[centre][h1][colour=lime]Yui Kazuma[/colour][/h1][/centre] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture[/sub][hr] [i]Whoa~[/i] Casual racism just like that, on the first day? And coming from what seemed to be a second-year student supervisor of all things? Maybe being in this class wouldn't be an utterly tedious affair, after all. Honestly, the crazies were usually some of the most entertaining to watch. That said, while Yui was indifferent to her status, he had enough understanding of her position to realise her actions were less than stellar—in the eyes of regular people, at least. However, if such things were allowed purely based on her role as a student advisor, maybe he should start rethinking his strategy this time around. Not that he agreed with the use of such force on a fellow hero-to-be, but it wasn't like it bothered him either way. Ah, but.... Yui's eyes scanned over Rin's body for a moment, and his eyebrows furrowed. That was odd. She– Yui's mismatched eyes flashed back to the door as the lights flickered and the professor arrived. Well, here comes the voice of reason– .... Actually, he'd have to reserve judgment on that. You could never know what kind of person someone was at first glance, not in most cases. That, at least, he could attest to. Yui was proven right in his decision when, instead of acting like a normal professor (what was even considered normal, though?), the man only made things worse, for everyone. Well, most everyone. He used the same term too—Yui blatantly rolled his eyes at the professor calling them hatchlings. So, he was even more casually racist than the second year. Goody. And here he was thinking, hoping, [I]yearning[/I] for this school to be more tolerant than that. Shame on him for even [I]daring[/I] to [I]entertain[/I] the very thought.... Anyway, the appointed professor wasn't unknown to him, not entirely. He had at least a passing familiarity with the names of Pro Heroes. That was the least he needed if he wanted to succeed. He had to admit, though, that the hero's personality left quite a lot to be desired. The professor raged a bit at Mia—he seemed to have something against her for some reason—and finished his "speech" by calling the entirety of the class Dirtbloods, Nullbloods, and Truebloods before assigning almost the entirety of the class to detention for a month, because of.... nothing? The dorm assignments were pushed to the back of his mind as he processed the information. Yui could only blink in confusion at the announcement. [I]What?[/I] No, seriously. What the fuck? Such a blatant show of favouritism was.... not surprising, to be honest, but that didn't make it any less unfair, which was something a lot of people didn't really like. It wasn't that he didn't understand why they held the sentiment, he just didn't care. That, however, was not to say he would just roll over and follow the whims of a prejudiced teacher with more vitriol than sense. He didn't expect much from most people, but the bar could only be so low and yet this guy had cleared it entirely. Almost impressive, actually. It was like watching a game of Limbo if it was hot garbage. [colour=red]"Shimura-sensei, was it? I think—and I say this with all the [I]respect[/I] you [I]deserve[/I],"[/colour] Yui's voice was just [I]oozing[/I] with sarcasm as he drawled and he wasn't even bothering to hide it, [colour=red]"You should throw yourself out of a window. Head first, if you'd be so kind."[/colour]