In many ways, this whole series of events would be classified as a, putting it simply, "fucking disaster". Even as Matsuru stood to throw his book, his mind was racing with warnings. [i]Don't do it[/i], [i]He'll copy your quirk[/i], and [i]You know this will end poorly[/i] blared like alarms in his mind. Yet still he acted. He yelled and threatened one of his juniors. Yes, Yusuke is a dam idiot, someone Matsuru does not hold in high regards. But still, it would not justify the actions he took. Under all his anger and frustration, he felt pity and remorse. He kept his face in an angered state to help mask his feelings of regret. When some of the students of 1B came to reprimand him, he welcomed it. [i]"Listen to them. Calm down and listen to them."[/i] Matsuru took a deep breath and begun to deactivate his quirk, the light from his eyes fading to a dim glow. When he thought all of the tension would pass, his gut tightened into a knot. His eyes, now fully iridescent in an indigo glow, saw some telltale sings from Rin he was all too familiar with. A sudden, distinguished chill nipped at the nape of his neck. Her soft expression sharpening. Her very aura changing. Thanks to his quirk, he was able to identify these changes much quicker than anyone else in 1B would. He knows what these signs mean, she's changing into that [i]thing[/i]. He's seen it some times before. Namely when Matsuru almost missed their anniversary due to a last minute assignment being given to him from Endeavor's Agency. In a flash, he lowered his body and rushed forward, out of the cone of attack. He didn't know what would come, he just knew he needed to dodge. What Matsuru didn't expect was for Rin to pull out a gun, of all things. He saw her point it at Yusuke, now completely engrossed in multiple copies of quirks, and shoot at him from an extremely close range. Now closer to the front of the room, he saw as Yusuke dropped to the floor (most likely unconscious) and the entirety of Class 1B erupt in a flurry of emotion. He considers himself a learned man. Given his progeny and potential, he was always blessed with the best education and tutors money could buy. Hell, he even entered both UA and Eirei through recommendation. But none of his years of training and numbered encounters in the streets could have prepared him for these series of events. In truth, he froze up. His mind ablaze, cognitively working overtime partly due to his Quirk trying to absorb the multitude of unforseen events that occured. It wasn't until one of the students, Kaiga, yelled for him to follow. Why was he carrying Yusuke? Oh, yes, probably to take him to the nurses office. Why was I supposed to follow? Rin probably asked me too. He purposefully ignored all the commotion and comments being thrown around. He was already in a heightened state of agitation, the last thing this class needs is another of his outbursts. As he moves to follow Kaiga, he passes by Rin. He leans in and whispers in her ear "Meet me at my dorm after your class, lets talk." ~~=~~ The walk to the nurses office was, for lack of a better term, uneventful. Matsuru, now fully composed and back to his normal observant self. Held a pensive demeanor. Much of his mind was filled with the series of unfortunate events that followed his outburst. His focus was broken once Kaiga broke the silence. [quote]"Um nice weather we're having right"[/quote] A chuckle escaped his lips. He allowed himself a small smile. This boy... He's heard much about him, namely through the grapevine from the other first and second years. A fanatic of his former employer and family acquaintance. A kindhearted gentleman with a true sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. A hero with a sense of "street-smarts" and an awareness not learned but earned. If Matsuru had to akin him to sonething, it would be a Hearth. A strength of a flame yet a homeliness little could match. Even now, the poor boy is trying to make small talk. Matsuru found comfort in that. "My apologies, Kaiga. It was inappropriate of me to act in such a way, much less in front of my Juniors." He looks up to the first year and offers a quaint smile. "I do believe this is out first time speaking in a personal setting. I am Matsuru Yaoyorozu. I have heard much about you, Asagumo-Kun," He would outstretch his hand.