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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Serena gasped and fell to her knees, breathing hard. Then she glared and said “alright then…my turn” she fought to get to her feet and drew the next card. She glanced at it and smiled. “Heart of the cards alright…” she said then looked at the team across. “Guess it’s my turn. Time to show the fury of the gods. I trigger my last spell card, willing sacrifice. It allows me to summon a monster to the field without the need of monster sacrifice. And I call upon for the first time to the game, Bane, Keeper of Shadows!” The field was blasted with shadows and all the cards on the other side were swallowed by the shadows.
“Oh, did I mention that the shadows wipe out all cards and effects on the field? Mainly yours” The Bane(4000/3500) appeared out of the shadows and howled.

Serena was panting, the energy summoning the god was taking a toll on her. “Now…since you have no monsters on the field…Bane! Wipe out the rest of their life points! Shadow Revenge Attack!” The god jumped and blasted the other team in a blast of black and silver magic, wiping out their life points.

Ishizu hugged her brother and said “it’s alright brother…they are safe now…”

Hoth walked to Yugi and cupped his cheek. “Yugi, my blessed of my love and war side. And Cora, one of my war blessed. Both of you love the challenge of the battle, which in this case is the game. But Yugi loves for others is unmatched.” Yugi looked to the field and sighed “they won…”

Hoth looked down and said “the duel yes…but not the battle. That woman isn’t going stop at the duel…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Their screams filled the room as the people duelists in the room seemed fearful and in shock unsure if this was part of duels or what. But they seemed scared. Joey noticed the escalation of the Duel and looked to his friends. "We need to get these people out of here. I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen. I'm going to go get Yugi." Joey says as he hops off the bleachers and runs to go find Yugi. Seto and Tristen get up, Seto looking to Mokuba. "Get to the nearest entrance and help people get out." He looks to Duke. "Help Mokuba." He says before running off.

Tsunade and Genki had fallen to their knees but slowly, painfully got up. Tsunade looking almost crazed. "I will not be beaten by little hussy like you and her boy toy!" She draws a card and places it on the field. "I call upon the shadows as they grant me the monster Masked Beast Des Gadius and boost his attack power with Recklessly! With his power on par with the god, I'll give you a reality check!"

Yami had to think fast he had to help Serena, then it hit him. He quickly drew a card and smirked. "Twin-Hearted Knight! I summon you!" Putting the card on his duel disk.

Cora was shocked to hear what the goddess had to say. Her, blessed? She felt flattered by it. "T-Thank you, Ma'am." She felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked to the stage to see something was wrong. Next she knew a beast nuzzled her cheek of which made her giggle. She looked to see Mythical Beast Cerberus. "Cerberus. What's the matter?" She asks. The beast looks to the room where the shadows were forming and she understood. Cerberus then looks to Goddess Hoth and bows it's twin heads in respect.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Duke nodded and ran with the young one as they made a beeline to the doors. Tristen ran to help as well while Odion said “we must help them. This is getting dangerous for both of them” ishizu nodded and said “agreed. The pharaoh needs us”

Serena said “I am no hussy! You’re the hussy with the tank top and short shorts! Let her have it Bane!”

But there was a flash of light as Yugis duel disk flashed. A black and white knight appeared, half and half across his armor. The knight landed softly before pulling the sword free and aimed it at the woman. “That’s enough out of you witch. Time to watch your mouth” he ran towards the creature and stabbed it in the chest, the color draining from the monsters form. Serena stared, seeing the knights face and muttered “it can’t..be…” the knight turned and Adam’s face was under the helmet. “Let me protect you for once…”

Then the knight jumped back and landed in front of Yami. “My effect will freeze the monster for three turns, so what you need Yami!”

Hoth smiled at the beast and said “seems you two are needed…take these” she snapped her fingers and pendents appeared around their necks and her card in there hands. “The Pharaoh won’t last long. You’ll need to go help him win this fight”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Marik came out of his fear to see everyone springing into action. He shakes his head remembering that his evil half wasn't there, and that he was gone for good. Remembering that he activated his duel disk. "I summon Gravekeeper Supernaturalist! Help hold the line!"

Yami was genuinely surprised that the Knight he saw before him, looked and sounded just like Adam. His thoughts were interrupted by the Knight as he spoke to him. "To stop her before she does anymore damage and hurt anyone." He informs him. "Maybe yours and Mana's power can take it down and hopefully we can take care of the Brotherhood here."

Joey ran up the stairs when he found Yugi and Cora. "It's getting bad Yug'! Yami ans Serena need help!" Cora gasped not reading how bad it was out there. She looks to the goddess and bows her head in thanks. "Thank you for you help ma'am!" She head toward the stairs. "Let's go help your brother!" She heads for the door as does Cerberus in toe. Joey heads out with her.

