[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmRlMTk4YS5WR0Y1YkdFZ1EyaHZhUSwsLjA,/zolanti.regular.webp[/img][/h1][/CENTER] Mention: Tsukino [@Estylwen] [color=DE198A]"Woah!"[/color] Tayla held onto Tsukino, afraid for her life when she was suddenly in the air. She'd not been flying since she and her dad immigrated from South Korea. She loved the ride then, but this wasn't that. Her feet were meant to stay on the ground or in a metal flying contraception if she was going to be airborne. Not ass out in someone's arms that could fail them at any moment and drop her, especially not Tsukino's skinny ass (like she's one to talk about skinny). [color=DE198A]"Not so fast!"[/color] she screamed. They got above the canopy in seconds and she could see everything. The forest and the house looked like hell. Kari's house was destroyed and so was the land around it. 8th Street were gone and the group had come together. She couldn't seen them well from here, but based on movement it looked like some were fucked up, bad. She point down below towards the group. [color=DE198A]"Go there. That's where the group is."[/color] 8th Street wasn't a threat anymore, so it seemed, but they were sitting ducks for anyone looking towards the sky. Tsukino was way too bright and like hell she's getting shot out the sky with her.