[right][sup][color=darkgray]TIMESTAMP: Flashback, during homeroom, after the Morning Show Following [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5516222]The Soft Approach[/url] Location: First floor disabled bathroom [@Hey Im Jordan] and [@Aces Away][/color][/sup][/right] [center] [b][color=#FFF781]_[/color][color=#FDF07E]_[/color][color=#FCE97C]_[/color][color=#FBE27A]_[/color][color=#FADB78]_[/color][color=#F9D476]_[/color][color=#F8CD74]_[/color][color=#F7C672]_[/color][color=#F6BF70]_[/color][color=#F5B96E]_[/color][color=#F4B26C]_[/color][color=#F3AB69]_[/color][color=#F2A467]_[/color][color=#F19D65]_[/color][color=#F09663]_[/color][color=#EF8F61]_[/color][color=#EE885F]_[/color][color=#EC825D]_[/color][color=#EB7B5B]_[/color][color=#EA7459]_[/color][color=#E96D57]_[/color][color=#E86655]_[/color][color=#E75F52]_[/color][color=#E65850]_[/color][color=#E5514E]_[/color][color=#E44B4C]_[/color][color=#E3444A]_[/color][color=#E23D48]_[/color][color=#E13646]_[/color][color=#E02F44]_[/color][color=#DF2842]_[/color][color=#DE2140]_[/color][color=#DD1A3E]_[/color][color=#DB143B]_[/color][color=#D71A3C]_[/color][color=#D2203D]_[/color][color=#CD263E]_[/color][color=#C82C3F]_[/color][color=#C3323F]_[/color][color=#BE3840]_[/color][color=#B93E41]_[/color][color=#B44442]_[/color][color=#AF4A43]_[/color][color=#AA5043]_[/color][color=#A55644]_[/color][color=#A15C45]_[/color][color=#9C6246]_[/color][color=#976847]_[/color][color=#926E47]_[/color][color=#8D7448]_[/color][color=#887B49]_[/color][color=#83814A]_[/color][color=#7E874A]_[/color][color=#798D4B]_[/color][color=#74934C]_[/color][color=#70994D]_[/color][color=#6B9F4E]_[/color][color=#66A54E]_[/color][color=#61AB4F]_[/color][color=#5CB150]_[/color][color=#57B751]_[/color][color=#52BD52]_[/color][color=#4DC352]_[/color][color=#48C953]_[/color][color=#43CF54]_[/color][color=#3ED555]_[/color][color=#3ADC55]_[/color][/b] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/65d5e90b-69fb-4a40-9ff9-c3c3300594db.png[/img] [b][color=#FFF781]_[/color][color=#FDF07E]_[/color][color=#FCE97C]_[/color][color=#FBE27A]_[/color][color=#FADB78]_[/color][color=#F9D476]_[/color][color=#F8CD74]_[/color][color=#F7C672]_[/color][color=#F6BF70]_[/color][color=#F5B96E]_[/color][color=#F4B26C]_[/color][color=#F3AB69]_[/color][color=#F2A467]_[/color][color=#F19D65]_[/color][color=#F09663]_[/color][color=#EF8F61]_[/color][color=#EE885F]_[/color][color=#EC825D]_[/color][color=#EB7B5B]_[/color][color=#EA7459]_[/color][color=#E96D57]_[/color][color=#E86655]_[/color][color=#E75F52]_[/color][color=#E65850]_[/color][color=#E5514E]_[/color][color=#E44B4C]_[/color][color=#E3444A]_[/color][color=#E23D48]_[/color][color=#E13646]_[/color][color=#E02F44]_[/color][color=#DF2842]_[/color][color=#DE2140]_[/color][color=#DD1A3E]_[/color][color=#DB143B]_[/color][color=#D71A3C]_[/color][color=#D2203D]_[/color][color=#CD263E]_[/color][color=#C82C3F]_[/color][color=#C3323F]_[/color][color=#BE3840]_[/color][color=#B93E41]_[/color][color=#B44442]_[/color][color=#AF4A43]_[/color][color=#AA5043]_[/color][color=#A55644]_[/color][color=#A15C45]_[/color][color=#9C6246]_[/color][color=#976847]_[/color][color=#926E47]_[/color][color=#8D7448]_[/color][color=#887B49]_[/color][color=#83814A]_[/color][color=#7E874A]_[/color][color=#798D4B]_[/color][color=#74934C]_[/color][color=#70994D]_[/color][color=#6B9F4E]_[/color][color=#66A54E]_[/color][color=#61AB4F]_[/color][color=#5CB150]_[/color][color=#57B751]_[/color][color=#52BD52]_[/color][color=#4DC352]_[/color][color=#48C953]_[/color][color=#43CF54]_[/color][color=#3ED555]_[/color][color=#3ADC55]_[/color][/b] [/center] [indent][indent][color=#cccccc] [color=#fff781]“I feel like we should be getting back to class,”[/color] PJ spoke up as the blunt dwindled to the little paper filter, tossing the dead end into the trashcan after making sure it was cooled. She didn’t move off the radiators, however, and Decky didn’t move from his spot sat against the wall. In fact, the boy tilted his head up to stare at her with a raised brow, like she’d just suggested something ridiculous. [color=#fff781]“What?”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Why would we go back? Belmonte already knows we’re here, Mornin’ Show’s probably a’ready over,”[/color] Decky listed, reaching into his pocket for the foil PJ had previously returned to him that had the other blunt. He pulled it out and tapped the open end against his palm until the second blunt found its way into his hand. [color=#dc143c]“No one actually uses this bathroom as an actual bathroom, so it’s chill.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Jesus dude we literally just finished the last one,”[/color] PJ said in amazement. She’d seen the way that Decky and the other burners and gearheads rip through weed like they were chain smoking cigarettes- which, to be fair, she’s also seen them do right beside the blunts and joints- but usually there were more people in the rotation. Decky gave her that same look again, like what she was saying made no sense to him, and lit the new blunt between his lips without even deigning to give her a verbal response. She pulled a face right back at him. [color=#fff781]“No need to be snippy.