[right][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qj8Wb8D.png[/img][/right] [h2][color=f26522][u]First Night, Kyoto Forest[/u][/color][/h2] Interacting With: [@Digmata] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [right][b][color=f26522]"Interesting. I'm not sure how useful that is compared to getting your territory set up."[/color][/b][/right] Samira's voice was full of snark as she called out to Caster. Her servant was, seemingly, bad at listening to requests. Or at least bad at prioritization. Getting information on the enemy was useful. It didn't matter if they couldn't leverage it properly. To leverage it, they needed a strong point. Caster couldn't take them on in a straight-up fight. Maybe an ambush situation could manage it, but that'd leave them open to any other Servant attacking them. If they were going to win they needed the territory set up. It wasn't a question, it was a fact. So she was just a little annoyed that her servant had seemingly spent all their time insulting her fashion choices, making new clothes that weren't going to help if a servant put a sword through her gut, and spying on the enemy. [right][b][color=f26522]"Please. Focus on getting the territory set up so we don't get nuked from orbit or something... Tell me where you spotted them, and I'll move my familiar over."[/color][/b][/right] The fact that the term 'nuked' might not carry over properly didn't click with Samira. She just returned to focusing on her own familiar and beginning to move it over in the direction of where Caster found the Master and Servant pair. Just because Caster was better off doing something else, didn't mean Samira wasn't best off spying on their opposition. The more information, the better.