[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] The first two shots found their mark, but to Éliane’s annoyance, even the high-powered rifle rounds were stopped by the woman’s beastly armor. They didn’t do nothing—she no doubt embarrassed Reisa and knocked the wind out of her for a moment, but it didn’t come close to even injuring the woman. The Skaelan girl was almost jealous of the enemy captain’s protection, if her own tactics didn’t depend on being highly mobile, like a budget dragoon. Clearly, though, she’d erred in switching back to standard ammunition. With her rifle out of ammunition anyway, she reached into her pouch to reload—once again selecting the brightly colored explosive cartridges and pushing them into the magazine from the top. Éliane observed the situation as she did, and was not liking how things were developing one bit. How was that bitch still going!? She glanced down at the still-unconscious form of Eve. The only person that was going to offer explosive firepower now was Éliane. She was already ahead of Esben when she saw the hand signals from Esben as he entangled himself closer to the action. This was going to be difficult—although Chisaki’s actions meant that Ciradyl, Hien, and Izayoi mostly stayed away, being away didn’t necessarily mean out of harm when it came to explosives. From what Esben just tossed in the direction of the captain, Éliane was pretty sure she was adding to some booms, rather than making them exclusively… Well, that was still fine by her. She just had to finesse this a bit… She loaded the last bullet, and she slammed the bolt back into place and took aim just as her fellow Skaeller gave the signal. A moment later, a crack, followed by four others in rapid succession broke out—a textbook Skaelan “Mad-Minute” style barrage as she fired at Reisa once more—explosively. A moment later, and the entire area around the enemy captain was saturated with the orange and red tinge of high explosives and fragmentation, kicking up debris into the air and obscuring the woman—and everything around her as they all detonated. Even if it didn’t kill her, that was going to be more than enough to cover their escape.