[hider=Gabriel] [b]Name:[/b] Gabriel Agate [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] Pale skin, sharp features, a slim build, and a consistent frown. Gabriel radiates 'overworked' energy. He's got striking brown eyes with slight bags under them, light brown (approaching dirty blond) hair in a slightly shaggy almost-bowlcut, and a pair of thin red rimmed glasses. Gabriel stands at roughly 5'10, and is probably underweight. He is stuck in the permanent state of 'business casual at a minimum' for his wardrobe, which for a journey across a region is going to be miserable. Don't go hiking in dress pants! Overall, Gabriel has naturally attractive features that he does not particularly work to maintain beyond the level of presentable. He's far too busy maintaining his career's momentum instead. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.imgur.com/m0HniLA.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Gabriel is a bit neurotic. It's always been the case, even when he was young he'd be sweating bullets at the idea of disappointing one of his teachers. As he's grown and been put into a bureaucracy job for the Kalos government, that part of his personality has grown. Naturally nervous, soft-spoken and weak to peer pressure, quick to advise caution and avoid risks, and concerned for the safety of others. As you can see, Gabriel had a fair share of good reasons to not want to do the whole 'journey' thing. He's not all agitation and jumpiness, though. Gabriel's work ethic is exceptional, and his mind is quite sharp. Once he sets his mind to something, he devours any information on the subject he can get his hands on in order to better complete it. He is also, and has always been, the 'mom friend.' The one who always has healthy snacks and bandages on hand, just in case. Gabriel does have a special, unique talent though. Something he is more than happy to weaponize, something that has carried him through life. A uniquely high tolerance for boredom. Sit him down in front of a dry lecture, he won't even get antsy. Make him explain a complex spreadsheet organization system three times? No problem. That's not to say he has infinite patience, just that his patience drains at an incredibly slow rate when involved in things most people would call 'dull' or 'dry'. [hider=Backstory] Gabriel's family has always put pressure on him. Not to the point of cruelty, but there were clear expectations that Gabriel was meant to make something of his life. They wanted success for him, success in specifically a respectable (their words) field. Civil service, a doctor, things like that. To that end, they took the extra financial hit to put him in a high class private school. Where Gabriel was immensely out of place. Well, okay, maybe not immensely. He wasn't the only one who came from a middle class family instead of the hilariously wealthy, but it sure felt like he was sometimes. The first couple of weeks were the worst, he felt more alien than an Elgyem. Which apparently, was the type of joke that made people think you were lame. Eventually, Gabriel got pulled into Andre's orbit. Not through any major event, but through helping Andre and some of the others out with their homework. After helping out a few times, they decided to invite him along to hang out, and it just sort of snowballed from there. He helped Andre out with class when he was too distracted with his latest interests (Gabriel was confident Andre was smart enough to do it on his own, but a little help was the least he could do), talked with Kaylan about the logistical side of being a Pokemon trainer (purely hypothetically, was what he'd often tack onto the end there, having no interest in following that path), competed very one-sidedly with Nikola on tests (in the sense that Nikola never seemed to actually care to make it a contest, but she was plenty good at matching Gabriel's intellect.. when she cared enough to try). And, oh yeah, he seemed to always get roped into Siloh's ghost hunts (which terrified him, but he was so weak to peer pressure Siloh didn't even really have to pressure him, it was more like peer nudging). And of course, something something characters posted after this one something something. He didn't hang with the group as often as he'd like, schooling came first no matter what in his household, and any time a tough test was on the horizon he'd bunker down for it. But he valued the friendships he made greatly, they were his escape from the stress of attempting to plan his career out before he was even close to being an adult. Which was why when everyone went their separate ways, it stung something fierce. Gabriel did his best to keep in touch as the group separated, but when you're a little kid with strict parents, it isn't an easy task. But life goes on, and Gabriel put his nose to the grindstone something fierce. Without friends to play with, he certainly wasn't enjoying his school life as much.. But he [i]was[/i] acing his tests. He had potential, a sharp mind and a good memory could get someone far in life, and Gabriel was on track to do just that. By the time he made it to High School, Gabriel was doing Dual Enrollment, racking up college credit before he even got his diploma. And it paid off. By the time he graduated High School, he had managed to secure an internship in a different region, working for the Hoenn League (though not in any major capacity, as it was, y'know, an internship). Throughout his High School experiences, he had been keeping track of his friends and what they were doing. Silently supporting Andre's career, cheering Kaylan on as he challenged the Kalos League, and so on. So he knew that one of his old friends happened to be in the Hoenn Region as well. Gabriel reached out to Siloh, and ended up (through no desire of his own) assisting his old friend with the 'Siloh Investigates' channel. Primarily by ensuring he wasn't doing anything that would get him in serious legal trouble, but occasionally getting convinced to explore a potentially haunted location with Siloh for a video. Those videos didn't go viral, but they did do rather well.. Because Gabriel was still a total chicken, his dread was hilarious to viewers. Even though Gabriel hated the whole Ghost thing, it was nice to catch up with an old friend. But the internship couldn't last forever, and eventually it was time for Gabriel to head back to Kalos, where he finished relatively quickly thanks to dual enrollment with a business major and a minor in journalism. Combined with the internship, this was enough to net Gabriel a job in the Kalos League. Where he remained for several years, helping to handle the bureaucratic inner-workings of the Gym Challenge. It was.. burdensome. To the point where Gabriel needed to get himself an assistant, in this case a Pokemon, to help him keep track of his things. Two years into his job, and a few promotions later, Gabriel was contacted by his old friend Andre, who wanted to travel the Kalos region on the journey they never had when they were younger. Gabriel was not really interested in any of that, but he did have to visit the various Gym Leaders to ensure their paperwork and permits were up-to-date and in order, so he figured he could at the very least travel with them for a bit in order to see his old friends once again. Of course, maybe, just maybe, the adventure that awaits would snap him out of the monotony he was so comfortable with. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Gabriel is nervous around Ghost type Pokemon, and his favorite type is generally Steel. Gabriel's favorite food is Quiche, and his least favorite is anything bitter. While not a Pokemon trainer, and seemingly not desiring to be one, Gabriel does enjoy watching and analyzing League battles. [hider=Pokemon One] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yLMnSgT.png[/img] [b]Nickname[/b] Helper [b]Species:[/b] Klefki [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Helper is much more mellow and less mischievous than your standard Klefki, while still a bit of a trickster, it has clearly mellowed out in Gabriel's company. The fact that Gabriel has a ton of important items for Helper to hold onto probably helps. After all, what Klefki wouldn't be happy with so many trinkets? [b]History:[/b] After about half a year at his job, Gabriel kept misplacing things. He'd find them eventually, but his mind was too filled with paperwork to remember where he placed everything. It was getting rough, and he was only getting busier and busier. So after talking to some of his superiors, and visiting a professional breeder who raised domestic Pokemon, Gabriel befriended and obtained an 'assistant.' That being, Helper the Klefki. Ever since, Helper has been an extremely helpful aid to Gabriel, both at work and at home. Even if sometimes it snatches some of Gabriel's things without permission. [b]Other:[/b] Helper's ability is Prankster. Helper was raised domestically, so he will have a slower time learning to battle. But that doesn't mean he can't learn how to battle well. Helper's preferred Berry flavor is sour. [/hider] [/hider]