[center][color=#b3ccff][h2]Esben Mathiassen[/h2][/color][/center] [hr] [color=#b3ccff]"You don't know me well enough to make [i]those[/i] assumptions!"[/color] Esben replied with a wide smile and a modest shrug. Not that there was time to say much else; Éliane opened fire almost immediately as he finished, sending captain Reisa on a short retreat, and Izayoi followed soon after. Blade at the ready, he moved forward to assist, only to find himself beaten to the punch in intercepting the captain's charge as Chisaki sent Reisa tumbling with a well-aimed kick. He glanced back to Reisa quickly; attack her while she was down, and risk bearing the discharge of whatever materia she could bring to bear to fight back with, possibly without even being able to harm or kill her. Or, turn tail and grab Izayoi and help the others drag her away, let the shinobi sacrifice herself to guarantee all their escape. One option was more reasonable than the other, one carried greater risk but greater possible reward. However, the small explosives that Chisaki dug out of her bag gave another option, one that could preserve as many of their resources as possible with a bit of luck. [i][color=#b3ccff]Elly, Elly, I hope you've brought some more exciting ammunition for us...[/color][/i] He sprinted up to the shinobi, sheathing his blade and hanging his buckler back on his belt; his left hand was raised in a closed fist, a clear signal for Éliane to hold her fire for a moment longer. His right stretched out, fingers deftly sliding between Chisaki's own as he hooked the bombs into his own grasp. [color=#b3ccff]"Be creative, why don't you?"[/color] he joked, and tossed the bombs over to where Reisa was rising back up. His left hand opened wide, flashing five fingers twice and pointing out at the prone Valheimr captain. [i][color=#b3ccff]Five rounds rapid, just like at the training range![/color][/i] As Éliane opened fire from her rooftop vantage point, he turned forward around the shinobi, crouching down slightly; he wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted her up as he sprinted forwards towards where Ciradyl and Hien fought to pull Izayoi back. His free arm shot forwards, hooking elbow-to-elbow around one of Izayoi's, adding his running momentum to Hien's forceful dragging of the older woman to try and reconvene with the rest of their group.