[@Girlie Go Boom] I'll give you the run-through! Everyone is being introduced currently to the setting. Prince Flynn and Octavia's arranged marriage is beginning to become less tense Prince Flynn was interviewing Kira the blight born into Dawnhaven Olivia, a blgith born Queen, has arrived in Dawnhaven and is in the tavern socializing with the inn keeper Syraeia Syraeia is being taught by Sunni on how to do her job. Sunni is hiding away from Prince Flynn and Princess Octavia for a variety of reasons. Ivor came back from a hunt with food, yay! Orion is playing chess by himself and decided to leave his corridors, finally. Elara, the hand maiden to the princess, is listening to the princesses orders and heading to the inn. Olivia and Syraeia are talking and getting a little intimate when it comes to blight-born activities - most likely feeding off each other (aka Olivia feeding off Syraeia because Olivia is an emotional blight born) Royal knights and throne agents have arrived at Lunaris for suspicious reasons. Pleiades has currently returned to Dawnhaven and he is being a menace. Eris and Sunni are interacting because Eris is asking about her package and its status/arrival. Pleiades interrupted Eris and Sunni.