[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231021/c8de3d4938a7934e3807d1d1d63ce88c.png[/img] [color=B2FFC4][b]Mentions:[@Psyker Landshark][@Click This][@The Otter][/b][/color] [/center][hr] Captain Reisa glared down the approaching man, one of the unexpected interlopers from the village. Her brows furrowed at his words, unsure what to make of them. She kept her distance but did not take her eyes off Esben [color=C32A20]"Flattery shall not spare your life."[/color] Her eyes darted towards the rest of the group, cautious of a possible trap. Reisa scoffed [color=C32A20]"How cute. You are in not in the position you think you are...."[/color] She paused briefly [color=C32A20]"I would ask for you name but I doubt you'd give me the right one."[/color] There was a bit of playfulness in her voice. That was when the first shot struck a plate that hovered over her heart. The force caused her to stumble a little as red energy crackled around the impact and her eyes immediately turned to Eliane. Reisa quickly moved her blade in an attempt to deflect the next shot but it came too soon. A small, ornamental piece of her gauntlet was sheared off. Eliane's next shots would not find as much success as she either deflected them fully or dodged out of the way. Despite the situation, Reisa had no signs she planned on backing down. Red energy sparked along Reiasa's blade with each strike parried and deflected. There was more than physical resistance preventing from Izayoi's strikes from breaking through. She spit in Izayoi's direction with a sick smile showing how much she was savoring this fight [color=C32A20]"I am glad we are on the same page."[/color] She chuckled as her reinforcement were closing the gap [color=C32A20]"Your name shall be erased from history after you fall tonight."[/color] Her eyes seem to glow with the same red energy that was beginning to envelop her blade as Hien desperately tried to stop Izayoi. Reisa charged without a word towards the two of them with speed that could only be matched by her opponent. One strike, two graves. A blonde blur leaped from a nearby rooftop and a heavy boot collided with Reisa's side that sent her hurtling back towards the ship. A small yelp of pain came from Chisaki as she stood up from the spot where the captain once was [color=FEF698]"GO NOW! There's no time!"[/color] She quickly glanced at Ciradyl, directing her words towards her just as much as she was to Izayoi and Hien. The Viera ripped twin daggers from her chest rig and got into a ready position, but the leg that had struck Reisa shook. Chisaki was not the only one who had responded to the battle. The few rooftops not completely collapsed and destroyed were being taking up by a rough group of rebels wielding Valheiminan firearms. Gunshots began to pop from the direction where the reinforcements were coming from. Ciradyl weaved her way through her comrades and the rubble to reach Hien and Izayoi [color=B2FFC4]"Someone, take him! I got her!"[/color] For the first time, Ciradyl's voice cracked and allowed her emotions to leak through. She placed her hands on Izayoi's face, practically slapping with both hands, and pulled her gaze to the Faye [color=B2FFC4]"You're not going to leave me a second time! This is not where your story ends! If you die here, I shall be joining you."[/color] She frantically spoke, tears welling up in her eyes. Ciradyl didn't trust her words to convince the stubborn Mystrel enough to get her to abandon this circle of death. She gripped the wrist of Izayoi with a hold that was tight, but tender, and began pulling her back towards their path of extraction. Looking back at Izayoi her eyes shifted to Chisaki and her lips opened up to say something [color=FEF698]"If you want us to be okay, get out of here! I'm not as crazy as some old samurai."[/color] She said the last part like a joke but her expression was cold. Flashes erupted from a distant rooftop and a bullet cut through the air and struck one of the rebel gunmen. Chisaki was almost certain that she had at least sprained her leg with that kick [color=FEF698]"Stop shaking dammit."[/color] She muttered under her breath as she remain focused on Reisa in the distance. The gunfight was really starting to kick up but it wouldn't last long. Izayoi...Hien...Ciradyl. They were too important to the freedom of Opsrey to let them die or be captured in a place like this. She glanced back at Hien, lingering on him for a perhaps a moment too long, and returned to her ready stance. There was a future she desperately wanted to be a part of, but she was ready if this was as far as she got. She was just a shinobi after all, a person of a thousand faces and none of them real. As Reisa began to recover, her left hand sheathed her dagger and dug into a leather pouch. Four tiny, black bombs were held between her fingers as she got ready to intervene.