[right][sub]TIMESTAMP: 8:30AM / 4:30PM LOCATION: Hallway/Mr. Phoenix's Room/BHHS Field[/sub][/right] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240525/d8d4d66c6a4bd076651bbca2a5fa4fba.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dy6eXNr.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][color=lightgray]The few students that roamed the hallways of the cacophonous building might have been surprised by the blonde slowly making her way toward Mr. Phoenix’s homeroom class alone. The blonde could probably tell whoever was asking the names of 80% of them. After all, Emilia Seger knew so many people in Beverly Hills High that surely someone would be talking to her about their latest club that they wanted to set up, or a project that needed an extra little bit of a push. It was something she was happy to do, sampling all of the various pleasures that life in her later teenage years had to offer. It did mean that she had very little free time for herself, but she could rest when she was dead! Ariana wouldn’t stop for a second and neither would Emilia! Right now, however, it was all taken care of. That meant, for once, all that floated around the young woman’s head at the moment was the cold sensations hitting her brain and the sweet fixation hitting her tongue. All the jumbled things that bounced her brain, trying to figure out how to help who and what club needed what, were quiet. They were held down for the moment by the rush of cold sugar, cream and caffeine that went some way to explaining how the blonde managed all that energy she seemed to have for her many endeavors. The iced white chocolate mocha and croissant breakfast sandwich would serve as her fuel today, against her Gramma's best wishes. Too many preservatives, she would exclaim. A growing girl needed a strong start in the morning, and that meant oats, berries and a black cup of coffee. It was a meal that sustained generations through the winters in Sweden and Minnesota. But there was usually no time for Emilia to make her own breakfast, not only because of her many duties around the school, but because she was often at the whims at whichever member of her primary friend group was giving her a ride to school. Emilia could drive herself, but she made a commitment to the Green Group to cut down on the amount of times she drove her Mazda. For some reason, today’s ride needed to be at school early today. And he craved Starbucks, so deciding to take advantage of that stop and grab a quick meal was an easy call to make. People might think the weirder decision was who she accepted the ride from today. Some people would never understand why Emilia would still be friends with her ex-boyfriend even after he moved on from her for some guy, but AJ Tyler had qualities that weren’t quantified by mere relationship details. Emi had been through a lot with the boy who dare not be called by his first name. He was one of the first people to be kind to her when she moved to California at the age of 8, without the knowledge of why she had just arrived in the Golden State, and that friendship continued throughout the rise in grades. While AJ’s interest in cars was growing, Emilia did her best to go full speed with him, even as her interests drifted like a dandelion seed on the wind. Emilia is nothing if not loyal. To a fault, people would argue at times. The second AJ arrived at the school, he said he had to run off to do something else. Emilia asked what it was, but she was given the usual “Don’t worry about it” in response. Then AJ was gone, speeding off to somewhere else. There was no chance of Emilia keeping up with him, so she took him at face value. If he said it was fine, it was probably fine. The value of that earned loyalty AJ received left her walking the hallway by herself, mocha in hand, but it would be fine. Surely he would be fine. However, when she finally arrived in the homeroom to make sure her perfect attendance mark was still intact, she did not spot AJ. Clearly even after making her rounds, it wasn’t enough time to deal with whatever it was he needed to deal with. That was fine. Although the absence of another boy did leave her with something to worry about. She hoped nothing was wrong with Ethan. Despite what a lot of people said when Emilia told them the Green boy had started making moves towards her a couple months after her and AJ broke up, she was glad she eventually relented and gave him a chance to show her he wasn’t the person all those rumors said he was. The people who still whispered in the hall about what Ethan and his buddies got up to weren’t getting to her. She was used to others doubting her taste in boyfriends. After all, AJ didn’t have the best reputation either. They didn’t know the Ethan that she got to know. The guy who hid such a sensitive soul underneath all that money-family bravado. All those sweet texts he would send while she was doing homework at night. Sure they didn’t go on dates EVERY weekend, but a guy does need his space from time to time. Emilia wondered if that was why AJ eventually pulled away from her in that regard. Maybe it was too much time together, familiarity breeding boredom. Was that why he wanted Jamie instead? No. People can’t help the way they are. She knew that. They had a talk about that after AJ confirmed his feelings. It wasn’t what Emilia wanted, but she couldn’t argue it. [color=FFFF1E][i]This is what happens when my mind is left to wander. I’ve got too many things in here.[/i][/color] A final sip of her drink before it hit the trash can steadied her mind for the moment. Emilia did pick up a new thought though. The work she had did for the Earth by hitching a ride with AJ today was probably undone by the non-reusable cup that she used. [color=FFFF1E]“Shoot,”[/color] she cursed under her breath as she moved to take her seat. At least she was somewhat prepared for the chaos of the day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emilia managed the day pretty well. At least she believed it enough to be true. She did get an answer to where Ethan was at the very least, the text still present on her screen: [code]Hey sweetheart, I’m shopping for my party. Let me know if you want anything. I hope you have someone to keep you company during the game. Kisses. See you tomorrow.”[/code] Nothing new had popped up since, not that Emi noticed. She was too busy helping with the setup for the game. As a senior, she didn’t have to man concession booths anymore, but she still liked to check in before the game to make sure the juniors were up to the task. The Cooking Club could use a new Dutch Oven, and the sales from homecoming would give them that and then some. Countless groups benefited from the sales of merch to the alumni coming back to BHHS for a refresh of their wardrobe, a size up or down depending how the respective binge-eating or surgeries went. Everything appeared to be in order. So all that was left was for Emilia to find someone to sit down with and actually watch the game... Easier said than done.[/color][/indent][/indent]