[hider=Yamato][indent][indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://d.furaffinity.net/art/raironu/1705959223/1705959223.raironu_rocco_final_1024_glazed.png[/img][/center] [color=yellowgreen]ɴᴀᴍᴇ[/color] Yamato Ogawa [color=yellowgreen]ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ[/color] Dinosaur Hero - [b]Tyrant King[/b] [color=yellowgreen]ʟɪꜰᴇᴛɪᴍᴇ[/color] 12-03-2110 · 16 [color=yellowgreen]ꜱᴛᴀɢᴇᴘʟᴀʏ[/color] Born to two Quirkless parents, Yamato was a [i]big[/i] surprise from his introduction to the world. His monstrous appearance as an infant, despite Quirks that change someone's anatomy aren't particularly rare, shackled him with prejudice and fear. He was growing fast and it became quickly apparent that he was going to be too strong for his own good, and much too strong for his parents to handle. But they did their best and raised him with peace and compassion at the forefront of their principles. This worked for a time, as Yamato seemed to have no violence in his heart and seemed immune to the looks and leers of those outside his family treating him like he was a villain in the making. But at the age of 7, when Yamato was already roughly the size of a grown man, an incident finally did occur. Though Yamato himself doesn't remember it well it was still a very formative experience: a sobering reality check that he was not only being judged on his appearance but that at any moment those judgements could be correct. That if he ever truly snapped the damage he could do might well be unforgivable. His strength came too naturally and though he was a calm spirit he was still very human on the inside, subject to the same emotions as anyone else. From that point on he began his training. Not of his body, but of his mind. To keep calm, to keep steady and in control. To master the art of walking on eggshells. Time goes by and like his parents had originally feared he was still growing bigger and bigger yet. Yamato had adopted a persona of sorts as a means of staying in control. The bad boy, full of confidence and attitude. And when you look like you came out of a horror movie it doesn't take much bravado to convincingly sell that image. But its all part of his internal balancing act, projecting aloofness as a defense against the inevitable naysayers that still treat him like a monster. It was perhaps inevitable that Yamato would end up becoming either a hero or a villain, ordained since birth with a Quirk like his, but while the choice remains his he [i]will[/i] be a hero. The gentle soul piloting all that muscle is determined to prove to not only himself but the whole world that even he can become a true hero. [color=yellowgreen]ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ[/color] [u]Precise Head Movement[/u] When you can't really use your arms for much you get pretty good at using your head. Yamato can actually use his mouth for holding a pen to write (with a respectable level of handwriting), opening doorknobs or handles, carrying objects, or even holding an egg between his teeth without cracking the shell! Even the strong can be gentle with practice. [u]Artist[/u] When nobody lets you play sports and you can't play videogames, you get into art! Yamato can paint by holding a paintbrush in his mouth and he's really come into his own avant-garde art style. And he has an impeccable singing voice, though he can be quite [i]loud[/i]. [u]Meditation[/u] What do you train when there are no weights heavy enough to give you a real workout? Your mind! Learning to control himself has been the number one priority since he was small and weak, in anticipation of the days to come. Yamato regularly meditates in his own unique way, as personal training and to also clear his mind when he feels his [i]rage[/i] starting to come through. [color=yellowgreen]ꜱᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴍ[/color] [u]Hero Costume[/u] Though calling it a costume is a bit of a stretch. Yamato dresses like a roughneck biker, complete with leather. There is no fancy technology boosting him, nor is it made of anything particularly durable or advanced. It helps cultivate his "look", and its relatively cheap which comes in handy considering how its pretty much just clothes and will get destroyed fairly easily. [u]Specialized Pen[/u] Just because he can barely use a normal pen doesn't mean he always has to. He keeps a large, novelty pen in his jacket that is just barely within reach of his arms. Meant to be comically oversized as a gag gift for normal humans, it allows easier use for Yamato over a normal-sized pen. Perfect for writing on paper, or typing on a keyboard or touch pad. Lightly chewed. [color=yellowgreen]Qᴜɪʀᴋ[/color] [u]Tyrannosaurus[/u] – Metamorphosis [Repressed] The power and capability of Tyrannosaurus is self-evident. Yamato's body is like that of the predator of legend: a large, powerful body resembling a T. Rex. He towers over normal humans, he has a thick hide that resists cuts, dense muscles that resist blunt force, and his thick tail is prone to accidentally knocking things (or people) over, and simply fitting through doorways generally requires Yamato to practically crouch. His head is large and solid with a large jaw full of sturdy, serrated teeth. He has a biteforce capable of crushing anything he can fit in his mouth. He also uses his head to bash things, as his strong skull and neck make him virtually immune to concussion and the like. His large eyes give him excellent vision, allowing him to see small objects at long distances and even see well at night. His large snout gives him a keen sense of smell. His legs are similarly large and powerful in order to support his own incredible weight. These strong legs aren't agile in the slightest but given a little time and distance he can actually build up a frighteningly fast sprint (but don't expect him to have the stamina for a marathon). His feet are also like a dinosaur's, with three digits topped with claws and thick pads on the underside that allow something of his weight to not sound like he's stomping around whenever he walks. Speed and dexterity are not Yamato's strong suits but those that expect this lumbering giant to be incapable of either might just end up surprised. His strength lies in his size, durability, and, well, strength. Of all the positives to this quirk there remains one, perhaps critical downside: Yamato's arms are significantly undersized for his body. While they are strong, for their size, they are too short to be useful for many things that most humans consider necessary or even mundane. Not to mention that instead of normal hands with five digits he only has two digits topped with sharp claws, further reducing what he can meaningfully do with the few things he can reasonably reach. Don't bully him too much for his little arms though: [i]Yamato is still growing[/i]. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider]