[h1][color=deepskyblue]Jun Mawatari[/color][/h1][sub][hr][color=deepskyblue]Location:[/color] 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [color=deepskyblue]Mentions:[/color] N/A[/sub] Jun watched with some degree of amazement at the casual just…what? [i]Dirtblood[/i]? Whoever would just drop that, with little to no regard to just who they were talking to in an [i]official manner[/i] no less, was clearly not fit for the role as student advisor. She didn’t consider it to be proper behavior, no matter what the school administration said Rin was or wasn’t qualified to do or be. They could be wrong, human as they were, or they could be blind to exactly how a person acts when they get a taste of power. Rin hadn’t had many instances of her leading others, Jun guessed, hadn’t demonstrated tendencies before. For that matter, this most definitely was one of the first times she was in a position of power judging by how nervous the girl had acted before. Swinging between nervous indecision when others acted out of line and harsh, overt cruelties when others threatened her…that wasn’t the makings of a teacher, surely, nor a student advisor. Then the professor entered the room and things were worse. He used the phrase, too, as Jun gave a harsh stare to the man. [i]What[/i]. She couldn’t quite grasp the whole of the issue, the whole fact that not only did Rin feel so carefree as to use a term like that, but that the appointed professor was too. What sort of ‘heroes’ did Eirei even produce? What sort of people did it make and hire that it felt comfortable in hiring such a person with such a personality? It called into question much as the man introduced himself, raged a bit at Mia…calling the entirety of the class [i]Dirtbloods, Nullbloods, Truebloods[/i] before assigning the class detention…for a [i]month[/i]. Of course, then the professor gave a list of those exempted. [i]Mawatari[/i]. [i]Mamushi[/i]. [i]Himura[/i]. [i]Yuzuki[/i]. She stared still, swallowing while considering the whole of the issue at hand. She’d been given a reprieve, sure, but it was a reprieve shared with the individual who had caused much of the whole event, Himura. That wasn’t quite comfortable with Jun, that Rin would be there, though in all honesty Hebi and Akira were deserving of the out. They hadn’t done anything exactly wrong, not as far as Jun could recall. Jun coughed, though, summoning up her courage to speak up with a long breath. “Sir, thank you but I will take the detention.”