[color=ed1c24][b][h2][CENTER]Kaiga Asagumo[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub] Kaiga smiled before shaking Matsuru's hand "It's fine Yaoyorozu-senpai" Kaiga understood perfectly why he had thrown the book at Yusuke "Yuhi-Senpai was being a bother" Kaiga continued on "And no one was hurt...well other than Yuhi-Senpai" Kaiga went silent for a moment before continuing on "[color=ed1c24]You and Himura-Senpai know each other right seeing as your in the same year[/color]" Kaiga fiddled his fingers "[color=ed1c24]I-I don't think she's a bad person[/color]" Before Endeavor's retirement Kaiga would have just gone and said whatever he wanted willy nilly but now his confidence has taken a big hit "But that form of her's was scary, did she ever use that form before" Kaiga realized what he said and tried to wave it off "[color=ed1c24]Well I'm not saying Himura-Senpai is prone to whatever that form was[/color]" Kaiga eventually stop talking before sighing "I talk to much sometimes that was one of the reasons my ex-girlfriend broke up with me" Kaiga gave an even more deprecating sigh "Sorry if I'm acting different it's just that Endeavor's retirement hit me hard" Kaiga weakily smiled "hope I'm not being to weird."