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“I literally ain’t said shit.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“It was the tone of voice from your [i]face[/i].”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“How the [i]fuck[/i] does a face give a tone’a voice, Jones?”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Exactly the way you’re doing it right now, [i]Boaz[/i],”[/color] PJ responded, pointing to the deep scowl that had overtaken the boy’s face. [color=#fff781]“Your face speaks when you don’t, you’ve got no poker face.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“And you’ve got no damn clue how wrong ya are,”[/color] Decky countered with a glare. [color=#dc143c]“People here ain’t worth the energy needed ta keep my face in check.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Wow.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Shut up, ya know what I mean. I have a fantastic poker face when it’s important. It ain’t important here.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“That extra explanation really helped,”[/color] She droned, face blank as Decky rolled his eyes heavenward. [color=#fff781]“No I mean it I love being told I’m not importan-”[/color] The door to the bathroom swung open and PJ’s head turned so fast towards the noise that she could swear her neck cracked. [color=#dc143c]“Chill Jones, fuck, who gives a shit,”[/color] Decky attempted to calm in his own way, unmoving from his spot on the floor. Truth was, Decky was wishing for anything stronger than weed right now. After the confrontation with Jamie while being completely morning sober, he’d realized that maybe Danny was right and he should have gone off with Sin and Monarch to smoke. But Danny was always more important and dropping him off to class has been the routine literally their entire lives. [color=#dc143c]“When has a teacher ever stuck their heads in here?”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Your priorities and thought processes seem incredibly skewed.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Really? Fuck,”[/color] Decky inhaled a large drag and held it for a long time before releasing it. [color=#dc143c]“Thought I sounded pretty logical.”[/color] It wasn’t like PJ was looking toward nothing when she snapped her head toward the door. The person who burst into the bathroom did so like he was in a television show. As the door swung closed behind the newcomer, a voice exploded into the conversation, interrupting whatever pleasant conversation Decky and PJ were having together. [color=#3adc56]“[i]Owner of a lonely heart, owner of a lonely heart sooooo much better than a owner of a broken heart”[/i][/color] Nicky Snyder was once again gracing an unwilling audience with the sound of his singing. Offkey and offtime, Nicky was belting the lyrics along with the song that was playing in his earbuds. The singing abruptly stopped when he sniffed the air. His keen nostrils told him all he needed to know: someone was smoking weed in here. Someone he couldn’t see! It wasn’t his fault, the culprits were tucked in the back corner behind one of the stalls. Who even designed a bathroom like that. He followed his nose like a cartoon character sniffing the most delicious pie in the world. With his earbuds still in, he couldn’t hear the voices, but he didn’t need to. Someone was here to do the [i]exact same thing[/i] he’d come here to do. His high from earlier in the morning had started to fade away. He approached the final stall in the room and pushed the door open, expecting to find the source of what he was smelling in there. When he didn’t, Nicky frowned and finally pulled his earbuds out. He didn’t turn them off, and the sounds of Yes’s [i]Owner of Lonely [/i]heart could be faintly heard from the stall. Nicky’s ears perked up and he thought he heard a voice. He stepped on top of the closed toilet and then jumped up, throwing his arms over the wall of the stall and pulling himself up so he was peeking above it and staring down at PJ and Decky. [color=#3adc56]“Yo! What’s up, PJ? I was gonna come in here and do the same thing.” [/color]He grinned, clearly not aware of how ridiculous he may have looked hanging over the wall and staring down at the two others burning away the blunt. [color=#3adc56]“Smokin’ in the boys room. Nice. Hey, Decky — is Decks cool? — let me get some.” [/color]He leaned a little more forward and pursed his lips expectantly with his eyes on the blunt. [color=#dc143c]“No, don’t call me that. And what am I, a fuckin’ dispensary handin’ out free sample- fuck, cut it [i]out[/i], Jones,” [/color]Decky cussed as PJ started flicking at his ear in reprimand. [color=#dc143c]“What? Bring your own shit.”