[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240318/ed07ef29c0411f1b064478dccdcd2520.png[/img][/center] Five days had gone by very fast. Julia had spent the Saturday leisurely inside Xiang's mansion, having a bath and exploring the facilities before they gagued the environment to now be stable enough for Julia to be driven home. There were some missed calls. As E-Street's contact inside the Spire, Elle and Blaydon wanted to know anything she could tell them about the quake and the GeoNet incident. Julia had not been much help, but the three of them agreed, using euphenisms and codewords, that it wasn't natural. Julia wasn't used to so much activity, after thirty whole years of every day being inside a jail cell, and had remained in a semi-vegetetive state from sunday until tuesday. She'd always ignored them before but she had started using her bathtub and wall-monitor much more often. She could genuinely get used to living like this. But she had made an appointment for today and she was going to stick to it. She was finally getting back to work. As she was no longer 'officially' E-street, she'd only hear from her benefactor when something absolutely crucial needed her assistance. After all, this apartment in the Spire was essentially her retirement package. That meant she could take on other, actually legal jobs. Something she had never done before. She didn't need to attach her arm before leaving, as she'd started wearing it all day, to truly get used to having an arm again. She locked her apartment door behind her and made her way through the main spire throughfare. It was bizarre. Both complex and jail hallways were dark and narrow. This hallway brightly lit, and was so wide that cars and bikes could, and did, drive through it as if it was a road. Julia made her way to the levator and descended to floor B6. The Spire was tall as it reached for the heavens, but that was only the half designed for windows that let in natural light. Much of the industry and administration of the Heirs took place either beside the Spire, or underneath it. Contrasted to the bright, sleek white walls adorned with the occasional potted plant or painting you could find above, the Spire basement levels were light grey, and sterile feeling. The lights were harsher and yet somehow dimmer than ahe lights above. Julia eventually found the heavily armoured monolith that was the SDS Headquarters entrance, at the dead end of a particularly long corridor. She approached the gate, pressed her hand to the palmprint pad and stared into the retina scanner. After almost a minute of waiting the gates swung open by themselves and she walked into the reception area. She approached the desk attendant, who spoke before Julia could open her mouth. "Ms. Purnama is expecting you, Ms. Kray. Please take the elevator to the tenth floor," The attendant greeted, glancing up from her magazine to look at Julia for barely a second before looking back down at her magazine. "And place leave your gun in the designated tray." Julia clicked her tongue and unholstered her gun into the basket beside the front desk, before taking the elevator up to Xiang's office. She enters the door, a little stiffer than she was last night. Likely on account of the environment and atmosphere. Looks like her 'work mode' was significaly different from her casual attitude, even if she was still clearly not an Heiress or a businesswoman. [color=7893E7]"So, you wanted to see me, Xiang,"[/color] Julia stated. [@Kumbaris]