[i]Additions to lore by THE ADORATION[/i] [hider=The Village of Mirynkat] The mountain village of Mirynkat is the largest of a chain of small towns that dot the interconnected lakes of the Old Teeth, a steep range of green, white and gray. It owes its size and prosperity to a few factors: natural resources, technology and positioning. The first is the easiest to comprehend, because all communities on the mountains can take easy advantage of the bounty they provide: lumber aplenty, abundant fish and game, and mineral resources for those with the ability to extract them. This is where the second point comes into play: owning to the original settlers - a conclave of Iron Word smiths and advocates, enterprising local tradesmen and a handful of lesser nobles from the Winter Court - the facilities of the town are far above their neighbors. Lifts powered by squat mountain ponies help bring goods and visitors from below, while well-maintained canals enable easy transport of raw materials from those higher up, and both the mines and the forges of the village are of a quality that would normally only be found in a large city. This highlights the final point: positioning; it is perfectly situated at the largest and most abundant lake, with many streams feeding down to it from above and many streaks leading from it to below, making it the perfect point for trade between the lowlands and the high places. Beautiful, stately houses dot the lake shore - a lake so brilliantly and perfectly blue as to be almost indescribable to those who have not lived beside it - belonging to the wealthiest of the town's residents, many of which are descended from the First Families. At night the mountainside is alight with the fires of the forges and the many inns, taverns and households that make up the town. It is a warm and busy oasis in what would otherwise be wilderness. The history of the town is not entirely blessed, however. The buildings which stand now are the New Town, although only the oldest of the residents would call it such. Long ago a calamity fell upon the town. Some say it was melting glaciers from above, some say it was an intentional effort from rival towns higher up the range, some say it was a nature spirit roused to anger, but whatever the cause, the result was the same: fully half of Mirynkat was drowned and destroyed. The beautiful lake - Miryn itself - holds dozens upon dozens of buildings within its cold depths. On cloudless days when the sun is at its height, or when the moon is shining brightest, one could row out and see some of them - houses and churches, stores and taverns - suspended forever in time below the water. [/hider] [hider=The Iron Word] The Iron Word is an order of nonspecific religious creatives; those who make - smiths, potters, carpenters and more. Their guiding principle is that the act of creating and improving in the service of sentient life is a form of communion with a divine creator, the builder of all things. Their tenants disallow using their work to purposefully do harm, although self-defense is not forbidden. [/hider] [i]Character(s) played by THE ADORATION[/i] [hider=Roan] [b]Roan Norvell[/b] - or [b]Roan Lakeland[/b], as he travels by - is either the youngest son of the richest family in [b]Mirynkat[/b], or just an orphan from the high mountains, depending on who he's sharing with. He's the kind of muscular that comes from a good diet all of his life, the kind of tanned that comes from a lot of time spent on the road, and has a smile so quick and sharp you could spark a fire with it. His hair is black and wavy and on the longer end of short. His eyes are a dull, bleached blue. He dresses colorfully and moves confidently. His voice has a little croak to it that you might just think of as husky...until you see the ragged, ugly scar across his throat. He often talks and never sings, but adores the sound of song. He carries a large backpack of dark brown leather across his back packed full of this and that, odds and ends. His two most important possessions are a thick, tooled leather book locked three times which, so he says, can neither burn nor become ruined by water. The other is a small red drum, which he uses sometimes during his storytelling. He also wears a necklace covered in thin strips of leather that are used, at times, to trigger the pent up effects of his fable magic. [/hider]