]Who in the heck had given her a gun?[/i] The question seemed to be in a few minds as Hebi voiced some…cutting concerns about the issue and Mia hissed out her annoyance at the clearly irresponsible handling of something that could very likely kill someone if used improperly. As quick as a flash, though, Mia had already started to look over the injuries of the idiot, look over the welts and dribbles of blood. She gave instructions to Kaiga, who’d volunteered for bringing Yusuke down to the nurse, before turning full fury against the supposed teacher. Jun stared, not wanting to interrupt the good, honest moment…and the good, honest threat. Then another student entered the room…[i]Yui[/i], one of the students that had also not gone through the Sports Festival. He said something about missing the fun. Jun snorted, shaking her head. “Not really, no. I wouldn’t call it fun.” A turn of the head at Rin and Mia, the girl looking at the junior professor for her response with a taut enough look. Jun really did want to hear the reasoning, the excuse, the…[i]something[/i] from Rin, the [i]anything[/i] from her.