Tsunade seems frustrated as her monster was frozen. "Fine then! Take this! Demise, King of Armageddon!" Genki pulls a card and puts it in the spell/trap zone. "I'll put black pendant on Demise to raise his attack power." Genki says. "We will not fail...."

As they came down the stairs a couple Malice Dolls of Demise were there to meet them. Mythical Beast Cerberus went to go after one of the dolls. Joey summons his axe Raider to help out. Cora goes to beeline to help Serena and Yami when she's grabbed by one of the Duelists theater her and Yugi dueled. An arm around her neck. "Don't come any closer! He announces toward Joey and Cerberus, the dog head growling as the lion head roars with concern for his master.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The knight nodded and said “I’ll hold the line with the Bane, summon who you need. But don’t lose sight of Serena. She’s a target here as well. They might try and take her again”

Serena was panting hard, shaking as she pulled a card and said “guardian of the king…strike that thing down!” Her card appeared and cried out, moving forward and slashing the monster in half. Serena held her chest.

Yugi appeared and saw Cora and he saw red. He yelled “leave her out of this!” He was almost glowing with rage as he pulled the card free and called “Silent Swordsman lv 7! Defend!” The swordsman appeared and burst forward with super speed and hit the duelist hard in the chest, catching Cora in his arms. He smiled at her and said “my lady? Are you harmed?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Yami nods. "Thank you." He looks toward Serena and makes his way to her. He holds out his hand to her. "You alright?" He asks. "Let me help out. I have some energy to spare." He says as he helps her to her feet.

The duelist keeled over holding his chest, letting go of Cora. Before Cora knew it, she in in the arms of the Silent Swordsman. She blinked, confused for a moment as she came back to reality, her eyes wide. "Oh! No, im fine! Thank you!" She says. Cerberus moved to stand next to Yugi as the Lion head yowls in gratitude while the dogs head feels ashamed for letting his change get captured. Joey even went over toward Cora but stopped as Axe Raider went ahead and took out some more dolls.

"Man, these dolls are getting to become a nuisance." Joey declared.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Serena took his hand and stood, shaking as she said “we…have to end this….before she forms something more insane…”

The swordsman jumped back to the two headed beast and set her on its back. Then he jumped into the fight as Yugi was panting, holding his chest a bit. “We…need to go…help…”

Ishizu was leading people out and called “brother? What’s happening on the stage?”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Yami nods, seeing how much this was effecting her. He holds her close as he looks to Bane. "Bane, Mana, Twin hearted knight, we need to team up to defeat the frozen monster and knock out those two members. Serena can't hold out much longer. Attack with all you have!" Mana nodded as she pointed her staff to the monster. "Ready?" She asks, when they were she unleashed a beam of magic.

Marik looked to the stage to see what was happening. He has his spiritualist go help the by going after Genki.

Little of the crowd was left at this point. With Mokuba and Duke at one exit, Seto at Tristen at other exits, there were stragglers left of which Marik was trying to get out of the club.

Cora thanks the Swordsman before looking to Yugi. She leans over a little as she holds out her hand to Yugi. "Come on up! It'll be faster!" She encourages, her other hand holding onto Cerberus' mane. When he gets on, Cora taps her foot as Cerberus takes off toward the stage. Joey follows the path Cerberus makes.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Knight nodded and said “at your mark my lady” the Bane chuckled and said “with pleasure…” they charged their attacks, ready to move when Mana gave the word.

Duke looked around and said “guys is everybody clear now? I think the final blow is about to hit”

Yugi smiled at her and took her hand, moving up behind her and they took off towards the fighting.

Serena leaned on Yami, her body shaking more as they stood there. Supporting a god in a shadow duel was a lot harder then it looked.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cerberus sped to the stage with Cora glad that everyone was out of the building. They get to the stage, Cerberus hopped up lowered himself by Yami and Serena. Cora got down, helping Yugi should he need it. Once they were off his back, Cerberus went to help with the attack. The two heads charged a beam.

Marik looked around not seeing another soul in sight. "All clear!"

That was all Mana needed to hear. "Fire!" She released her magic as it shot at the monster and Tsunade and Genki. As everyone else released their attack, the monster was destroyed as the members of the brothhood before them were left standing there before collapsing onto the floor. Mana sighed in relief at this before looking around.

The group slowly gathered up and to the stage. Cora blinked as she looked about before grinning. "We did it!" She almost couldn't believe that that happened and now extremely happy.

Yami looked to Serena and smiled, glad that was over.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Bane walked to the fallen brotherhood and growled. “Time for some answers fools…” Twin Hearted Knight walked towards them and held his blade out. “I agree with the king of shadows…”

Serena leaned on Yami, breathing hard. “Is everyone alright?”

Yugi looked around and said “yes nice work everyone”

Mokuba was on the phone and turned to Seto “bro, there’s a problem. At the hospital, Adam suddenly collapsed in Drakes room and they can’t wake him”

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Tsunade looked at the large wolf creature with a hard glare. She kept her mouth shut. She wasn't going to spill. Genki had passed out.

"Every one is okay." Yami confirms. He looks to Mokuba who just then gave the news about Adam. He sighs before looking to his Twin Hearted Knight. "Adam. If that is indeed you as the Knight, you might want to go back. You are scaring the medical staff." He explains. As much as he wanted the Knight here, it seemed they would have a talk about this later.

Cora thought about something and realized that something wasn't right. "Hey, what happen to the two duelists we dueled against earlier? Weren't they about of this Brotherhood or something?" She asks.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yugi lokked around and said “they vanished too…but they didn’t seem to be part of this…but we should find them as it is” He looked to his monster and said “can you check outside?” The swordsman nodded and headed outside.

The Knight walked to Yami and smiled “I can’t be in two places at once…I was sitting when you summoned me…but if your need of me is done I can go back.”

Serena moved to stand by her Wolf and she said “you know who I am yes? You sure you want to hold out on me?”

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cora nodded. Mythical Beast Cerberus went over to his designated partner, sniffing Cora with the canine head. Cora could only giggle a little. "Go help the Swordsman Cerberus, I'll be fine." She tells the Beast. It looks to the Bane and the "prisoners" before taking off after the Swordsman. She looked toward what was going on before looking around and sitting on the edge of the stage, not feeling comfortable to watch.

Yami nods. "You are free to go. Thank you for you assistance. We'll let you know what we find out." He informs him as he gives a bow of his head in appreciation.

Mana and Gravekeeper Supernaturalist came up to them. "I'd talk if I were you! Who know what may happen if you don't." Mana insists.

Tsunade spots on the ground and still keeps her mouth shut. She seemed strong willed most likely she is one of their upper ranked in the Brotherhood. She didn't seem afraid still and Mana sighs. "What do we do now. She won't budge."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Knight smiled and bowed his head and vanished. Yugi moved and sat next to Cora and said “you alright?”

Bane chuckled and moved into the woman’s face and said “maybe Serena and I handle this one…she’s not as tough as she looks…” Serena walked up as well and knelt down, glaring at the woman. “You think we are just going to let you go? After what you’ve been doing to others? You don’t think we are above handling you like monsters? Think the god next to me won’t banish you to the shadow realm for your crimes?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cora noticed someone come sit with her, looking at them it was Yugi. She smiles warily. "I'll be alright. Just don't feel comfortable watching."

Yami looked to the potential interrogation that was about to happen before looking to the group, especially Cora who might not be use to this type of scene compared to some of them. "Yugi, could you take Cora outside please?" He asks.

Marik walks over to Yugi and Cora. "I'll go with them. I need some air as well." He offers. Yami nods, not stopping anyone.

Tsunade smirks then. "Fine by me. I'm not some rat." Matching Serena's stare down.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yugi smiled and said softly “don’t worry, my friends wouldn’t really do anything to hurt anyone. They are just acting terrifying so we can get answers…” he looked up at Marik and nodded, jumping down and helping Cora down before slipping out.

Serena glanced back and nodded, then stood up and cracked her neck. “Okay…now I’m getting upset. A rat? Really? Your lower then a rat. Your lower then the bugs who eat the dead. You take the souls of duelists and put in their bodies the darkest parts of themselves or worse. You are trying to bring the end of the world by listening to a god that is having a fit because his not getting his way. A god who won’t even do his own dirty work…” she suddenly grabbed the the woman and slammed her into the wall, her eyes glowing gold as did her aura as she said “if it were up to me, you wouldn’t get out of this with words. I’d string you up and watch the monsters of the shadows devour your soul piece by piece…and make sure you were awake the entire time, over a long period…I’d say the same period of the victims in the coma ward are trapped in whatever heck your Brotherhood has them in…”

She was started to shift her clothing by her aura alone, gold armor and clothes of a warrior and assassin wrapping around her. She moved her mouth closer to the woman’s ear and said softly so only she heard “I am the Pharaohs shadow…I kill those who threaten him…and your in my way of ridding a threat…and things in my way don’t die slowly…they get it nice and slow…your body and soul will never know peace…not for five thousand years…maybe, depends on how much you piss me off in the next five minutes…now…what to keep talking big? Or do I let my wolf partner here give you a taste of the rest of your dark…painful…lonely life…it’s up to you…” she moved her staff and held it against the woman’s chest, the end glowing as well. “Your little wands aren’t the only thing that can rip out souls…I could start with your unconscious friend over there. Show you the pain you and your so called brothers have been putting others thru…want a taste? I’m happy to show you the pain Drake and my brother have been thru…I’ll start my payback with you…be more then happy to…because you tried to hurt my pharaoh and you smiled about it…you will pay for that action dearly…”

Ishizu watched what was happening but stopped Odion from acting. “No…this is her moment…she’s lost more then any of us…she has every right to this…only Yami can stop her anyway…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Cora accepted Yugi's help, slipping away with Yugi and Marik out the door. "I never knew Miss Serena was scary. I'll make note not to make her mad." She says as she scratches the back of her head. Marik felt he could breath again once outside. He needed to recover mentally after feeling how much memories when the Millennium Rod took hold of his mind.

Tsunade felt the wind knocked out of her as she was thrown into a wall. Falling onto her knees, there was a twitch of her change of emotion seeing Serena change and whisper in her ear. Watching Serena more, she sighs before conceding. "Do what you want with Genki. But know we don't care what happens to this world. It deserted us from the start...." Tsunade tells her with a serious look on her face, that was something Yami himself could tell she was telling the truth about. Or why join a cause like the Brotherhood.

Tsunade lifts her arms in surrender. "Now. Whatever happens to me doesn't matter. They'll just get more recruits. If you want information, I'm not your gal. You'll need to get ahold of the people who can talk to him. Where they are I don't know. We only get told plans right then and the day of. No prep no nothin'." Tsunade explains.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yugi moved and took Mariks hand and said softly “it wasn’t you…your safe now and with friends…” he smiled then saw his monster still working and he leaned on the wall to rest a moment.

Serena glared at her and suddenly the whole room felt heavy and dark as she muttered “you gave up on the world…and you think that gives you right to hurt others? You think you get a pass to ruin the lives of others! What kind of demon are you!” The room doubled in intensity and she grabbed the girls throat and slammed her to the wall again, pinning her there. “You think because you let your life go to crap that you have any right to hurt others? Take my brother Nd hurt Drake? Take souls and put bodies into comas? Kidnap people and torture them? You think you deserve the right to cause harm because your life sucks!” She held the neck tighter and said “you make me sick. Your worse then even I said before…the monsters would get sick off eating your twisted nothing soul…you have no right to anything…and I’m going to show you what real pain is…what the world truly feels like when it abandons you…when everything is taken from you…lets dive you down to the true bottom of life Nd see what’s left. I doubt you’d even make five feet…”
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Marik looked to Yugi and nods as a smile forms. "Thank you Yugi. I apologize. I did not expect this to get to me as much as it has already."

Cora seemed curious about what happened, to understand what was making her new friends hurt so bad. But she knew it was a huge overstep into someone's private life and wasn't going to overstep something that sensitive. As she leans against the wall, Cora begins to feel lightheaded. Coming off the adrenaline high from today, she feels tired and dizzy. She slides herself down to the ground and rests her wrists on her knees.

The former Pharaoh listened still and wait for the proper time to intervene should need be. Listening to the pain of both sides. Not needing to know much else from the one side and already knowing the side of another. It seemed Tsunade was indeed resilient. From Yami's perspective, this was starting to get out of hand. Not only was Mokuba still in the room, some of his friends too and they didn't need to witness this. They had seen many...many things. But last he wanted was for Serena to go down a path she would regret and their friends to witness such harsh truths at a still young age.

"Serena. Let her go." He orders. "I understand your pain. However. We do not stoop to their level for then we are no better than they are." Yami explains to her. Walking over and placing a hand on her shoulder that held the woman. Once she was dropped, Yami looked to Tsunade who was coughing for air.

"Tsunade. What you have done based on the weight of your soul is nothing nothing to feel proud of. I understand the world has failed you. In return you try to hurt those living within it. I cannot and will not let it continue." He places a hand on Tsunade's head. "You will open you mind and start anew. Your heart and soul shall released from the prison of your own making. Search for your true self on this world." Having focused his power ripping the evil that was gripped to Tsunade' soul. Free for Bane to take and do as he pleased. He does the same for Genki. Genki still passed out while Tsunade was on her knees and to much in shock to do anything.

"Kaiba. Call up an ambulance for them. She has much recovery to do as well as rediscovery." The former Pharaoh looks to Serena and Bane. See how Serena was holding up. "Let's head back to the hideout.

Seto calls up for an ambulance and car before checking on his brother. He knew his little brother and seen about as much cruelty as he had, but ti actually see this side of things, not thinking how similar or different it would be. "Mokuba?"
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