[/color] PJ stared at Decky, and Decky stared back, stubborn as ever. It was a battle of wills that both contestants knew PJ already had in the bag, but Decky didn’t survive this long by rolling over the second things got tough. PJ raised her eyebrow, daring him to keep the blunt to himself just because a third person had joined. Decky held fast. [color=#fff781]“Share.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“No.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Be [i]nice[/i] and share, Decky,”[/color] PJ continued, eyes narrowing as the sitting boy’s scowl deepened. [color=#fff781]“People learned to share in kindergarten.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“I learned how ta beat someone’s face in in kindergarten.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Okay, see? [i]So much[/i] therapy. Several specialists. I’ll help you look into it.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Don’t change the subject. Ya want me ta share, ya gotta give me reason,”[/color] Decky shrugged, pulling slowly from the blunt. [color=#fff781]“You’re being a real ho right now, Decky.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Just now?”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Share the blunt and I’ll let you read one couplet from my journal,” [/color]PJ offered without much thought before freezing up and cursing the weed for loosening her tongue. She could already see Decky perking up from his slouch against the wall and eyeing her like cornered prey. [color=#fff781]“Wait I take tha-”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Deal,”[/color] Decky held the blunt straight up into the air, leaving it up to Nicky to grab onto it while he held his other hand out expectantly to her. In response, Parker grabbed onto her bag and held it tightly to her chest. [color=#dc143c]“Deal’s struck, Jones. Follow through.”[/color] Nicky reached out with one of his hands and snatched the blunt from Decky’s extended hand. He let himself down from hanging on the wall, realizing it was going to be a lot harder to chill there and smoke at the same time than he had thought it would be. He stood on flat ground for a few seconds and puffed on the blunt, smoke rising from the stall as he did so. He took three hits — he knew that was one more than he was supposed to, but PJ and Decky were involved in whatever they were involved in, and they couldn’t see him back there. He blew the smoke out of his lips, and opened the stall door, curving around to the radiator where PJ and Decky were. Coughing as he held the blunt out to PJ, Nicky spoke. [color=#3adc56]“Here, dude. Trade me. We’re gonna read it aloud, right?” [/color]He wasn’t sure what a couplet was, if he was honest, but he knew enough about people to know that reading from a journal was always exciting! [color=#3adc56]“This shit is hella good. Why the fuck are we smoking it in a bathroom? This is the kind of weed you should smoke like, on top of a mountain overlooking the city. You guys ever been behind the Hollywood sign? We should be up there smokin’ this shit.” [/color]With Nicholas Snyder, it was a 50/50. He was either right on the money, or… he was just really, really fucking high. He looked at Decky with a side eye, [color=#3adc56]“by the way, I didn’t think you were being a ho. Not everybody’s got infinity weed. I get it.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“...Fine, he can stay,”[/color] Decky allowed, just to get under PJ’s skin a little bit while she glared at him. [color=#dc143c]“What? Ain’t that what’chu wanted? Time ta share your work, Jones.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“You said like fifteen minutes ago that you didn’t give a shit about my writing!” [/color]PJ defended uselessly as Decky finally stood up and began to advance on her position. She could hop off the radiator, but Nicky was to her side so unless she wanted to bowl the dude over for no reason, she was trapped in her makeshift seat, clutching the rough fabric of her bag like a lifeline. This is what she gets for being a good person and making Decky include others. [color=#dc143c]“Also said if ya cared about it then you’d be sharin’, or are we nitpickin’ prior conversation?” [/color] Decky asked, sniping the blunt from Nicky’s hand when it was clear PJ was more interested in protecting her journal. He held it in front of her face and held his hand out again, demanding, [color=#dc143c]“Money where your mouth is, Parker.”[/color] Oh, the first name. Decky was being serious. Parker pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and chewed violently as she unzipped her bag and pulled the yellow journal out slowly, as if Decky would change his mind. [color=#fff781]“Fine, but let me find one I want to shar- hey!”[/color] Parker jumped off the radiator and after Decky as he swiped the journal out of her hands, only to come up short when he shoved the blunt into her protesting mouth like it were a pacifier to an unruly child. It was to get her to stop biting her lip, but it doubled for silencing her as well. [color=#dc143c]“That wasn’t part’a the deal,”[/color] He said simply while he carefully thumbed through the pages, keeping an eye on Parker to make sure she didn’t jump him when she saw an opening. [color=#dc143c]“Oh, check this one out: [i]’Bind my fists before I break ya/ Bite my tongue until it bleeds/ Don’t run away, my trust forsaken/ Just stay grounded and plant the seeds.’ [/i]Jones this shit is good, what are ya so worried about?” [/color]Decky swung the journal out of the way as the girl jumped for it, staring her down condescendingly from his extra height. [color=#dc143c]“Ya had’a of known that shit wasn’t gonna work.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“That wasn’t even a couplet!”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Should’a clarified that I knew what that was,”[/color] Decky said stubbornly, journal still in the air and eyes meeting the ceiling. [color=#fff781]“I [i]know[/i] you know what a couplet is!”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Prove it,” [/color]He took the blunt from her flailing fingers and passed the book over her to Nicky, leaning onto her shoulder to keep her in place when she turned to Nicky with fire in her eyes. [color=#dc143c]“Read somethin’ short and then tell her if it’s good or if she needs a new hobby, dude.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“I will [i]eviscerate[/i] you both.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Kinky.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“[i]Ew[/i], what the fuck?”[/color] Maybe Decky didn’t know what the word ‘eviscerate’ meant. Nicky chose to assume that as he was handed the journal and he peered down into it. He squinted and turned the journal in his hand. He looked up and eyed Parker idly, [color=#3adc56]“you ever seen one of those movies where they go into the padded room, and like the person in the padded room has completely lost their mind, so they’re just like writing like random symbols on the walls?” [/color]He paused for only the shortest of moments before he continued, [color=#3adc56]“anyway, the way you write in your journal reminds me of that.” [/color]He shrugged his shoulders, and then took his pointer finger, slowly dragging it over the pages as he mumbled to himself. [color=#3adc56]“Too deep… don’t know that word… nope, too long to be a couplet… oh, here we go! Dude, right on.” [/color]He stopped, having found his bounty and he looked up with a wide grin. [color=#3adc56]“Bros, I found the perfect one.” [/color]He cleared his throat, and then recited: [center][i][color=#3adc56]Errant whispers in the crowd/ How can their quiet be so loud?/ Their lips move swiftly, brains less so/ Their eyes are shifty, yet so slow/ They do not see me 'til I wish/ When I leap from the shadows/ To beat a bitch.[/color][/i][/center] [color=#3adc56]“Dude! This is about Batman! Right, Park?! Is Park cool?”[/color] [i][color=#fff781]Did he just compare me to a mental patient? [/color][/i]Parker thought distantly as she considered the pages he must be on. There were plenty within her journal where she wrote at several angles and directions just because she felt like it, or because she liked the way the words collided and guided the different flows. She wrote in shapes and in spirals, up, down, and diagonal, as well as leaving random spaces and or dropping words down a line or two to emulate the way she saw the words in her head, or the cadence she wrote them with. Maybe it did look crazy to others, but that’s why it was in [i]her journal [/i]that she didn’t [i]share[/i]. When Nicky chose the poem that he did, her cheeks went beet red in embarrassment, especially when the boy drew the conclusion he did. [color=#fff781]“Yes, yup. It is absolutely about Batman, Nicky, you got it. And sure, Park is fine, I guess,” [/color]Parker rushed, anything to move the topic along, shrugging herself violently out from under Decky’s arm and snatching her journal from Nicky’s grasp. She slammed it shut and hid it back away in her bag before glaring at the boys. [color=#fff781]“Don’t ever fucking do that again.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Batman? I can see it, but I’m pretty sure that poem’s ‘bout the writer,”[/color] Decky said, ignoring Parker’s threatening tone as he grinned at her. [color=#dc143c]“You’re always in detention for fightin’ someone in the halls.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Shut up,”[/color] PJ protested as Decky held the blunt towards Nicky once more. [color=#fff781]“You could have just read them silently and told me they sucked, we didn’t have to have this whole scene.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Sucked? Snyder, did I ever say her shit was shit?”[/color] [color=#3adc56]“Aw, dude. Just call me Nicky, or ‘dude.’ Snyder is like, what you’d call an athlete and I don’t fuck with no sports.” [/color]Nicky explained, quick to correct the name and hopeful (not too hopeful, Decky seemed like he might not care) that it wouldn’t happen again. Then, he turned to Parker and shook his head. [color=#3adc56]“It doesn’t suck, dude. Don’t be hard on yourself, you should post them somewhere. People would like them. I’m smart, I would know.” [/color]Nicky said, so matter-of-factly that it was either true or he was thoroughly convinced that it was. [color=#3adc56]“You write well. Trust me, dude! Don’t be all blushy.” [/color]He beamed a huge smile that he hoped was encouraging, and then turned his attention to Decky. It was clear Parker didn’t want to talk [i]too[/i] much about her writing, which meant it fell on Nicky to keep the conversation rolling. [color=#3adc56]“Let me get that back, yeah?” [/color]He asked Decky, reaching out for the blunt. Once he got it from his hands, Nicky puffed on it again. He blew out the smoke and then looked between the other two very seriously, [color=#3adc56]“hey, you guys have siblings right? What’s that like? I’ve always wanted one, but I’m a solo bolo kid.” [/color]He explained, before lifting the blunt up to his lips to puff again, passing it off to Parker as he earnestly waited for their response. Parker motioned for Decky to answer as she accepted the blunt from Nicky and took a harsh drag, not very happy with the way things went with her journal despite the compliments the boys had. She flipped him off when he rolled his eyes at her like she was being a child, irritated with him for the breach of trust but not angry enough to act on it. They [i]had[/i] both been positive about it…in their own ways. Decky turned back to Nicky to answer the other boy’s question with a wary look on his face. [color=#dc143c]“I’ve been told I ain’t got the most conventional relationship with my brother so I might not be the best ta ask,” [/color]He answered with a shrug. Had it not been for Uncle Eiran taking the responsibility on when they moved out here, Decky likely would have had to find a way to get emancipated and become his brother’s legal guardian at an extremely young age. He likely would have been able to accomplish it had he stayed in Gravette, plenty of strings to be pulled thanks to the Trip-S, but as a nobody in California the outcome would have been far less favorable to the Boaz brothers. Instead, Eiran got custody of both of them while Decky’s crew back home made sure to [i]convince[/i] his parents not to contest anything. Decky also barely knew Nicky, and while his story before moving here wasn’t much of a secret, that wasn’t because he was the one telling people. There were just too many rich kids in this school with free time and connections and they loved to dig through other people’s closets, looking for skeletons. Sometimes, if they couldn’t find any, they planted some of their own to pull out later. Decky knew Nicky wasn’t that type, of course, but that didn’t mean the paranoid teen was any closer to baring his heart to the other boy. [color=#dc143c]“Jones.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“No, fuck you,” [/color]Parker skipped over Decky, shoving the shrinking blunt into Nicky’s hold and crossing her arms. [color=#fff781]“You took more than I offered out of our deal, so now you need to give something up.”[/color] Decky raised an eyebrow, looking like he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or to roll his eyes. [color=#dc143c]“That’s cute, Jones, but ya need leverage and I already [i]read[/i] the poem.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“I won’t kick you in the nuts with my steel toes when you kiss my sister for the first time,”[/color] PJ bargained, raising an eyebrow back. [color=#dc143c]“Ya mean ya won’t kick me in the nuts [i]at all[/i] the first time I kiss your sister, or after that.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Woah, someone thinks they’re special. That’s still my sister, dude, you’re going to get kicked eventually over [i]something[/i],” [/color]The two fighters stared each other down like they were about to enter the ring, another battle of wills held taut between their gazes until Decky finally looked away, shattering the tableau. He glared at the far wall and rubbed irritatedly at the back of his neck before his hand drifted subconsciously to his covered arms, nails grazing up and down at the fabric near the crook of his elbow. PJ watched the motion like a hawk, well aware of gearhead’s drug of choice and the actions and tics that came from having not had a hit in a while. In a bid to distract him and keep things moving, PJ spoke up again. [color=#fff781]“Tell Nicky what it’s like being a sibling for you, then I’ll go.”