[center][h2]Bob[/h2][/center] Bob was quiet as he stared at one of the hardest challenges he had ever had to face in his life; highschool level algebra. He rather enjoyed the written word and numbers often made sense… but the combination of the two was throwing him for a bit of a loop. While the difficulties of solving what X represented was generally a challenge that was shared by those Bob’s age, Bob himself was in somewhat… different circumstances than most. For starters, Bob wasn’t in a classroom, or enrolled At a high school for that matter. Bob was set up in his room of the titan tower, sitting at a desk that was specially made for his abnormal height and weight, working with a keyboard that had been scaled up for his fingers to properly make use of the keys as he slowly but surely hammered away at the problems on the screen from his online, remedial high school work. Almost everything in Bob’s room had been specially designed with Bob in mind. It had to be. He was just… too big and bulky for standard equipment. If it wasn’t designed with being durable to his level of strength in mind, it tended to get broken rather quickly. Not because he wanted to break it, but because he simply didn’t have the fine motor control needed not too. He [i]tried[/] to be careful all the time but… well, all it took was a lapse for just a second. Taking a deep breath as he [i]finally[/i] felt confident enough in the current math problem to enter it, he glanced at the time and decided that was enough for now… before he got frustrated. It was time to go and have breakfast. The residents of the kitchen almost certainly hear Bob’s arrival before they saw him. His bulk caused him to have rather heavy footfalls. When he entered the kitchen, nine feet of genetically altered humanity offered a warm smile as they reached up to carefully adjust their almost comical reading glasses with surprising care. He was wearing a singlet that easily showed that just about all of the bulk in his body was working muscle and healthy fat. He had opted for a pair of black pants this morning… and on his feet were a pair of giant, fluffy blue rabbit slippers. “Mornin’” he offered in a friendly manner before walking over to the fridge and removing a whole carton of eggs. Pulling out a large bowl, he started the careful task of cracking each egg open as he worked on his morning scrambled eggs… and [i]tried[/i] to keep as much egg shell out of it as possible. Not because he couldn’t eat them, but just for the challenge of it.