[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] [color=brown]"Yeah, I'll be careful."[/color] Brutrumukk said before reaching into his backpack again and pulling out some rations. The [s]bugbear[/s] gnome then reached for his belt, and a confused expression formed on his face like the look one would have when something that is usually present is no longer there with no apparent explanation as to why. Brutrumukk looked down at his belt, gave a quiet little [color=brown]"Oh, right."[/color], and then looked over at Jub. [color=brown]"Oi booyagh. Got any water."[/color] Brutrumukk asked. [color=brown]"Mine's still in the lake."[/color]