[Url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2901167]Character Sheet[/url]
Name: Beigeiros
Race: Goliath
Class: Paladin, Oath of the Ancients
Background: Outlander
[Hider=Backstory]Beigeiros's tribe came to the Outer Planes long ago by a simple well meaning mistake. The tribe had come upon hard seasons where game had become scarce. They grew desperate trying to find new hunting grounds. After managing a trade of services as guards by members of the tribe no longer wanting to stay with the tribe, the druid of the tribe managed to secure an item required for a spell. This spell would supposedly take the tribe to lands where game would be plentiful and with much to explore. 

Initially only nine went to investigate and make sure that this new land would be a good place for the tribe. Seven days after the exploration group left the lead druid returned ready to start transporting the remaining tribe members over to the new lands. She spoke of tall mountains, groves  of trees with plenty of game, and a strange spire that climbed into the sky that could be seen in the distance.

After the rest of the tribe had been brought to the new lands, they started to explore their new home world in earnest. For several years the wandered the Outlands, wandering from one location to the next, from one gate town to another. Many of the gate towns struck them as strange places with beings that many did not recognize.  Eventually the tribe settled, though remained somewhat nomadic, in the lands of Tir Na Og. 

Through out the years members of the tribe would join the Plane Tenders, those who resided in Tir Na Og before the wandering group of Goliaths. Beigeiros was among these, though the path he took was different than most. He had grown up hearing the tales of heros of old who swore oaths to protect life, and doing good above all, many of which were from the world that many of the ancestors of the Plane Tenders came from. As a youth he held a fascination for these kinds of people and wanted to be a hero like those in these tales.

Beigeiros started training with various weapons, seeming to favor polearms and warhammers. In time he learned how to best use them to redirect and reduce the intensity of a strike against those he was with. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday he took a roll within the Plane Tenders as a namer serving as a squire to a sectoral.  Later, closer to his nineteenth birthday, he went through the initiation ritual and swore his oath to protect life, preserving nature, and stand against beings that seek to warp living things into twisted monstrosities or to consume all life. From this point on Beigeiros continued to work with the sectoral he squired for, going wherever he was needed, serving as escort for higher ranking members of the Plane Tenders in their travels or aiding in expeditions to lands that need the help of the Tenders.

Beigeiros was in Sigil at the time of the disappearance on an errand. Word of Tir Na Og's disappearance got to him there. He quickly started looking for other Tenders that were in Sigil to ensure their safety as well as to start to gather information on the event.[/hider]
[Hider=Personality]Very boisterous and generally happy most the time. Tends to be overprotective of those he deems friend. He does think more highly of himself and his importance.[/hider]
[Hider=Appearance] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/aa354a86-4d0e-43eb-b69c-c7a8e5488c2f.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider]