Bezaliel spent his morning on the ceiling’s support beams— after all, it was the only space where he had peace and didn’t have to share with all of the others. Though, he didn’t mind sharing space with some of them. That still didn’t mean they were a pack, though. When the nurses came in, he stumbled while trying to lean down and dropped a hunk of cheese on the ground. The Angel never heard of the whole five second rule and whatnot, but still promptly dove down for that cheese hunk and ate it. A nurse walked up to Bezaliel with a smile— it seemed it was always the same nurse, a plump woman with curly hair, and one of the few personnel in this shithole that treated Bezaliel with the kindness a person deserves. “Hey, hon,” she started, holding out the binder and a little baggie, “it’s time for your medications.” Bezaliel knew the drill already, going to the comfort of his room to get an oral medication in probably the most awkward way possible— a syringe with a rubber end, meant to feed down his lanky throat so it wouldn’t go into his avian respiratory system on accident. Apparently, at least according to the doctor who saw to Bezaliel regularly, this was better for birds than taking pills, and beyond the inconvenience of having to crouch down and having the plump nurse give him medicine, it seemed it was working for him well enough. He was pulling out his feathers less often, and he felt a little less listless— those were good signs, right? The second that kind nurse told him he was ready to go back out, he bolted straight for his little to-go box, and opened it to find a slab of raw sea bass. He always loved fish! He wished the hunting grounds he was taken to had fish, but apparently those are watery animals, unlike the almost identical looking and tasting ones in his home plane. As the oversized bird scarfed down his breakfast with a happy chirp, he noticed the whole group gathering by the couch and talking about… fisneywlrld? D—disney wld? Didny wol? “D…ISNey… worlD? What IS disneyw…ORLd?” Bezaliel then climbed over almost everyone sitting on the couch just to perch at the raised edge, turning to Roy, the man that Bezaliel saw as an Elder in this slapped-together disgrace of a pack. “What DOIN?”