[img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b1/c1/e1/b1c1e141d4a3157a177ffeb93ec451e3.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=00a651]Shou Iwata[/color][/b][/h2] "[color=00a651]So none of us have any that can help with lookout[/color]" Shou sighed "[color=00a651]Tsk[/color]" Shou was racking his brain for what to do but found no answer other than "[color=00a651]The best thing we have is going straight to fighting[/color]" Shou put his hand on his hips "[color=00a651]But the other masters are most likely already on lookout, charging in to fight them without a plan is suicidal[/color]" he should have learnt lookout skill back in training. "[color=00a651]Then if our only option is to fight we should do it carefully[/color]" Shou has to save up mana so they can't just recklessly fight "[color=00a651]The question is What plan do we make[/color]" no lookout skills maybe he has a tracking plan the holy grail war is being such a pain.