[center] [img] https://i.ibb.co/z6KmDsm/arachne.png [/img] [/center] [hr] [b][color=ec008c]"Just a proof of concept, you would be surprised on how much information can aid you."[/color][/b] Caster tried to defend although it is clear that the thought never crossed her mind. If she wants to win this war, she needs to get out of her mentality as a weaver. She would still defend that the clothes will be useful especially against particularly brave Master or the weaker of the servants. Regardless it is time to time create her territory, she mentally commanded the spiders she ordered to stay around. At her command their webs become strings that serve as the extension of her will, she made sure that they don't have any onlookers before activating her Noble Phantasm. [color=ec008c][i]For a moment the world felt small for Samira as Arachne spread out her [s]strings[/s]webs around the place, [s]the spiders[/s] her children joined in the making of her [s]mural[/s] nest. Her [s]weaving[/s] building took minutes before she was satisfied and turned off her Noble Phantasm.[/i][/color] From a normal person's perspective, nothing had changed. The walls, the ground and the floor looked the same albeit a certain of sense of dread can't be felt. A magus eye will show something else. Countless strings of mana were found basically everywhere, existing and not existing by the choice of Caster herself. This is not a workshop. This is the nest of a spider masquerading as one. Beating at the center was a loom where all the threads are connected where Caster can alter her territory at her command. [b][color=ec008c]"They found my familiar."[/color][/b] The weaver spoke as if she was talking about weather, it seemed the holy man or the princess had observation talents better than she thought. Fortunately for the two she had other concerns right now. [b][color=ec008c]"A servant was heading dangerously close to our territory, it seemed that he was picking a fight."[/color][/b] she declared as she commanded her familiar to discreetly follow. [color=ec008c][b]"What are your commands?"[/b][/color] she asked as she stretched her limbs, her body language slightly changed. She doesn't feel like a spoiled fashion princess right now. She felt like a spider, patiently waiting for someone to fall to the webs she just made.