[/color] Decky’s scowl deepened, the last two scratches against his sleeve harsher due to his irritation before he managed to drop his arm back to his side. Looking at Nicky, then to Parker who nodded encouragingly, and back to Nicky, Decky began slowly. [color=#dc143c]“It’s…I mean bein’ an older siblin’ specifically… it’s bein’ a parent, a role model, a protector, a shield, a shelter. It’s bein’ anythin’ that ya need ta become ta make sure your baby siblin’ survives each day and maybe even develops a hope for the next one,” [/color]Decky glared over Nicky’s shoulder and crossed his arms, uncomfortable with the show of vulnerability. Being an older sibling in the type of situation the Boaz brothers grew up in put whole new meanings to their roles. Decky took beatings for Danny. Decky took [i]worse[/i] than beatings for Danny so that the younger boy would have as little exposure to the horrors of their world as possible. Decky joined the Trip-S to ensure his and Danny’s continued lives after a particularly brutal afternoon under their parents’ rage and hate. Decky left Gravette, all he’s ever known, to go with Danny and the Donaghues to California to find his long lost uncles, all with the hopes of getting away from their abusive parents and giving Danny a chance at the best life the little genius could get. [color=#dc143c]“It’s knowin’ you’d sacrifice anythin’ for your little siblin’ because ya don’t love anyone the way ya love those that’cha were born ta protect.”[/color] Nicky frowned. He hadn’t been expecting it to be so much responsibility; in his head, he’d always imagined it pretty straight forward. He’d expected it to be like ‘oh it’s so cool, you have a best friend who’s like always there to play video games with you.’ Not that he didn’t [i]already[/i] have that in Dylan, but it would have been different with a little brother, and he supposed that it [i]was[/i]. [color=#3adc56]“Sounds like a lot of work.” [/color]It was such a simple observation, but it was the first and most obvious one that Nicky made. It was obvious that Decky wore more weight than he looked like he did, even if he kind of talked like the delinquents in Nicky’s favorite cartoons. [color=#3adc56]“But… It also does sound kinda cool! You gotta be doing a good job. I don’t even think I’ve met your little brother.” [/color]Nicky assumed that was intentional, as Decky didn’t seem to be the type of person who wanted to flaunt his younger sibling around. Nicky didn’t blame him, if he had a younger sibling, he wouldn’t want them around BHHS either. [color=#3adc56]“Well, let me know if he likes video games or something. I can probably show him a few things,” [/color]Nicky shrugged and left it at that. This was a sensitive situation — sensitive enough that Decky scratched at his arms, something Nicky clocked, even if he clocked it for the wrong reasons. There was something there, and Nicky was polite enough to not push as he turned his attention to Parker, [color=#3adc56]“okay that was pretty clearly torturous for our buddy Big D here, so now it’s your turn! Tell me what it’s like, dude.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“I've no pity,”[/color] Parker stated simply, which she's sure Decky appreciated by the lack of scowl sent her way, or maybe he was just too distracted by the [i]Big D[/i] nickname. Once again though, he wasn't the type for any kind of pity, especially not immediately after the boy who usually kept it close to the vest shared something about his life. She could appreciate Nicky's obvious change of attention from Decky to her, though, as the other boy wanted to move things along while keeping the mood light, and that wasn't an easy thing to do if Grumpy got too in his head about things.[color=#fff781] “It's also different for me though, you know? ‘Cause first, it was just JJ and I and we're twins, so any responsibilities or roles were pretty evenly split between us,”[/color] she ticked her head to the side and looked up to the fluorescents as she thought on the rest of her answer. [color=#fff781]“I fought because she was too slow to anger, let too much happen thinking it was in good fun when I saw it for the bullshit bullying it was. When we took DJ in it only made sense that I do the same for her even [i]if[/i] she could take care of herself. And let's be clear, JJ can take care of herself,”[/color] PJ gave Decky a pointed look, and the tall brunette scoffed and rolled his eyes at her, aware of the unsubtle warning and not worried about it, no plans to hurt PJ's twin anyway. [color=#fff781]“She just doesn't have to, because I'm here.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“Noted,”[/color] Decky intoned, taking the blunt out of an unsuspecting Nicky’s fingers and finishing the last hit, licking the pad of his thumb and putting the cherry out on it now that it was all filter. He tossed the dead end in the trash before crossing his arms again. [color=#dc143c]“That all?”[/color] [color=#fff781]“No, I've got a lot of sisters,”[/color] PJ answered with no remorse. Nicky had asked, after all. [color=#fff781]“Anyway, when you're all the same age and basically just feral gremlins learning how to Human alongside each other, it's different. We had our fights, we had our screaming matches, we had our times where we didn't want to share and our mom had to step in and remind us to be good to each other. Because honestly, even when the whole world is against you, even if your parents are against you, your siblings are the constant. We were all born with one role in common, and that was to be there for the other siblings in your family. It makes me really sad when I see siblings that aren't close,”[/color] She spared a moment to think of all those strained sibling relationships that she could see in the halls when she brought her eyes up from the ground. She supposed they couldn't all be good, and no one's sibling relationships are perfect, but some are just downright sad. She's been lost in the shadows close enough to the Lyon siblings and Katie Callaghan to see the way Piper goes from sweet and playful to pissed and hauling off with a toxic tongue, every word from her lips laced with poison. PJ is never sure what triggers it, but Piper always looked a little scared from the angle PJ saw things at, and her Butler never did anything to try and scare PJ off despite him very obviously seeing her from her spot frozen a couple yards away. She shook her head, ridding herself of the visual her thoughts had brought up and bringing herself back to the conversation. [color=#fff781]“Then you throw Addie and our older sister Dallas in once our moms got together? It got crazy, still is crazy, but we're figuring it out. Dallas is like an oasis for me amidst the big energies and personalities of the other three, Addie and I hang out on the roof of the house a lot to smoke and chat, Dani is always stopping by Webb-Heads for one reason or the other, so I see her all the time, and JJ and I don't even need to say anything to each other to know what we want. Maybe it was because we didn't all grow up together the whole time, but to me it’s like having a built-in friend group that you wouldn’t get rid of even if you could. And of course, you don’t have to be blood to be siblings. Sometimes that bond with chosen family can be even stronger.”[/color] Decky was nodding his head along with her words, thoughts drifting to those he called brother outside of little Danny, like Charlie back home and even AJ now, though the king of gearheads would never be privy to that. Hell, he saw Sin and Poppy like sisters, and since coming to Beverly Hills, Monarch had really made her way up there where she'd previously just been a Trip-S sister. [color=#dc143c]“And the pranks?”[/color] He asked, well aware of the curly haired girl's rants. [color=#fff781]“The [i]pranks[/i], jesus!”[/color] Parker threw her hands up, eyes following as if asking the heavens for patience. When her eyes made their way back down to earth, she looked pleadingly at Nicky. [color=#fff781]“Dude, you literally cannot escape the pranks when you [i]live[/i] with pranksters. I think all my sisters have a conspiracy going on where they let JJ's rodents out at night.[/color] Now this was the kind of answer Nicky had expected when he’d asked the question. Pranks galore actually seemed kind of cool to him! His parents were great, and Nicky had close friends, but he’d always found himself wondering what it would be like to have an actual younger - or even older! - sibling who was there all the time. Both answers carried weight though, and Nicky beamed as PJ came to a close. As far as Nicky was concerned, the three of them had just become great friends; serious conversations in the bathroom over a blunt didn’t happen to anyone without forming a lifelong friendship. [color=#3adc56]“Dude, your sister has rodents? Far out, I’ve never had pets either. I wanted a cat once, but that fell through.” [/color]Nicky didn’t elaborate, because he didn’t think it mattered. One day, he was sure he’d have a pet, but right now he was simply too busy! [color=#3adc56]“Pranks are cool too! Man, Big D made it sound like a whole ass job, but you make it sound kinda cool.” [/color]Nicky thought about what he said, seeing if he could work through it himself with his weed addled brain. Eventually, he settled on the idea that it was a more serious thing for Decky because he was [i]so much[/i] older than his younger sibling, that it meant he [i]had[/i] to do more than PJ, whose sisters mostly went to school with her. [color=#3adc56]“I gotta say, dudes, I’ve smoked a lot of weed in the bathroom but this has been a pretty excellent blunt rotation. We’ll have to see if we can beat it next time. Maybe we can add that psycho goth girl, my best buddy Dylan of course, the cute Green,” [/color]Nicky did not specify because to Nicky there was really only one option, [color=#3adc56]“and the chick with the same haircut as me? I’ve been trying to hit my dream blunt rotation and I gotta say, you guys might just make the cut.” [/color]Nicky nodded to himself. Though this was something that wouldn’t have mattered to anyone else, it certainly mattered to him for whatever reason. [color=#3adc56]“I’ll bring the weed too! So don’t worry about it.” [/color]Nicky quickly added, knowing that if he didn’t, Decky would [i]probably[/i] complain. They’d only been acquainted for a few minutes, but Nicky already knew the guy well enough to judge when he’d bitch and moan. Frequently, Nicky thought, especially if he had to provide all the weed. [color=#fff781]“It is [i]not[/i] far out,”[/color] PJ complained uselessly as Nicky continued on his tangent, swinging her legs from where