[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] The Dragon King's fascimile roared, and the sky came ablaze as the Proudclad was ripped asunder. Hien forced himself to watch as the wreckage of the ship tore through its crash site, half of it falling atop what he knew to be an inn while the other half impacted into the street. Gods, how he could only hope the inn's inhabitants had fled once the battle had started. "Etro, Dhinas, Imir, forgive me for mine decisions." He murmured a prayer under his breath, attention turning to Miina as she healed him. "Aaaagh. Much better..." He sighed in relief, offering the red mage a brief, pained grin. "Thank you. Truly. I might make it out of here under my own power at this rate." Meanwhile, between Esben's words and Eliane's gunfire, Izayoi charged, intent on dispatching Reisa while she was injured and distracted deflecting the Household Guard's rifle shots. She leapt up and came down on Reisa in a two-handed cleave which the latter somehow managed to parry. One round of blows. Two. Three. They disengaged from each other, both women panting for breath. [color=C32A20]"What's wrong, [i]Limbtaker[/i]?"[/color] Reisa mocked, brandishing her sword. [color=C32A20]"I thought you had the valor to face me on your lonesome."[/color] Their fight was interrupted by the sound of boots against stone all growing ever closer. Valheimr reinforcements could be seen dashing towards the scene from two angles: the west and south. From the sound Fortunately, it didn't impact their escape plan: the sewer leading towards the hidden exit that ended in their next safehouse was just to the north. There were still a few Valheim soldiers left in that direction, but the majority of Kirin could clear the path without issue at this point. Unfortunately, Izayoi didn't seem to be following the plan any longer. She sheathed her blade, hunching down into an iai stance. [color=#736AFF][b]"Honor is for the deserving. All that you deserve is death, by any means possible. No matter how it happens, all I want is for you to be scourged from this star."[/b][/color] The Mystrel had already ran the odds: this was the best opportunity she had to finish things, right here. Reisa was half dead as it was, and she hadn't seen Izayoi's more advanced skills. The strain of performing her greatest would likely kill her, out of shape as she was, and even if it didn't, the Valheimr reinforcements certainly would. But what was her life when vengeance was before her? [color=#736AFF][b]"The rest of you, leave. Before this night ends, I will have vengeance. My life is immaterial afterward."[/b][/color] "Are you mad?!" Hien bellowed, his expression thunderous. "I can't- we can't lose you here, not for her!" His gaze swept around, trying to catch the eyes of any member of Kirin it met. "Help me get her out of here! We need to leave, [i]now[/i]!" [color=#736AFF][b]"I am the storm."[/b][/color] She chanted, the glow of materia beginning to surround her. [color=#736AFF][b]"I am the swell. I am the sword-"[/b][/color] Hien dashed forward, holding her up in a full nelson as he tried to drag her back. Even with Miina's healing, however, he was still too injured to exert too much force, and it was obvious that without further aid, he would fail and Izayoi would launch her suicide attack. All the while, more Valheimr continued to close in...