[color=ed1c24][b][h2][CENTER]Kaiga Asagumo[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Nurse office, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub] Kaiga thought of complaining but decided that wouldn't do much nurse chisaki was strict he never even let him watch his Endeavor streams here the saddest thing of all. Kaiga gave a wave and a smile to Yuzuki "[color=ed1c24]You must be Yuzuki-San nice to meet you[/color]" Kaiga started walking out of the nurse's office "[color=ed1c24]Well you have to take me to mention don't you Yaoyorozu-Senpai[/color]" Kaiga gave him a look pleading for him not to cause trouble. Kaiga felt it was best to respect authority figures, Chisaki-Sensei might be gruff occasionally he needs a cure and not let him watch an endeavor stream in his office he was sure he was a nice person Endeavor wouldn't have hired him if deep inside he wasn't a good person, and plus there was really only one teacher he hated his old one in 1A. Shimura Danzo Well it was a good thing he would only see him in passing he couldn't believe endeavor would make someone like him a professor when he's nothing but a spoonfed racist. Kaiga would deal with detention later but would first talk to his classmates he heard Rai had been demoted down to 1B which was unfortunate but it would be nice to see her again with Shimura-senpai. Unfortunately, the world hates him and when he got to class 1B look who he saw sitting down. "Shimura-senpai" Kaiga said gritting his teeth and spitting out poison but managing a smile "It's nice to see you but what are you doing here" He could guess, of course, class 1B had to get the worst professor in the school he always went late to his class...by one minute at least it was the thought that counted. Whenever Shimura talked all that came out of his mouth was things about blood. Kaiga always tried his best to get the lowest grade in his class just enough to pass but not enough to bump up the grades of 1A it's unfortunate that it looks like he'll have to do that in class 1B.