[color=darkgreen][b]Yajima Hikari[/b][/color] Nothing can properly convey how [i]insufferable[/i] Rin can get, but now she was conveying that fact perfectly all on her own. One could imagine what Mia’s reaction would have been if the Professor didn’t walk in, a punch to face maybe? [i]That would be too good.[/i] Hikari didn’t know anything about Ravens, well apart from that he’s a Pro Hero and now their Professor, well at least the professional teacher should be able to defuse the situation, right? [i]Wrong.[/i] Why did he open his mouth? Another prejudiced trash can, [i]add him to the shitlist.[/i] Hikari didn’t even care to look at the dorm assignments as the whole class was swiftly sent to detention, barring a lucky few, seems like a way for the Professor to not do his damn job. [quote]“Sir, thank you but I will take the detention.”[/quote] Jun, why did the Tournament Champion consider lowering herself with lowly mortals? To save face with the rest of the class? That would be smart. Because she did start this whole mess? Not a common response but definitely [i]heroic[/i]. Maybe Jun hates Prof. Danzo’s guts? That also Hikari can also respect. As everyone started walking out, she realized it was now the hard part of this whole ordeal, [i]getting up from the chair[/i], and she did, with the speed of a sloth but still. The best part of being the last to get out is seeing the hateful glaze on everybody’s face as they walk by Prof. Danzo, and she couldn’t but smile at the remarks of Kazuma and Yamagata. Hikari got to walk past the professor with a smug, but also worn out, face.