[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Kanako glanced around at the other students, most of whom were practically fuming with frustration and anger. Her posture shifted, shoulders hunching slightly and her head tipping down to make her look smaller. To her nothing could possibly be worse than being stuck in a room with a bunch of really [i]really[/i] pissed off students. She hadn't been paying enough attention at the start of the conflict to really know what the hell was going on. Well, she'd been listening, but just listening and actually paying attention were very different. She'd really only started paying attention after the gunshot. She had pretty much nothing to go off of from before that point, except something about Yusuke insulting the class and everything spiraling from there. Literally nothing had gone right today. She could deal with consequences, even if she didn't know what she'd done wrong in the first place, but [i]fine[/i], it wasn't like the rest of the world was fair, she didn't know why she'd expected this place to be any different. What she couldn't deal with though, is being stuck in a room with the rest of the very, very, [i]very[/i] angry class, if someone so much as said one wrong thing she knew at least two students who might just snap. If that did happen, which wasn't likely, but still a possibility, her plan was to stay out of the way and hope she didn't get picked out as a target for whoever had snapped. Although, after her match in the sports festival she couldn't really pretend she was just some harmless mute girl anymore. Everyone knew what she was capable of, even though her quirk wasn't that flashy, it was still absolutely terrifying in every sense of the word. Staying under the radar and pretending to be a nobody might not be a viable option if push came to shove. She decided to keep trying to keep her head down anyways. She could see so many ways this could go horribly wrong. Maybe it could be chalked up to paranoia, but knowing that a fear was irrational wouldn't stop her from being afraid anyways.