she'd hopped back onto the radiator. She flipped Decky off when he smirked at her. Decky personally had no clue who Nicky was talking about- there were a few people that matched those descriptions- nor had he ever thought about a [i]dream blunt rotation[/i], but he'll, if the other boy was going to provide the weed this time then why not? [color=#dc143c]“If you're smokin’ out then fine, but I ain't helpin’ ya get this thing together, that's all on your shoulders,”[/color] Decky responded to the other wavy haired boy, not really caring as long as drugs were involved. The other guy was amusing, at the very least. Similar chatterbox tendencies as Rye but coming off more as excitable stoner than wry humored, insecure rambler. It was oddly refreshing, the almost sheltered level of honesty that Nicky spoke with. It made Decky wonder if there was a sharp tongue hidden beneath, leaving him curious and open to further interaction. He held his hand out to Nicky and simply demanded, [color=#dc143c]“Phone, I'll put my number in and then ya gotta text me with your name or I'm not savin’ it.”[/color] [color=#3adc56]“What if I say I’m Night Hawk? You gonna put ‘Night Hawk’ as the contact? Start calling me Night Hawk?” [/color]Nicky asked as he reached inside of his pocket and pulled out his phone. He made brief eye contact with Decky and his mouth exploded into another huge grin. Was everything a joke to Nicky? Maybe, but at least it was a pretty funny one! He looked toward his phone and made his eyes wide as if he were a bug. It took a second, but there was eventually the tell-tale [i]click[/i] of the phone unlocking. He tapped around and handed the phone over to Decky. [color=#3adc56]“Yo, Park, I gotta get your number too. Gotta start the group chat.” [/color]He explained, shrugging his shoulders. He could have just hoped that Decky would set up the group chat, but honestly? Nicky wasn’t sure Decky knew how. [color=#3adc56]“We can call it ‘Dream Blunt Rotation.’ Once I’ve assembled the Dream rotation, I’ll probably just like… know, so I’ll tell the group when the time comes! Oh, dude. Maybe we could get Jack from the Elite? I like that dude. Oh man, I’m gonna have too many people… I’m gonna need a lot of weed, or like two circles.” [/color]Nicky frowned as he idly pondered, before he did what Nicky always did and got sidetracked. [color=#3adc56]“Hey, can I meet the rodents? Do they have funny names? I like funny names, but sometimes it’s funny when a pet has a human name. Like, Clark.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“[i]Another one?[/i]”[/color] Decky whispered in despair at the mention of a group chat. Nicky was even correct in his assumption that the delinquent boy didn't even know how to set them up. Every group chat Decky had ever been added to has been against his own will, and it looks like that trend is about to continue. [color=#dc143c]“And no, if ya don't send a real name I'm not fuckin’ savin’ it. I change the contact name when I decide the nickname for ya.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“[i]And[/i] you can talk to my sister about her [i]kiddos[/i],”[/color] PJ added in with a look of distaste on her face, handing Nicky her cellphone much in the way he'd handed his to Decky. [color=#fff781]“They aren't my cup of tea.”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“‘Til they're in your cup'a tea.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“[i]You[/i] shut up.”[/color] Nicky typed away at PJ’s phone, then lifted it up and took a picture of himself with a smile so wide his eyes were closed. He added the contact photo and then held it back out to PJ. [color=#3adc56]“[i]I’m [/i]not as picky as Big D over here. You text me whatever you want me to put down as your name, dude. I’ll put it down. I’ll probably even start callin’ you it unless it’s dumb as hell,” [/color]Nicky had added himself to PJ’s phone as ‘El Diablo’ with little in the way of explanation or reasoning. When Decky handed his phone back to him, Nicky quickly texted him - just his name, as requested, but then Nicky had one final thing to request of the other boy. [color=#3adc56]“Decks, I gotta get a picture for your contact bro.” [/color]He held up the phone. [color=#3adc56]“You don’t seem like much of a smiler… can you smolder for me?”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“No.” [/color]Decky scowled immediately at the request. [color=#dc143c]“Get bent.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Decky!”[/color] [color=#dc143c]“[i]No.[/i]”[/color] Nicky clicked the button, taking a picture of Decky’s scowling mug. [color=#3adc56]“Good enough! Be seein’ ya, Decks.” [/color]He grinned, and then spun on his heel. He burst out of the door, belting another song alongside music only he could hear as he walked down the halls. [color=#3adc56]“[i]Lonely is the night, when you find yourself aloneeee!”[/i][/color] [color=#dc143c]“Kid’s kinda weird.”[/color] [color=#fff781]“Oh, you’ve got [i]no[/i] place to talk.”[/color][/color][/indent][/indent]