MIKEY MIKEy MIKey MIkey Mikey mikey [right]...is there and echo in here?[/right] No fun, that's what this is. Not even a little. From where he stands chained and weighted in place Micheal can see his diefic friends laid out in repose. Out cold having been bespelled and bound. Likely by the mistress of the house. And now he can see the fight beginning. And even if his magic wasn't dammed up by that magic burn on his arm, he rather thinks he'd be no help in the moment. His magic would be far too slow to get any use here. So he does the next best thing. Any chance he gets, he pulls and rattles on his fetters. Trying to distract Angelica at any turn. He pulled and hauled, at one point managing to hurl one of the weights free of the chain it clung to at her feet. Sheer strength alone the only thing he could add to the moment. Those days at the gym sure pay off today. He grins abit and shouts, "Come on Amanda. You can do this! You're the strongest non-shaman I've ever met. Paste her! I know you can do it!" He cackled a little as one of the witches gathered glared at him, "Take a picture hunny. It'll last longer." Okay so that's an old one, can't blame him right?