[indent][indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://imagedelivery.net/9sCnq8t6WEGNay0RAQNdvQ/UUID-cl90fxfbn57561vmqyeds0yeqg/public [/img][hr][/center][quote][color=gainsboro]ᴛᴏᴋʏᴏᴘᴏʟɪꜱ[/color] [color=deepskyblue]ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ, ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ɪɴꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅɪꜱᴛʀɪᴄᴛ[/color] [color=lavender]ᴇɪʀᴇɪ ᴘᴏʟʏᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ[/color] [sub]Freshman Building, 1B[/sub] [sub]Interactions[/sub] [@Letter Bee] [@Thayr] [@rexgn] [@Gerlando] [@Aku the Samurai] [@Creative Chaos] [@Lewascan2] [@Dragon Arts] [/quote]An unhealthy ordeal call began with the perceived power abuse of the Student Advisors against the crying justice of the reorganized 1B. Students displayed meticulous appeal that questioned the superceding authority of the Prefect & demanded restitution to the rightful authorized Professor. Directly quoted from the hero constitutional work ethics alluded to the principalities of the Hero Commission, Mia enforced the Genius Office Code of Conduct & wrestled with Rin's warped mind. Both have dissuaded another's principles despite the rallied majority towards Rin's undoing. The Himura Heiress let matters ran at its natural course, her Beloved aided the Fanatic with the [i]liabilities[/i] to the Infirmary as the tension grew, Akisuji Gendou walked out. [indent][i]Moreover[/i], nameless students who expressed fear against Rin's oozing bloodlust, left the room as one after another followed to the backdoor, scared off their wits as their beeping IDs prompted the smart door of their departure. All the while Mia [i]ranted[/i], more & more students left & Rin was gazing with sinister eyes of murderous intent & mocking smile as the rant went on and waned, rolling her eyes & shrugging off dirt from her long nails. A moment of silence started & then ceased, the moment Rin replied, Dark Rin or not, there was no difference, her voice in a split moment sounded distorted, as if there were three people in one body. She muttered. [color=deepskyblue]"I have no intentions of humoring a disowned hatchling, Dirtblood."[/color] Dirtblood. One of the foulest racist terms denoting one's genealogy of lesser descendency, either parent having a quirk or not. A word that Nobles, Dynastic Hero & Villain Families alike, loved using to degrade those lesser than them. [/indent] Before more prejudice and chaos ensues, suddenly the lights turned off and back on. [color=gainsboro]"Now, now...Ms. Himura. Do not stoop to the level of your [i]hatchlings[/i]."[/color] Professor Danzo with his dramatic entrance, Rin remained besides Danzo. The man dressed in victorian black, looked at Mia and the remaining students and his calming yet deep voice said while he wrote his name on the board and him being 29 years old, who interned at Hawks. [color=gainsboro]"Shimura Danzo or better yet the Wind Pro Hero, Ravens. I will be your Professor, moving forward."[/color] He paused. The former 1A students knew how strict, Shimura is. [color=gainsboro]"Ms. Mathers, Ms. Himura, see me at my office after our last agenda."[/color] Shimura held back his fuming of how disorganized 1B is actually not only in person but as its new Professor. [color=gainsboro]"To think Madame Todoroki enlisted me to deal with insufferable & self-righteous Dirtbloods, scheming Nullbloods and entitled Truebloods. This notorious class is going to need more than just an extreme makeover."[/color] The insufferable & self-righteous Dirtblood was heavily directed to Mia, which he looked with emphasized intent. [color=gainsboro]"Until you all learned to behave, starting today, all of you will be in detention, for the rest of the month. Do not test my patience, your Hero Licenses will be suspended. The dorm assignments which Ms. Himura was to deliver is overdue, because of this entitled class's opinionated babbling. The dorm assignments are:[/color] [quote][color=gainsboro]Soragami ✗ Kazuma Yamagata ✗ Yajima Mamushi ✗ Mawatari Asagumo ✗ Yūhi Mathers ✗ Seiki Yuzuki ✗ Himura[/color] [/quote] [color=gainsboro]"And since this entitled class thinks they're better than everyone. Ms. Mawatari, Ms. Mamushi & Ms. Himura Ria and Mr. Yuzuki are exempted from detention. Ms. Seiki, you will need to see me at my office with Ms. Himura Rin & Ms. Mathers, immediately after this class." [/color] He sat down at the Professor's seat and brought his Hawkpad to the table. [color=gainsboro]"Furthermore, Ms. Himura Rin will continue as your Main Student Advisor. This class's penalty will be sleeping in the House of Hawks Common Room with rollable futons on the floor except for the ones without detention. This is only for tonight."[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWW1xUqngqTQv0mvr5251X2ieueavFI0xHpuE4tesb8KMQktBV-99mT0c&s=10[/img][hr][/center][quote][color=gainsboro]ᴛᴏᴋʏᴏᴘᴏʟɪꜱ[/color] [color=deepskyblue]ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ, ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ɪɴꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛɪᴏɴ[/color] [sub]South Building, Infirmary[/sub] [url=https://youtu.be/kn73TOm4JZw?si=JUWrTDNCJPLBli0z]Overhaul Theme[/url] ᴅʀ. ᴄʜɪꜱᴀᴋɪ ᴋᴀɪ [sub]Interactions[/sub] [@Digmata], [@JrVader], [@Iamme] [/quote]Reformed Villain — Chisaki Kai No words are needed to be said but what cannot be ignored was that he was essential to the defeat of the Symbol of Fear, Villain King, Shigaraki Tomura. He attended to the needs of those within the premises of the clinic, Dr. Chisaki has a strong reputation of getting the job done in an instant, leaving no students even make an excuse to prolong their stay in the Infirmary. His raspy and manly voice attended to the two students. [color=silver]"Language. Yuzuki-kun. I will not tolerate filthy language in my zone."[/color] He turned to what seemed to be Yusuke who was shot with Quirk Erasure Bullets, previously known as & now known as Antiquirk Artillery. [color=silver]"The two of you...[/color] Chisaki held back his impending anger. [color=silver]"Yaoyorozu, Asagumo. You've violated my rules of not wearing facemasks and forgetting to sanitize your hands but since this is an emergency, I will tolerate your eccentricities."[/COLOR] He sighed with even more disappointment & expressed it and reached to Yusuke's body, removing his gloves, feeling every being of Yusuke and put two-and-two. [color=silver]"I sense Quirk residues around Yūhi's body and you, Asagumo. Use of Quirks without the permission of a Professor is a violation to Eirei's mandates. As the Head Doctor of Eirei Infirmaries and Professor of Medical Technology Courses, Asagumo, you will serve detention for the month, I'm sure that Professor Shimura has already sanctioned your collaborator, you will be serving community service in my zone. If you've got nothing better to do, I suggest leaving my zone, you've received your [i]overhaul[/i] as your bodies rejuvenated, leave my zone, fully clean. Leave before I sanction all of you for truancy. Yaoyorozu, take Asagumo and Yuzuki-kun back to class, I will deal with Yūhi...and Yaoyorozu, Madame Todoroki....have all the Hawks Interns gather two days from now...it's of important disposition, I am sick of their crap, they need a cure. [/color][hr] [b]End of My Introduction Academia! Next Issue; Free Roam Before Internships.[/b] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]