There was something almost funny about the situation at hand. The jerk on the ground, completely incapacitated, the second year being [i]challenged[/i] by the punk, and heterochromat over there walking in on the aftermath. Kanako would have laughed, if she'd had a voice in the first place. But instead she just watched it all play out, still smiling, although for once it was a genuine smile and not just a mask. She looked a lot less like the nervous, jumpy, hero in training, and a lot more like the villain she used to be. The reasonable side of her mind was telling her to get up, do something, help, be a Hero, or some shit. But the much louder part was saying that, hey, this could be fun to watch, and besides, it wasn't like he was dead or anything. And the rest of the class had things handled, they'd already taken Yusuke to the nurse. The change in her mind had occurred right after the gun went off, before that point she'd been thinking clearly, now telling right from wrong was just as difficult as trying to pick up and reposition a skyscraper. Something like this had only happened once, morals being muddled by something that reminded her of her earlier years in life. It had happened during the Sports Festival VS matches. She'd almost killed her opponent, a kid from class 1A, then forfeited the match after her reason returned.