[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] It seemed they would be fighting this war without scouts then. Hang Jebat was no strategist or master of war, but even he knew that trying to fight a war without eyes or ears, blind and deaf to the enemy’s movements and intentions, was a futile endeavour. They couldn’t assume the others in this war were equally hindered after all and must assume that their enemies would be aware of them and suitably prepared. [color=007236]“If we cannot locate our enemies, then we must either wait for them to appear before us or force them out into the open.”[/color] To wait for the opponent to reveal themselves and strike while they were out in the open, or reveal themselves and see who took the bait. [color=007236]“Either we make ourselves a target and surrender the initiative to the opponent, preparing as best we can, or we stay hidden and prepare to make sure we are ready to strike when an opportunity presents itself.”[/color] [@Iamme]