[color=fff200][b][h2][CENTER]Akira Yuzuki[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub] If you look at the official results of the sports festival, it would say that Akira won his final match. It felt that he lost to every other metric however; He is the only first year student to stay in the infirmary and missed his classes, he is pretty sure that the entire fight he is on the verge of losing and quite honestly he was sure that he collapsed after they announced his win. His last ditch effort to land a hit had a very huge pay-off. The Princess Knight definitely didn't expect him suddenly shorten his projected spear and go for a punch, he wondered what would happen if she saw that coming. Regardless a win is a win, hope he made everyone proud. When he woke up, the festival already ended and his semi-finals match was forfeited. A little anti-climatic but he already showed everything in quarterfinals. He already had the list of a new Class B roster, there are a lot of changes in the roster and they have the former teacher of Class 1A as their new adviser. He think he was their Bloodline Teacher, a stupid subject in his opinion that could be placed as a special section in history if he is asked. Professor Danzo right? He was a pretty upright man, a little bit 'political' but he was pretty sure he won't burn the classroom on the first day. His thoughts are greatly betrayed by the entrance of some of his classmates, some familiar and others are new. They are escorting Yusuke who was sporting. Gunshot wounds? [color=fff200]"What the fuck happened while I was asleep?[/color]" he asked his fellow representative. He only knew one person in the class list who use guns. But before he judge, he needs context. The world has too many judgmental people for him to prematurely add his two cents.